Show the big contest contes on uintah county fair new news note notes your community cede needs your help 0 right BOW now the core ot of he the reservation country against the askley valley cora com will be tabulated aa an follows farm bureau member 00 points ea each farm bureau member at fair each oh day points dally daily each local boys bers and girls club 1900 1000 each finished club project points each blue ribon won by local points each red ribbon won by local CO 69 points each white ribbon won by local 26 2 each individual exhibit by local 10 points each individual exhibit of horsa horses and raulee mules points badh individual exhibit of cattle sheep and goals a points each individual ez exhibit hIbIt of poultry hops hogs etc points bach individual enrolled enro erro ro leek for sports points bach local band of or tea pieces or more 1000 points winner of at football eramo game points winner of at girls basket ball game club members 1000 points winner of boya bors club basket ball bell game 1000 points winner of wrestling match 1000 points winner ol 01 mile foot race 1000 points atta toce coa cos teet toot wed 04 4 Ys Y idt ketel ond aves 60 50 of the tk and aurini the takk month sad ad june it to 0 o a X great extent santons ef ot er our county fair all ibe the various clubs 1 should be br by july it at af 1 awny many projectile bhoj acte IL remember Rem eaber that the 1 early bird iway arrive presidents ef of lecate houie be at H getting go boosi leaders lea dere the aft et a eon ie Is of 0 akal A community 11 by aad teh sod ad omd 1 ya pa ettes geta gets nowhere where Bo shake yourselves 1 tot to t gecher life ie to too amort short and atai alss als s err too plentiful for anysee te to I 1 eater such suck conditions the football game gains to tee be played on the last day of the fair 1 the ate an askley valley will bo be hot stuff ad so points for the winning side ahk balse will be aae 0 of tr the mot leae of at the fair and yet tee ten barta arm bu bureau cau members will maack the au winning aide side equal points thet blettle of ashley valley will le be briedt to tho the limit for indian bloed stood will toll tell if tho twelve locale BOW now organized organised organ sed led balth have efty members mea ibers la in the boys aad and girls clubs that will make a total of six hundred enough to make a very tory air fair indeed should a local fall to measure up la in club work it f aile te to do its in its but enough eald said no local abail fell WI J splendid leaders are available te in er ery community 0 |