Show who ino wants an imitation WOULD 0 U LD you call on your local rn merchant er C h ant and ask him for imitation sugar or raisins raisins or coffee would you ask as k him to sell you a pair of shoes s 0 es made of something ma I 1 just as good as leather or a suit of clothes made for ts a man whether or not it fits you get the genuine genum e international R repairs afas when you need repairs for your I 1 H C farm equipment buy the genuine re pairs see that this trademark trade mark appears on each piece pie genuine I 1 H C repairs are made from the original pat patterns tenis all 0 others are copied from copies genuine I 1 H C zile repairs are made of the same material have the same finish nt fit as accurately and wear just as long as similar parts purchased with the original implement ori or machine rM chine we are the authorized Autho I 1 H C dealers 4 there is is one certain an and d infallible way to secure genuine I 1 H C repairs buy the them from r rom us and remember that international se service mcc rendered by us can only be per cent right when international Inte mationg machines are am equipped N with genuine international rc repairs pairs L H 81 1 vernab UTAH IL vv I 1 it lt 0 ih q ia i 0 the membership drive is is now li ll Y on for new new member in the i 11 1 rf v 1 Vernal ve Commercial atOm mercial club Anitia initiation tion fee reduced to J 4 4 t t t 0 t i d 4 po w 1 f 11 for this drive hr w f ak i A t r 7 A vernal commercial club sins for the of MIA county A new shi shipment ement a of f FACTORY MADE CASKETS prices to suit purse am in the undertaking business and solicit your patronage 4 will care for i bodies and will take care of funerals plenty of homo home made caskets PAA corn licensed undertaker and embalmer r Ns swain ilessie dauman awatt e vernal utah o 0 phone 97 x t vernal cavilling cA light co pany oat vernal drug co cos I 1 k COOLEST IN I 1 TOWN P 1 como come in and try ouia icci donn u cream crean bodas odas and dont forget that we have x C chocolate ice Cre creamy amran and 1 A i 40 0 0 orange herbet 41 4 1 I 1 w jr r awe ladeby by CALDER BROS A a r i A S |