Show t1 - ' i ' - - i 44t" t - 1' 1 - k i - - fe r 1 4" t 4 Vbe ginit gake Zeibutle Sunday Morning They hued But Live Again! - deptirs ( - ttit - Aunt Libby Rockwell's Doggone Dogs And Their Lonely Cemetery Beside the Historic Overland Trail (4N foe 14144P" "77 ' '- - '" 114 " i we ' - li It' loz T A 41 I a Itti 11110 IP' "'10 (44001k1 711: 61'slc 1 t' 111'140 i P t t $ ' -- "mow :7F e- sl 1 1 i ' 1 t It - : ) r rota:4-4czyr-lo-or- Lil:aiIL go 4m - - 1 0 ( --Ar4 IP— A k 011 1 olh it :II I 0 t: ' 4 't itk 4- ir 01 ' PCc1r1 TIE? 4W 4( roe" er - August 31 1911 - i - - - 7 ts 6 - 1 f t I 1:' 1 t 0 4 4!' 1 k 0 0 1 Tv I t 6 01' i t ea 0 i 1' ' 0 1 'Oy it - It - 4 - 1( - ' ' 41 C - 0- - ' 2 ? iv ilat - iroo - 1 -' i 1 t '6 :1 : s t t 1 4kf t 1 1 ' ' '! 4 i I l' k - - - - '‘ '' - 4 - i - - - t- 04 --— - i f r dh '0 - -- s I i116444dm044644 - On460444441461P414MO44r- —as - cal man for that day and altogether an admirable character He weighed 250 pounds and made his rounds C' a buckboard or over the county-iIN and drove an old white horse buggy I -s-v he- - called Crowder Anyway the I at il-nnt for and that te be dOnneettorburtitu must his know that to 41'' patient la a dog or he won't 'Come - go a rider was sent:post haste for v N L Dr Dods requesting that he come N) r r ?- A ---to the Rockwell ranch at once to I 4 I 14 I see the sick hired man (Lift) Look- out Palm is about a mile from the ix '‘ ':7 -- -- 4 4 1 Rockwell ranch and thedoctor must 1 t i ' 46 ' ' I I ii Ilion come over this pass where he could ''''''14 ' 2 ' ' ' ' ' vv ' " :- 4 41 ' 116" i 7 : ji riev 1 ' be easily seen Mrs Rockwell in- ' li gale"' ' 4 - ''''' ! 'to ( ic" l!' 446 1 a: 't ' t st t 11371111niro structed iilt ' Lige to carefully watch the 7 ' S J : ' ' ' ' 0 t ' VIMit '' II 4 ' as soon as the doctor ap' 4 4 and g ir 4 4 ?ass r 1 109n:-4 4wwo ''' : Joule ' t O: 'IV 0 -- el ' :I peared he (Lige) must go at once t to bed and pretend illness After r""'''''''' '1 number of hours of anxious watch- - Ast tA o' ful o 71 waiting the faithful old doctor --- 4' on the horiton and Lige ' appeared 14 116I immediately took to his bed He ' a v04 1 had not long to wait for the doctor call was 0 I understandinghisthat theto old 1 Crow- ' whip plied urgent t a down of this on mile last - - der grade ' '--"a ""''''1 1 41 ? 4w 1 The distance soon was covered and - ':f ' ' 4 allio11 the doctor grip in hand was at the -t '' ' 't ''' AP bedside of the patient Lige being ' 4 - e and of rather more than did not give the )physique ordinary A 1 ' doctor's experienced eye the 'mores- sion Of being extremely ill So after ‘ a number-odo t 404 questions from the doe- t 006-to tor which Lige answers were ' 4 at evasive and indefinite the I rather I - 144 doctor proceeded to take the pa-I "or ' ' 4' 4 ''r—" :t CT 4 't I r t 4 7 tient'S temperature and pulse and '44i -- ' '14 - 1 ' -- 4 ''i a general physical examine- ‘ t make - 0e ' fo b 0 ' ' t ' 4e i -'-''t all of which was of a negative tion L Then making a final aur ' 1 41 character 11:-' ' of his patient he delivered him vey : 41 ! yell as follows: '''' "By the great gods of war man ' 4 ' - d- --h ere ain't a Gt thing the ti : ' t I v 44- What with hell did 1°1'4 ' ' the matter you! f ' i V SI Pk: k : A Ifrite-- v A I -te I come out here for?" At this June --0' 4) t 7 4 ' ' 4 c'ee' 0' i "vo '4 -01210 - '- 1 4 ' ture there was no concealing facts "' i - 47 1r 0 0' S ' 4A t011 b 1 0 bof' ' 0 ' i 1 co II ' 'r ti 0 ? tt) any longer and Aunt Libby was t i! i ':' ‘440 goy!se It I ' fi ' i i ' If to come to Lige's rescue v( 4l' forced ' t- ' 7: 1 i 4 4 l'itmow ' ---4-' A "Doctor" she said "now as long t 4 i : 4r- 'I 110‘ i 1 ii 'lb -4 Ai wEd :g as you're here one of my pet dogs re p- -- 4' 1 ' 14 f eft :1-I : ' v I's' A A r'qb 11 is dangerously sick" To which the I ' 4 1t1 e'''"k'( i111) di ' ' C doctor '''' 4 00 4 replied and that in not the t' f et 1 kA444' ' le L 1 tone of voice: most '' : p happy 4 4 t ' ' IN: t t)11 dt1 rt have I come all this t Pi out here Just to see a damned trit way I nt o 4064414! sick ring!" wk ‘ ' ' tg' '''''' Aunt Libby assured him that she t '' 4 was perfectly willing and expected have been offered One is that - A t Aim f' - 41:17:1"- - 44 I ik S it t ite 4:4' 4 to pay ftn the long trip which of vsg:40"01 " "e1r from thiemdbritain past (Lookout) l le'4"it'1' ''4 couree The dottor very well knew one gets a bigger broader and more The tearful appeal of Aunt Libby Aove scsttered remnants ot pioneer dog cemetery a s scene appeared about stx months Igo Upper 'eft expansive View of the west with its desert and mounteins stretching insisting that he alone could save present appearance since restoratioh Top right b ronte marker set into front of cemetery wall