Show Sunday 3tornIng i '' Utah County Girls Plan Fall Nuptials — 24'l?'2 t ! ' r' :"'1:'?:'''' '0t!fel :' t ''''' 4 ' I :' 's ° i:: I'': i ' ' : '' : - Smith-Marsha- I made of the marriage of Miss Barbara Rosa lee Smith daugh4 'I' ter of Herbert Smith of Tooele I to IL Thompson Marshall son of Mr and Mrs H T Marshall 1 I :: :': ' 40P § - i - ' ''$ ' ' '''' "''''' (1' 1 of Ruth Nev which took place July 28 at Evanston Wyo An informal reception was ' held Sunday August 24 between the hours of 2 and 5 p m iat the Smith home on South 1 Main street Tooele About one 1 hundred friends called during the 4 entertaining- hours Immediately after the recep1 tion Mr and Mrs Marshall left lot Rolla Mo where Mt Marshall will attend the Missouri School of Mineralogy They plan to return to Ruth Nev in the spring The bride Ls a graduatt of the Tooele high school and during ' ' ' ' "Aii 4''4- ''-- ' - ' t members who are among this season's brides Those honored were Mrs Harry Halladay the former Myrtle Tanner who was recently married Miss Catherine Decker Miss Anna Brim and Miss Beatrice Haws brides-ele- ct ' T :4 : t noels t t11:: All officers of the Utah stake organization were present also Miss Grace Cheever and Mlis Rhea Taylor of Provo stake Arranging the affair were Mrs La Von If olbnes Mrs Myrtle Cochran lire Esther Edmonds Mrs Katie Mitchell Mrs Ruth Biddulph Mimi Shirley Weight Mrs Wanda Lucile Christopherson and Mrs Arms Taylor : 0 Miss Beth Bled I 1 - r'l 1! : : : Miss BeLoa Cameron : - 4 ---- is - - -- - 1 r tk i 1 040k ' - ''' 'fr ' ': '' ''fi '' i ) 4 ! 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' -- ' ' 00 '':i V- - l' ' ' A "- lik Evans Mrs P H Rex William Dean Armstrong Mn Mt Pleasant and Salina Note Wedding Events of Interest jensen-Armstro- MT PLEASANT—Mrs M E Jensen has announced the marriage of her: daughter Miss Frances M Jensen 'to Williams Dean Armstrong son of Mrs J H Armstrong of Brooklyn Iowa The marriage was solemnized in Yuma Ariz August 10 with R II Lutes officiating Mn Armstrong is a greduate of Wasatch academy Westmin'ter college and Utah State Agricultural college During' the past year she has been head of the home economics department of the high school at Mountain FORK — Mrs of Draper the marriage to take place on Monday Several are being planned in honor a( the young couple for the on-fl- ab' near future Louise West PLEASANT GROVE end Mrs Junius A West of Pleasant Grove announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Miss Louise West formerly of Pleasant Grove now of Los Angeles Cal to Don H Anderson son of Mr and Mrs A W Anderson of Los Angeles and former residents of Mt Pleas- athletics111Vvas coach and physical education director at mountain Vie ? high school last In ng View Wyo Mr Armstrong Is a graduate of Nebraska State Teacher college where he was prominent year The couple will make their horn in San Diego Cal Herbert-Re- x A Broad- SAUNA—David bent: performed the marriage ceremony which united Miss Mary Herbert of Salina iind P H Rex of Randolph Monday in the Salt Lake L D S temple The bride is a former elementary School teacher in Salina and has served as Junior leader of North Sevier young women She filled an LDS mission in the central states The couple will make their home in Randolph Varied Events Mark Week's Club Activities in Provo ant The marriage will be solemnized in the Salt Lake L D S A wedding temple Tuesday reception will be held Wednesday evening in the Second L D S ward amusernent