Show assessment increased over half million VINTAH COUNTY REGAINS LOSS OP PROPERTY VALUES BUFFERED IN THE TIM LAST TWO YEARS tho the statement of values on tho the 1923 assessment rolls as sent to the state auditor by asesor james M shaffor shaffer show an increased assessment over 1922 of the greatest difference Is 2336 8 on sh caused by an increase of 2 per head assessment on range sheep fixed by the state board of equalization the other increase is accounted for by the difference in classification of land values being worked out in the past few years and also more taxable acreage added year by year the total assessment Is for 1923 compared with for 1922 the total land assessment Is for 1923 and in 1922 nearly 2000 acres were added this year unimproved land decreased over acres waste lands increased over in valuation the total live lock stock in the county Is ls head with a valuation of against 71 hwd in 1922 with an assessment of range aro arc nearly the same number while range cattle decreased over domestic sheep increased over head hogs hoge decreased over 6 head improvements in town lots and acreage show a slight increase being total in 1923 and in 1922 the personal oro property perty tax totals in 1923 and in 1922 bank values increased over and all outer items a slight decrease dee rease |