the life of her poor suffering dog away and away until all is lost in oon reached the big heart of the S the blue mis of the distance An and he turned his attention doctor other is that at this polnt and this WW1 In those days her two favorites Josephine BonkIt obtainable you go!" filth teemed to doghouse -- to real the west the Where the patient and did all he really begin underttand and with reluctance and with the same care hintel by some of the ranch hands found parte and Jenny Lind These she necessary tun shines brighter the skies are would rettirn to his own dish dirgust he would have and en short took with her thoroughness bluer and clearer and the moon ond that the dogs had a little the "edge" frequently We He didn't like the doghouse taken for a human patient When stars at night present a beauty and over the hired 'men on the quer ton and were commonly spoken or this Journeys claim then being spresnion all was done and direettons given for splendor known only to the desert In support of this stateof food of as Mrs Rockwell's two little "in the doghoupen for Aunt toibby after care the doctor Was ready for What an: outleok pr Lookeut on ment we might rehearse 'the story bitches Hoc well unless you can beat it Bishop no doubt had Ilia him long d ilve home the starry heaVens vt night! A third of Lige rtritins who lived with the of because conferred him ' title upon III "Now doctor" said Aunt Libby as is and more human explanation Rockwell' for a number of years some distinctive qualities such as I rday by (ley and week by "how Inuch do I owe you for your follows: to we shall have octittion and whom leedershim appearance wilco in (limtime services?" week4 (missed end by pleasantly trip At the 'time the Itnekwella lived to refer spin later On one certain ing or it fevorite with the opposite and Aunt Libby Jaithlully devoted The doctor IIINWITC11 "One hun- there and this was after the Pony neetaion Mrs Rockwell der:ded to see much the slime as OIMOntf human ranch her time to her dred dollars!" Aunt Libby immedimake a trip to Oakland Cal to Express rim et '60 and '61 the OverThe title of "Dishop" in twenbeinge for housekeeping robking:coring ately handed him five shining a was Lime land stage opera:ed only in limited visit her people there and those days evep more than at presof her coin realm ties anti the the entoyinegold derling being rotting left in charge of the ranch and more way and traffic of all kittds over the ent carried with it certain special in those days and the doctor was little doge and smoking her pipe the as for old trail had dwindled to a mere be to not chaperon parLicularly privileges and 'dignity on his way home no doubt feeling time and between Any lett-ov- er ithedow of what it once wilt the dogs nefore leaving Aunt Libby and all the circumstances Ignored when to Horace devoted the that he had saved the 114 of the pet times ROckwells Horace and his brother laid in an ample rupoly of food for indicate that Bishop was no comhe was at home end to the one ot brought joy and happiness to dog both deg and men during her abPort operated : eitensive horse mon ordinary dog more hired men The dogs played Aunt Libby and last but perhaps ranches in the icinity and also in sence and gave Lige special instrucWe shall pass the others by for not least had been well paid Doe and berked and ate and slept and the vicinity of Government Creek tions about the este of hkr precious ma their adeposold of tors are frequently less well paid exercise sake took such the big except brevity about 30 miles farther to the southcanines about as follows: lie was the both in money- satisfactidn or apwould permit What more Could Toby- Tyler ity west To persons who might be "Now Lie be sure you don't for the pack for? !Jut dog's Ma like and wish The doctor's treatment foghorn dogs predation or in mules run lofting for lost lotto to be entirely satisfactory was on duty 24 hours a day and my pets See that they have a homan'e doeiet neglect and always proved this locality this advice from the and the pet dog soon recovered for plenty to cat and don't let Illehep Bishop in keeping smoothly They hive accident4 muslept outdoors wite was frequenly Oven: "Lookoff at night with the coyotes sick tter from heat and :cold and was his grey which Aunt Libby was forever gratetitle with prone frequently out for Port RockwElli" 'Now I am ' and tometimes die 1 ord make sure they are sill in their to assume rather more tuthority than ful and she never neglected art op net saying foe a certainty that either beds at the proper hour No metter end occasion considered On thedailv Aunt the proper following Libby portunity to praise the doctor for or any of' thise suggesions are rewhat has to be left undone