halt The attractive bride-ele- ct hal chosen as her attendants Miss Margaret June West a sister as maid of honor Miss Helen Harper Miss Geraldine Macfarlane Miss lieten War-nic- k Miss Emma Walker all of Pleasant Grove And Miss Carol Harris of Orem bridesmaids Little Miss Jewel Olpin and Miss Jeanne Johnson of Pleasant Grove will act as flower girls Miss West is a graduate of Brigham Young unIversity where she was affiliated with the La Wilt social unit and DurPhi Chi Theta sorority ing the past year she has been employed in Los Angeles For the past two years Mr Anderson has been attending the University of Southern California school of dentistry He is affiliated with the Delta Sigma Delta fraternity and is a member of the university band He was a former student at the B Y U where he was active in student body affairs and in MUSIC circles William Anderson of Mt Pleasant will act as best man to his brother The couple will be at home St 351 South Mariposa Los Angeles alter a short honeymoon through the Sierras and along the coastline PROVO—Min Lucille Tuttle n dramatic reader was prenented by the diecussion section of the Wornen's council at the Women's clubhouse Thursday evening Max Metii denhall sang accompanied by Mre Zenith Johnson Mn L N welcomed Oakley chairman theguests to this first in a peries of entertainments to be sponsored by the various sections Mrs Ida Pierpont and Mrs Dorothy Rea entertained members of the Zipperette club an organization formed during high school days Tuesday evening at the L N Oakley home in honor of Mrs Goldle S Bown recently of New York City who is vacationing int Provo before leaving to meke her home in Walla Also in attendWalla Wash ance were Mrs Edith P Lie Seuer of Byron Wyo: Min Fern Smoot Mrs Helen W Bunnell Mrs Janet W Crandall Mrs Berniece B Cox Mrs Vera J Min Marguerite Gen-for- d and guests Mrs Ethel Spencer and Mrs Oakley Miss Ruth Smith ?nd Miss Charlotte Ilenriod who are leaving soon to attend the USAC in Logan entertained members of the "Y" Cesta- Tie social unit at the Smith residence Tuesday evening 'Sixteen members were in attendance Nautilus girls of th B Y held their tridltionaV formal garden party SundayJ evening at the home of Bet Pyott on Salt Lake Princeton avenue City Music Was given by Marjorie Brown and Elaine Ern mery Also present were Virginia Sundwall Nedra Larsen Dorih and Norma Crane Helen Ward Shirley Redd Linda Spackman Beth Naylor 7 Joy Phillips Alice Empey Mildred Cox Beth flambeau Gertrude Page Arlene Mitchell Betty well-know- - Returns From L A Mrs Franklin L Gibson 76 street accompanied by her little son will return Monday from Los Angeles where she has pent the past three months wit her mother Mrs Frank Pe rd IT - r Visits Coast Miss Helen Wonney 776 EmOxon aVrIllitl If by planp Fri4sy Mr San Francisco for a I iliort visit ' - Ruth Christensen Barbara Margotts Mrs Jan N Vance Mn Li 1111 W Lewis and Mn S 'Sparks Officers of the Beta Sorosis club entertained for the members the informal party being held at the home of Mrs Harvey King in Spring Dell MonHostesses were Mn D day Orlo Allen president: Mn Floyd Millet Mrs Meredith Wilson Mrs Carlton Culmsee Mrs: Byron Dastrup and Mrs Harvey King Mrs J Russell Smith was a guest and members present were Mn F Blaine Ward Mn Victor Hedquist Mn Marvin Geese Mrs K B Saul Mn Lee Snarr Mrs Andrew BroaddusMrs Loan C Bryner Mrs Vero R Greenwood Mrs Arthur L Gallup Mrs J Erval Christensen Mrs D Orb o Allen Mrs: E B Shriver Mrs Erven '11 