Show NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U B land office at vernal may 9 1923 notice I 1 la hereby given that harriet M goodrich of vernal utah WW on june 19 1918 made enlarged homestead entry under act of at february 19 1909 1009 no tor for BEIA BE NW N SW BW BW section 25 township Towne hip 2 S rant randia 23 E salt aake meridian has filed aled notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before the register of the united states band land office at vernal utah on the day of juno june 1923 claimant names as witnesses william P F haneon hanson george A blaugh john glines alln ea ernset eaton all of vernal utah ALBERT HALEN register date of first publication i may 1 11 1923 date of completion of publication li june 8 1928 19 28 |