don't his skill and ability some little chastiting at times beround of happiness at the Rockwell name but anysponsible km the came necessary ranch was suddenly changed th one neglect my dear 1141e dolga" IV Ordinarily this way Lookout is the setting for the assured her the dogs would of ssdnets and apprehension ag poor consisted of a mild reprimand or Lige With the passage of time dogs beloved and Aunt of her Libby story be given every attention and her little hand slaps When more severe little Portia had become dangerously like us humans grow older and clop Jenny Line JOreghine Borawithes fully carried out but as the became necessary Bishill We Rockwell was plunged into' punishment life span being shorter in the their was his Aunt little sorrnw patte Dirhop Toby Tyler Alack of and (ear as t9 the deepest Libby story goes op was temporarily deprived course of events the ranks natural tioxie and: others more than out of sight when Lige her recovers' The poor little dog freedom by being confined in a large Aunt of Libby's pets must soon addressed himself to the pack of It wou'd seem frem those who goods box where he had time to doily grew worae 'instead of better This she well knew broken be canines committed to his care aboUt brood over his misconduct and perMott vs' to be thine? know that Aunt Libby's dogs exas one or more of her precious and no in as little doubt henleasi follows: which were all small "I mei let my poor hurt chance repent cept Toby- Tyler to show unmistakable lie herr and die:" (The dail'aI 4 caninesof began 'Now you damn little - — and size and were of the Illack and Tan both hig pride and dienity This pet of age she infirmities the signs — of --- - you are Just goin to Aunt Libby called being "in the dogcorditirm was touch that only a doc- : They were so fat that it variety even at the was grieved deeply I a want on rare her' eat were row eottld and what from life doctor tor Nave don't occasions Such was with difficulty they could get house" thought of when she would bedemtsst be had no matter the Cost) as the punishment hurt her and that means you too Toby you however about and carry on the ordinary ' prived of any one of them None must — more than it did the dog I have been eatin' after Still "Lif!e" PP Id Aunt:Libby "We told affairs of a dog's life All except could be spared—she loved them all cerhere Dr a Dods and in for the house—each send in get assuming enough!" Tcbi Tyler stept Bishop persisted himi Could a mother spare one of her you longmint as Noon ao poosible" have carried out to a tain degree of privilege and superihail a separate bed in an armchair Not easier could Aunt children? tlut Dr Dods lived in Tooeletlsome with an especially designed sleeping degree atleast his threat to put the ority At mealtimes he would freone of her cherished spare Libby bad were a ell on occuown roads dish and for his when leave milet diet The knew and each away help cushion and reducing dogs quently Dut death comes to was companions kind trovel and had others was of to the Aunt Libby returned himself the planter what the especomplained Toby Tyler pind his own bed we will or not and all vhether Dods Dr slow et best Atthis time a big rough and ready mongrel and loudly to Lige that her dogs were cially in the case of Roxie who one beautiful spring morning the much thinner and poorer than when seemed of a rather netiring nature (William neve Dods') was th only was amoly able to take care of himDread Harvester entered the Rock II was doctor in Tooele Tounty and Bishop learned to take advanshe left but Lige intisted that they Ite lived outside acting as self well home Poor dear little noels would had a real character served! time eat had been given all they tage of her But hot so with Josie night watch Ind sentinel When he Lwas found dead in her bed had an some as like other practiced for cared otherwise to and and army surgeon almost an alarM the Jenny—they according nightly gave ilt not unexpected and locations of though a In entirely number be to frontier a Then to followed femalesrefused of orders pether little imposed upon of coyotes the pack howlinginside-wouland a shock as came poor to ateustomed was great When Diction even by a bishop riod of petting increased diet or plo thoroughly almost raise the fatties Aunt Libby was so overcome by neer life and coprtitions he was would crowd in and proceed to gobforced feeding and other motherly roof with: their noisy threats of meet the event that it WEIS several hours Libcould and and Aunt wl-s-it allowance to Roxie's restore rourh were ble attentions their previous reedy up they would do if they of man before she could adjust hersell to as as a watchful wetl any who Whether emergency were eye rotund Lice served