Nelson Mrs Karl Young Mrs Floyd' Millett Mrs E Byron Dastrup Mn Veran Booth and Mrs L B Tackett - Fetes Compliment Price Traveler prucE: — Dtdding farewell to Mrs Ruth Flynn who is leaving Price to spend the coming :year in California Mrs and Mrs hazel Georg M Miller Madsen were - cohosteames on Monday at the Carbon County Country club at a bridge luncheon for 20 friends of Mrs Flynn Before leaving Utah Mrs Flynn will spend a month in Salt Lake CIty Mrs Glen Nelson entertained for Mrs Flynn at the Country club Saturday and Wednesday Mrs O T Brooks feted Mrs On TuesFlynn at a luncheon C Tt Fergueon and day Mre Mrx la It Eldridge were at the Eldridge home for Mrs Flynn ' — Daryl i 4 ' ' CITY—Mrs Michael announced the kik r - - s ' 'r4 t tt ' : 34 A' ' S 4- i - 1 t PROVO—Dr and Mrs Franklin S Harris were hosts at a dinner party Tuesday evening at their home on University hill to honor members of the B Y U faculty who will be away frOM th university next year The faculty group included Dr and Mrs Seth T Shaw now of Salt Lake City Mr and Mn Arthur Gaeth Miss Margaret Olsen Miss Helen Alleman and Mr and Mrs Elliott Tuttle Also honored were Mr and Mrs Chuncey D Harris who are be- here with their parents fore leaving to make their home s A 004 d 14! 1 4( 441 t it 4 lit Si 01(114 4 -- - 4 via-Di- ng P 4f - In Lincoln I Neb Betrothal Told TOOELE—M r and Mrs George Simpson announce tho engagement of their daughter Miss Shirley Simpson to Ray Russel son of Mr and Mrs B U Russel of Salt Lake CRY The marriage will be late ill Se p to mb er - 4 eir ) eitEdlibi010001110PlibrOS Education! COmplete a 2 1!"'' ' - - - 4 ' io ' n 's ' - - Leona Shumway 1- t ' ' T - - - :' ' ' : - io t - 4' -- If — - ‘00 y ''" ''' 7 ili 't - ' — LI 64 :1 - - p - I - ' —wed P 4 I f0 34 ruttetttramlittttler t ' )IIrr- ' ' IllumotEntEntoollix Al i 40 A 7114: Ammottmottottet—timmINII1111tottitillomettottoolliontlial'too- titout i Salina Wasaach itAarry-otrartilho- w! 1 Conducted by the Sisters of the lloly Cross- - I THE HIGH SCHOOL' gaps exuborent young I glrylood THE JUNIOR SCI10014 provides an intelligent and understanding direction of activities during happy 5hildhood An important foundation is laid for future education both in tho of living with one's fellows and in scholastic attainment ct sen Catherine Giraud PRICE Another bride of autumn will be Miss Catherine tliraud daughter of Mr and Mrs Pierre Cirand of Price who will be married to DeMar Hanson of Monterey Cal formerly of Redmond Utah The exact date of the nuptials was not revealed Honoring Miss Giraud Mrs Paul Holdaway entertained 11 guests Wednesday at a linen shower at her home Registration Sept !Ural arts and sencortoursas loading to A B and B S dogroos with opportunity for proprofossional traintag Spocialitabon in art music spooch businass Cultumpoisad toontality crs Saint tinguish Mary s 9raduatas furnishas Years through tho difficult formati teaches them grim pais!" ailod fficiont Ours along with a practical of study thatprOyides a thorough p'raparation for college or wear Classes Se pt 11 Registration Sept 8 Malec TIIE COLLEGE - ! Sept 9 Sept 1 For Information Address: Registrar Saint M -- ci the-Wasat- Salt Lake Ctt ch 6-- 3 I ' - ) 1 L VI: 4 - - 0ip ' ' t- ' 4k41741 I ' - 4 H - Aar' - )) f : : Ir '14 0 1t - PRICE — A popular visitor to Price for the past ten days was Mrs Claud Engberg of Salt Lake City On Wednesday evening Mrs Arthur Dal pais and Mrs Fred Bosone sisters of the guest of honor and Mrs James Bergera all of Helper entertained at a beautifully appointed dinner at the : t Dial:: I Price Entertains For Salt Laker Bosone home Mrs J Bracken Lee was host-ti- lt Thursday at tea for close friends of We Engberg who is a former Price resident and Mrs Lee was hostess again Friday afternoon at the Carbon County Country club at a bride luncheon for eight guests when Mrs Frank Gunderson of Grand Junction Colo was also an honored guest Claw 15 Registration Sept I 14 'N 1 ' t tr s'ii :' 'it :i - 'j' ? 