Show ' - ! i ' ' - 1 - ' ' ' ' - - i - i - : - r' :r I r - - i i- - ' i- 1 ' I ' - I ! 0 Sunday Morning 'Mit - el Suqiect Gets your Wards Slate Adieus For L D S Missionaries Delay in Ih Cas e t-R- un Four youthful L fl S in farewell- programs in their respective wards - Eldon L Wal- i r t: ton son of Mr and Mrs Leonard S Walton of 365 East Sev' nteenth South street who ' ' 0 leaves soon for ': I : ' i: the Central 4I'r : 1 States mission of ' the church will be honored by Whittier ward members Thursday at 8:15 p m with a program and dance at the ward 1515 Sec- - Mr Walton ' ond East street Included or the progrim will be talks by Thomas E Tow ler president of Wells LD S stake F W Schwendiman bishop of Whittier ward George Ei H Walmiston Ivan Pearson and:-thsionary Musical selectionS will be furnished by Rulon Lindsay Marie Burton Da v id POrter Austin Barzee Niel Nielsen Darlene Pearson and Calvin Iiirecksel Inez Witbecir will give readings Dick Dangerfield will be In charge of the program Muse Elsie McGinty daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl McGinty of 780 South Eighth West street will tosss! - be honored Fri- ' day at i' with a farewell and program in the dance i Twenty - Sixth : Traffic Violation Costs Driver $10 Repair Bill - - ! L A ? c 4 ) i - George Reid 56 address listed 418 Seventh East street charged with hit-ru- n and drunken driv Int and driving on the wrong side of the road will enter pleas Wednesday in police court The defendant who allegedly lives involved in a two-c- ar collision near Fourth South street on Fifth East street Friday afternoon was first scheduled to appear Saturday before Judge Joseph G Jeppeon He was released on bond pending arraignment A W Hall of 524 South Fourth West who admitted a charge of failing to yield the right of way to another vehicle in an accident Thursday at Second South and Second West street was fined $10 and received a Jail term to be suspended If he pays for damage to the other vehicle by September 25 according to court records Heber X Bohn of 1373 Second East street charged with failing to yield the right of way to another vehicle had his case disMissed He allegedly was involved In an accident Friday at Herbert avenue and State- street Other cases In police court included: railing to yield the right of way to another vehicle—Mark W Mercer of Jackson Wyo forfeited $5 bond Driving through a red traffic light — Irving Ottenberg of 435 East South Temple street $10 fine suspended Heinz Lednhardt of 912 East South Temple street forfeited $5 bond Vert W Burt of 562 Driggs avenue forfeited $10 bond Uttering atop slaw- -J W Hilton of 64 East Seventh South street pleaded guilty fined $10 Robert G Jones of Magna also charged with speeding forfeited $20 bond William A Isaacson of 1314 East 8000 South street forfeited $10 bond Edward W Muir of 1721 Herbert avenue fined $10 John A White of 4800 Wasatch avenue fined $5 SR 30-d- -- ay - 'Priepthood Caned g Tour : ( e 0 I Travel restrictions Imposed by Neessitated cancellation of an L D S Aaronic priesthood tour to California previously scheduled for December It la announced by the rreeiding bishopric — f:-- '3' e of West 969 Third' South street Wednes- - ' day at 8:15 prn '' ' 4' ::' Ak Es AL'AD 1 Tv : Lon I pm 11 I s :z7 r - family of AeC - - ' T l' I '' -- -- c" ' )s eio - ':' ' 1 ' t i '' '''( - k ::: -- t- - '' 1''' ' kt 0 ‘ ik ' l ''' poet ' 'i : I j The public service commission Saturday was studying the status of a special permit held by the Utah Transportation company authorizing it to haul for the liquor control commission as a contract carrier and use common carrier facilities where possible The company entered into a contract with the old liquor commission to haul liquor from the warehouse in Salt Lake City to the various stores and package agencies but the contract recently was terminated by the new commission Lyle B Islicholes president and general manager of the company then applied for suspension of the permit to hold It in abeyance in case the contract might be renewed at some future time The commission denied the rtquest for suspension indicating it vvais considering the possibility of revoking the permit :: ri ' 4147":r741 r 14 grandchildren—a jiving progeny of 93 persons—will gather Sunday at 10 a rn In Fairmont park for their annual reuniom during which they will celebrate the ninetieth birthday of Lorenzo: Ws !dram 158 North Main street Arrangements for the affair are In charge of Mrs John ft Steele and Mrs CarlyChaff1n both of Idaho Falls Idaho and a program hast been prepared by Mrs L Clair L Holt both Likes and of Salt Lake City Born In Eng kind Mr Waidram 'a retired school teacher was born In Nottingham1 England Septemi?er Z 