The always kept outside does gained by figures only use the loss Then she roused herself and could at mealtimes lie his a over as of canine her krew 'Tinnily the In same result food and day of meals the avoirdupois dogs' regular lanto the situation and wept a swear the in all would an shout: way still famreduced is as quesmasterly diet the open that served preparation dear little Roxie died at six "Now Dish you just get back to guage of the period No provocation tion ily etch one had his individual was nrsery it was part Of the o'clock this morning It is now four In naming her dogs Aunt Libby your own place ard eat your own dish and: all were given all they 'nedl times Ile was a 'Continued on Following Pagel selected world renowned names for grub and let Roxie alone or to the could possibly eat of the very best 1 11112 - f as1611 ! ca st 1 Lt 4 ---- - -- --- NO' - 44 4 '' 41 A- ' 1 1 L ‘4' k 4 - 0 4 4110 NO 41 - 4 ' wi-- ar1 - w 4 'MIA SpF :: -' '''' - ° 0 - ' !'k-4- -- - 4 - 1 '100 0 Ika00140 )h et44ort e 0 1 ww-- - 0 "' ) cy441 KOMM 411 - - 1 - - f" - 4 i - 4 t ' a 1:1 - -- 4 t''''' b "114 r k '"- 0110: -' - -- " 9 De W M Stookey' : - During the pioneer days of the '50s and '80s the Overland route or the Overland trail stretching its winditle course across mountain desert and plain for a distance of 2000 miles from the Mississippi river to the Pacific coast was the nation's commercial passenger mail express freight mining and military highway to the west Over this now abandoned and almost forgotten highway passed thoUsands of wagons laden with all manner of merchandise consigned to the Pacific coast or to the mines of Nevada or CaliThese great wagon trains fornia were drawn across this wild rough but interesting and fascinating country by tens of thousands of oxen mules and horses The great freighting firm of Russell Majors and Wa! '50s required dell alone in the later some 40000 oxen to take care et their freighting business over this t and Horses great western trail ' the Overmules necessary to operate land stages would run into thciusande Over this same trail in 1880 and 11381 dashed those fearless heroic and spectacular' Pony Express riders one of the outstanding historic events in pioneer history Numerous stations were established at suitabla intervals along this rough and rugged highway They were kept by men whose hearth knew no fear and whose courage was equal to tiny occasilimi that might arise thigedy danger and Emergency hardships were Tveryday events to sturdy feaszless frontier people Many intereating and exciting stories of happenings along the old trail have already been told and almost every station could- - furniali material for a thrilling gory But the one we have to relate is most The unique in pioneer history characters who played the parts both human and canine would now perha S be lost in the oblivion of time ere it not for the dilapidated roc w built by a pioneer woman to mark and preserve the graves of her beloved dogs which she loved as fondly as a mother This woman loves her children was Mrs Horace Rockwell widely and familiarly known as "Aunt -- the Libby" - if 'k ' At one of the desert stations on the Overland trail about a mile west of where the west begins lived for a number of years Mr and Mrs Horace Rockwell—he was the brother of the notorious Orin P Rockwell commonly known as Port Rockwell or "Old Port" who as a hcrseman and gunman probably had no superior Ile was Vigilante No 1 of the region and was known far and wide Ills very name brought fear and trembling to highwaymen this JP another and outlaws-a-b- ut story Horace and his wife Aunt Libby had no children so to fill this vacancy in their lives she kept half a dozen or more pet dogs Here our dog story really begins The most outstanding of these canine characters were Jenny Lind Josephine Bishop Toby Tyler Bonaparte Alack and Roxie—most of these names appearing on the bronze plaque it The setting of this story Is the seventh Pony Express station out of Salt Lake City about 80 miles to The name of this the southwest station was Lookout—sometimes just Lookout sometimes Point Lookout and sometimes Lookout Pass Just how this particular station came by its name seems not now to be enSeveral suggestiona tirely clear 41 ' '11o0Mrir - By ow ' 4 10 i - '1- ' - - 441 r0-- 4 rP s 4 11' 4 -- 9 - A' 4 - " r-- A - c p - -- 4 ' 0" --1- '' m - - 4 - tb 0 4 - 00 i r: --) ----7- 4 4 1 4 4- - i fp- A -- !- - — 4 ' 4 - t4o VA0 i i I ' te 410:' Al: 1 --A I- P 4 ' en ieeor ' -- 0 -0 rt 11 - :' 0 f 4- i - - 4' er -- kit t)t-- --- six-foot- : 1 '' - kit 1 ' b 1 : - a- 0 - 0 AA o 7- -: N b4!-44- i -- 40- 4 f " 1 1- 0004-41- 4- - : two-roo- m - ' - alarm-Sound- - er - - - l i ' well-tralo- rd : :H ' H - |