40 APO' IL I 4 a - i I) I h : : 4 4 - 0 44 1 ' 77111t4 i'' -- - ' - f I ‘ - Comes to Visit I 7 Paul M Wheeler has Droonafics srrived in Los Angeles for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs H F Patterson 1068 Sec- - ape Important lotlaryofttoWasetch pooo find avenue She will be remembered as Miss Frances Patterson (Ind ' -- ' — PRICE—Mr and Mrs L E Shumway of Price announce the of their daughter engagen‘nt' MIAS Leona Shumway to Floyd G Higgins son of Mr and Mrs J R Higgins of Price The marriage will be solemnized in the Mann L D S temple Wednesday Following a honeymoon trip through southern Utah the young couple will return to Price Where they will be honored at a reception on Monday at the home of the bride's parents They will make their home In Provo Honoring Miss Shumway Mrs Harold Higgins entertained on Wednesday evening at a kitchen shower On Thursday Miss Winifred Johnson and her mother Mrs Jennie °Anson were at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Shumway and on Friday the operators of the local telephone exchange cocomworkers of the bride-eleplimented her at an event at the home of Miss Norma Han- Mn t 40wele4t4-31 P In of Soint Wholoioroo outdoor recrootoo sod rooter: of Saint ossuros phyiicI dovoloomoot vac twItt ' - t i tb ' ' 4 ' I : t i ! ' s 1 :: I lois stuclios1 f - 1 summer A devniopini ' : President of Y9 Gives Dinner 1 It Soll s Your Daughter Deserver bride-elect- 4 ' has of her daughter Miss marriage : Kathleen Joyce Stianley to Curtiss Lowell McRae of Ama rillo Texas son of Mr and Mrs E R McRae of Park City The marriage took place in the ladies' lounge of the War Vet erans' Memorial building on — Mr and tfra PANGITITCII August 23 with Lloyd Olsen Panof Cameron Jr Benjamin in the presence oI guitch 'announce the engage- - officiating 50 friends and relatives ment of their daughter Miss Miss hanley was attended DeLoa Cameron of Los AnMiss Joanna Wheelwright by to Gilbert CaL LeRoy geleq and Junior Niel of Park City Reed of Los Angeles: The bride was i tThe marriage wiU take place t:t was bestinman blue sheer wool with In the St George L D 8 temple F gowned brown accessories and carried October 44 a corsage of pink roses The i ' bridesmaid woTe plaid wool i-- 1 1 with brown accessories with a corsage of lilies A wedding luncheon followed the ceremony Other events honoring the bride in' cluded miscellaneous showers Mrs Ferry Runnel ' by given Alice Belle Mrs L L Thompson Mrs D F Zley and Miss Joanna Wheel PRICE — Miss Alice Ben daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex i: wright Bene Sr of Helper Sunday will become the bride of Conrad S t II Schafer sonand Dr and Mrs f I Conrad Schafer of Hugo 'Colo The wedding will take place in the Colorado city Announcement of the nuptial plans was made last Wednesday evening at : rl ' ' a dinner at the home of the -: "' parents Eight of ' '- ' " ''" 0' et Miss Bene's close friends were guests leavPrior to the bride-elect- 's ing to join her future- husband