1851 On August 201869 he arrived with his parents and brothers and sisters In Ogden As a youth he worked In a stocking factory and ldter on nterm in Heresy lie After alfeliding schools In Harris-vin- e he was graduated from thir University of Deseret now thetiniversity of Utah He then began his teaching career spending 23 years at this profession 14 of them in Weber cetinty ' Ile also taught classes In Ogden city schools and was one of the first faculty mem bets on the present Weber college 4 i - 'i - B 3 " t147 l'00i"":::7'' ! ': : 6 Will Lorenzo Wakirant brate ninetieth birthday cele- ! Pedestrian Injured A pedestrian-kladi- car collision e at Pioneer park Friday sent L 1 - - G Swayze 54 of 68 East First South street to pollee emertency hospital Saturday with a possible rib frac turf U S Can Hear Mexico Chief 4 4 rj4 5 C 4' 11 FA ril Prepared to carry through a "vigorous" campaign boosting L K Irvine of Salt Lake City for state junior chamber president 25 members of the Salt Lake junior chamber of commerce left here early Saturday for Cedar City and the annual convention of Utah junior chamber of commerce opened Saturday afternoon James L Fahey president headed the delegation Mr Irvine now completing a term as a state director is immediate past presi- dent of the Salt Lake junior chamber Walter W Finke of Minneapolis president of the national junior chamber and scheduled as principal speaket Sunday on the convention program stopped briefly in Salt Lake City Saturday on his way from Ogden to Cedar City Ile was accompanied by Thomas G: Darker of Ogden state president :(50-0:-000-- 21$ L Army Promotes S L ()Meer Stores Will :0 INC CO - Hurry! Buy heford prices go up Visit Western during this special event See what tremendous savings you get on every need for your home Use your credit! Make these savings now! Liberal allowances And a small don payment delivers Save on Complete Liv Room Groups Here's New Beauty and Comfort Chrome Dinette Set the first quartermaster training regiment quartermaster replacement training center at Fort Francis E Warren Wyo It vvas learned Friday Lieutenant Neaten Is personnel and summary court officer for the regiment as well as Insurance officer and trial Judge advocate Ile also fills the duties of commanding officer of the headquarters detachment first quartermaster training regiment tow Price At a Sensational - 0111 111 tootah - -s-- ' - 114101-11- Oil - aitt N - 4 ' - :' - ZION'S CO - OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION Insurer Wins Honors George 8 Gudgell Jr 114 East Seventh South street a representative of the West Coast Life Innur once company has qualified as a delegate to the convention of lead ing producers for the company to be held at Catalina island near Los Angeles September 2 to 5 it was announced by the company here Saturday "Ilt ( Laili-- OP - I se a '89' Month '09 'th 119 Month '129s : '' L' 4j- - I - '- 1 r I ' SPRING & ' Yours Now mod Se CharterOak Coal linage Choopor—Fastor Cooking with Cool !' 4 7 V 4 - " ef4- - ) o4 ' nod i i 4c 441 t Irvery Modern feature makes this famous Charter Oak America' outstandrange valing coal Olin sense ue at low price tionally t g M a r t streamline r- styling white porcelain finish extra large oven s89 - ao414P:IA Others $5950 ' t -- - ' ''' ''''' 61:Imee4"4"r77- - ' -- -- Beneh Cheat Vanity Bed 0461'411014 o00101110 - '' k7':4V ''' 1 i A- -' ' - 1 — I ''' 1- : ) Nv i 4 AN "4 I i2 )11e)414'- Au7 Short Time SOLR all yours for only ity Spring and Matiiess EASILY S80 VALUE Fp "Ø: You'll be proud to shay your friends this lovely bedroom set in beautifuLl?ralnut veneers Four 'charming pieces—Bed Vanity Chest and Bench—PLUS a Qualm All-Wit- ite i - SEE WIIAT YOU GET — 1ITTRiSS 4 - '' '' t i'411- JUST -: 1 ''s :ith Smart Appearance - th Moro to Buy! - '''' t 1- 1 PRICE SELECTIONS AIONEYSAVING 4 I s 4111"'"ommees00064--zso- - : : 1 Tatra Lyrae Tub Lovell Wringers Eitel Or Streamline Powerful Motor " - All CA)iut)lete—Nothig-t- j 9 - t - Cilintitnding living !loons ivielutsrot: ppecinily Priced tor This i s0 : :- g Now Only Laws! Toros Get 2 IIDEINUOONII GlIUOTIJUDS q"6:- - e- 0004:-s-- ' A negulair $09 value! 