Show FARM department the successful fanner farmer of today antwork and work value of records to the fanner farmer dy by J S PART III in using such record records as an an aid to future plane plans hasty conclusions should not be drawn nor should snap a judgments bo be taken the fact that tho the or the corn crop brought la in the most net money last year jg is no reason for that all the activities ot of the farm henceforth should ho be devoted to tho the solo sole purpose tle of a bok or corn raising it may bo be that tho the keeping of cows was partly d for matinzi tho the hag s so productive of not cash or A that the growing of wheat clover or other crops la in rotation with corn mado made the latter crop much more profitable than it would have been if crown grown alone similar conditions condl tlona will be met on all farm and therefore ther eforo no sudden changes should bo be maido mado on the basis of what a few accounts may show on the other hand a years will occasionally indicate that something ie is radically wrong will show where tte fb net expenses of one ono farm enterprise ie to a groat great drain on the net cash returns made by the otheral all abases iba ees of such an enterprise ter prise should be carefully studied and unless the loss can be assigned to some reason euch such as a bad sea son temporarily adverse market conditions dit ions epidemics or similar unusual conditions it may often be dropped with profit comparison of the annual figures year yar by year Is another source of profit from the use of since by such comparison a true prospective and insight into the make mak makeup u up D of the business Is guined uso of or an annual inventory inex antory the term inventory la is used to designate a list of property pro and such a list raade malde annually Is a most important and useful record in any system of accounting the inventory la Is absolutely essential an a upon if it ta is based tho the divi blon of ono one years busi business nesA irom from another A farm inventory Is 1 simply what the land 1 buildings equipment live supplies and produce on hand araj worth at the time the inventory Is made together with amount of cash on band hand and money owing to and owed by the farmer it ia in a hat list of tarm property and farm debts d it corresponds to tho stock taking which every merchant doeg does periodically tho the oseg of inventory aro are I 1 important part and varied As an pro previously piously stated it ia is tho the basis upon which in built the superstructure of accounting sy taken alono alone it will sho show a farmer exactly what ho he la Is worth and will bo a ft guarantee g of solvency and an aid in securing cred its aad loana loans from the bank in time of need the inventories for two dates a year apart show whether progress or at retrogression haj occurred during year and definitely measure tho the dowrey of at the change taken in conjunction with a cash account for tho the year the inventory shows how much bag has been made by farming to what extent the per bonal and household expenses ex have offset profeta ts it also gives a much betters insight into the income pro deuced by each farm department as a de creado in faven inventory tory badue of at hogs for instance may offset to some extent what from the ca cash sh account looks like a very largo large income from that source or vice versa cost records Ke cords the foregoing discussion has embraced simple record keeping the tho accounts described deal almost exclusively clu with facts about the farm as a whole as a unit and serve to compare this years business with that of last year or the year before in order to keep acco accounts with the parate ee enterprises however to show the factors of coat cost and the returns of each and what each one gains or lonias cost accounts are aro sary cost records while of or great use it correctly assembled and Inteli intelligently gently lod can only bo be obtained by tho the outlay of consid emble time lima and attention to detail A man who works hard at manual labor alt all 41 day ar can very bakely find the timo time and seldom hag has tho the inclination to so set t doarn dally daily all the minutiae necea noces eary nary to complete coat cost account accounts in cost record records there are added to the inventory and cash account labor records corde re teed food records supply sup ply records crap crop yield and animal production records which when tho the amount of time noa necessary sary to summarize sum marizo and distribute tho indirect cofta coms is considered si require much more moro attena lion than con can ordinarily be given only where tho the conditions seem to assure that tho the accounts will be pushed through tho the year t to of a suc conclusion should cost accounting countin pl be begun detailed accounts begun beguin and abandoned are worse than time and labor thrown away they anre apt to give the idea tha there theres as no uso use in keeping any records whatever er however Howo vor cost data daa systematically recorded summarized and year by year aro of the utmost value to any farmer whose circumstances permit him to obtain them the labor records will show just how much labor and team work Is required by each crop on tho the farm and the time of tho the season in which it Is required thoy they show what prop proportion of the labor Is in devoted to work that produces income and the very considerable amount that Is consumed by odd jobs on every farm the proportion that labor costa ig Is of tho the total la in the production pro duo of all farm crops and stock is brought out and aio number of days of at man and horse borse tabor abor necessary to produce aoi an acre of aay azy crop or to care for any animal for a year |