Miss Florence Moss entertained IO close friends in her honor at a r dinner at her home Thursday Uirls at Price Name Dates : --- - 1 Of1'" e PARK Crowley z V4 :44 t : i Shantcy-McRa- I z A - - s : I t P: 1004 :'-- 1 - - - r' 4 t- ' -- : : i N'': ' i F4 : ! - 0 1 ''- f FormerUtahn tro Be Wed In'St George 1' I - l: ' :SS'' i - ' i) ' Z 4 ti - -- -- '- i: :' ) i '"''' '''''' i ''- Y 4 ' 4 : - ti : '46 ' r ' 4 4 0-- 14 i: - 1 ": I ik 1 - — : ::': ''' It 'n4t the past year ettended WestIninster college at Salt Lake i City Mr Marshall also' was a student at Westminster :college during the last rear ' ) ' I 1 1 ' ' i i PROVO—Members of thio I A board of the LD S church entertained Ot a party Monday at the home of Mrs 'Arm& Taylor in honor of four of their '941004: Ilerbert 'Smith of - ' ' 'FA N ""ito: 1 '''"''"'''''''''''"'''''''''''""1"61461111"4"11 - "' -' - li - - Marshall who waa the former Miss Barbara Smith daughter of ll 1 fi :' V-- 4 :4 ' ':: Brides of Fall Season ' 1 Thompson TOOELE — Announcement is : 4:: '':i -- k i 1 4 I ' ' : Mrs H 0 '''' :::': ::ir- ': ' -- '' ' ' '11110c' ' ::""l-- Rita Healy to Don Molyneaux 1 ' '' ' 1 AMERICAN Fred Healy announces the enand gagement approaching marriage of her daughter Miss - :' ''' '' "i:' SPANISH FORk4-t- Mr ind Mrs Alex Killian of i this city annotince the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Miss Hazel Killian to Victor L Peterson son of Mrs June Peterson of Provo The marriage will take place Tuesday in the Salt Lake L D S temple The bride is a former student of the Brigham Young university The young couple plan to make their home at Provo Reta Healy I '' ' : '''' AMERICAN FORK—Mr and Mrs John Evans announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Florine Evans to Elvin Lovendahl son of Mr and Mrs Leonard Lovendahl of Riverton the marriage to take place Several early in September ocials are being planned in their honor - ' 0t I ) - I ' '' Is Wedded To Nevadan Party Honors 441 7!r"-- : J I! ''':0"::: ' ' '''''''t ' ' - ' "' ' t '' ' - - ' i Hazel 'Killian Flom' e '''' i ''' ' 4 ' f' ' ' ': "Q0ik 1 PROVO—A lovely afternoon affair announcing the forth- corning marriage of Miss Beth Bird daughter of Mr and Mn Vernon J Bird of Provo to Homer F Stephens of Long Island N Y son of Mr and Mrs Clarence L Stephens was given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs Vernon Snarr at her home 152 North First West street Salt Lake City ' One hundred fifteen friends and relatives of the couple called and learned of the September 10 wedding date Mrs Edwin D Hatch and Miss Thelma Snarr poured Miss Marie Johnsen Miss Erma La Rue Miller and Miss Bonnie Jeanne Langton served Mrs Charles J Parents presided over the dining room Little Miss Margaret Snarr presented each guest with a minature booklet disclosing the names of the bride and groom protpective is a former The bride-ele- ct student of the Brigham Young university where she was affiliated with O S Trovata social unit and her fiance is also a former student of the B Y where he was associated with the Gold Deckers A reception will follow the ceremony at the Joseph Smith Memorial building an4 the couple will honeymoon ih Sun Valley Idaho They will make their home in Flushing N Y where Mr Stephens will continue studies in dental college at New York university 'N ' ' I :r0000?'?'$“:"'''I''':'K'rAF°0:4'''!"i":etk:'''''''':":"'":V 4 Beth Bird -- T 31 1941'Dib' 'August - :' : i gukt Trribunt Tooele Maid 'Zbe (Salt ' ' '' ' i |