Show willcox academy program Pro iraln monday and tuesday nights the junior department of tie the W willcox academy will present a two act farce comedy monday evening may 28 at the congregational church thero are 9 characters leona gurr weldon bullock henry er or essle doa does cora burgeis burgees Bur gees gesso urma bearrd agnes Schaefer meyer olen hunting and june lewis the senior graduation commencement exercises will be held hold tuesday evening at st the congregational church tere ara 9 graduates both clan classes will receive their diplomas on this evening on sunday may 27 principal G A downey will delivery deliver a baccalaureate sermon before the graduating classes monday and tuesday afternoon and evening may as 28 and 29 an exhibit of Do domestic mertic science manual training tru ining department and scientific research will be held in the academy building the public Is cordially invited I 1 to attend all exercises and the exhibits |