4 - rERP-- and Save Your New Rug Now Buy PRICES but we're still offering a UP GO RUG huge selection of quality'Augs and Carpeting at LOW 1940 PRICES Here's youi opportunity to cash in on 85 long As they last real savings $650 Diptivitrs io 111131! H ARGONNIE RUGS "The rug children can't year out!" Our big stock includes charming colors and $4 950 patterns to harmonie with any roon? Aoroato111P10eigit 0 t - 1 " a 6' lit 11 at $ Itt '''' o t 1t 1 41 tor : 1 t 174 FINE AILAIINSTER RUGS ridicRtch Axminster st a price that seems ulously low in this day 014 age- Here's a Bite value you Can't afford to miss i tin $397PC SUPER VALUES IN FINE IIROADC0031 AXMINSTER ARGONNE Itere'a Argonne the famous In and the beauty and tine Broadloom ture this 12950 rwallalityacarpetingtrzut or 410 tug valuesone of Yard greatest 5450 Majestic flanges Do Luso quolltr In every port Th sturdy construction and that has cooking Moloney made "MaJoatle" otoodard quip-MiIn thousands of homes 41idewalt-toeted- anci m -- e nt y-- - - by wsfl-to- " - Como Hero us Eld INSTALLID LIMERAL CREDIT TERMS IT EXPVITS INSTALLED 4 r dip lowAt 36 ttecoth 1:15 IT EXPERTS i a R : tex- see lovely 19414 of Sq srcak Tog E' Ej R SOUTH SIAIrl - 21-- 011111611"4110441116al: 495 I' :- eixe fitt( No "OW LIBERAL TERMS Washer 1111111111 sorso" I" st' 1 7 - - OM ' t14141vbst:Hi!'"::4:i:11::1:ii 4401000:L'- ‘4' - FLOOR LAMP De Luxe Universal - - ' o'?"441-- ONLY $4 DELIVERS - - I Real glamor for your dinette fl kitchen Sturdily constructed of throrn and oak Sztension Table and font Chairs You can't beat this quality at this mice - 19"- - 4 COCKTAIL TABLE 1 I t LARGE DIVAN OCCASIONAL CHAIR 1 - a - '''''1 ::v CHAIR - - 1 : You Get MATC11174G 4 islj i ill slo- :41'1'11114':':' : - : -- ' ' See What 1 In - COMPANY PARiS (NIInK '' t slutRI Second Lieutenant Clarence C Neaten of 574 Twelfth avenue has been promoted to first lieutenant Starting Tuesday September 2nd 'Make Only One Delivery Each Day KEITH O'BRIEN i 7 o - AUERBACH - n 1 1 : Jaycees Bck Irvine pit nu palp:voipips The Following j1 Miimimm WESTERN'S 1 of S L 0111111E- Ill im 1 1 : Wins Approval at - k Utah Range Work IN 1 :: 4' ent-Teach- er - ( ' girl was saved from A:3:year-ol- d 0 n : i Matches ss s Dr Child's Dress s 1b :3: The meeting will open with a general session at 9 a m In the high school auditorium with ad dresses by Irvin S Noah supervisor of vocational education: Dr D D Stockman member of the board of edueation Mrs- A IL Hagen president of the MY Par association: Miss Phyllis R Tregeagle East high school teacher- and Dr Isluttall Divisional meetings will be' held at the schhol at 10:45 a tn udder direction of city school supervisors The sesgior)s will include kindergarten and primary grades grades four to six high school custodians secretaries and clerical assistants Luncheon will be served at the school at noon and meetings of school faculties VIII he held at schools throughout the city at BUY NOW—SAVE MONEY - c Including teachers prkicipals and administrative workers will 1 held at West high school Tuesday Dr L John Nuttall city- sa'hool superintendent said Saturday Von 4 4 'reN ) 'r- 4z - critics) burns Saturday wtten her Mother pulled off her burning dress and beat out the fire Jenean Pack1 daughter of Mr and lktrs F Alonzo Pack of 2748 Dearbern street was playing with Matches on the front porch when berACess relight frre Mn Pack said) The mother was in the basement but heard the child's screams In time to rescue her Women - Plan Meet Tbof girl NV as treated for first The Women's Society of Chris- degree' burns on her neck shoul- 2 p m tian Service of the First Method- ders right arm and both hands at Dr Nuttall also annotinced that ist church will meet at the church Salk Jake General hospital and board of education offices at 440 202 East Second South street as later released to a private East First South street will be closed Tuesday morning Tuesday at 12:30 p m i" THE 1941 - ' '7! :i ! 7t: id- sons and daughters 47 grandchildren and 32 greatA i ' o 1 !: 3 3e ACTOgyp! - - - $: 6)-tc- August 31 ! : I c - t ::ii! :74 Mrs-Albe- e To Cofhl$1E(Wk G Reunion Observes 90th Birthday Of Clan' s Founder ' ! : '':: 4 Response to the R000est of Government Agencies In - 'i '''1:'-'7- 4 - : presented by Harry Clarke Gene Halliday the Pioneer LD S stake M I A choir and Orin F Salisbury Virginia McGrew and Merrill Bennion Will give readings A program of music talks and readings to be followed by a dance' in the 'Twenty-fift- h LDS ' w a r d at 438 ::f ' Sou th Eighth West street will honor Howard J ' ' Thayne son of Mr and Mrs1 J ' LeRoy Thayne :: " Que-zad- the national defense program have f' 6-:t:- : ' prior to his de- ot parture for the misCanadian sion of the church On the program for Mr Mr Mayne Thayne will be W talks by Richard Thayne Louis Johnson Arthur Claus bishop of the ward and Samuel C Rudd Musical selections will be given by Henry E !Banham Jack and ''Barbara Richards accompanied by Gloyde Bennett Henry and William Post: Austin Bartee Celia Thayne and Lola Feveryear and a girls' chorus Virginia Weilenmann- will Present a reading In the Hunter L D S ward chapel Thursday at 8 p m Frank D LDS ward Day son --of Mr and Wit David staff ts4 chapel Seventh 4 i5 B Day of Hun- South and Ninth ter will be bon- - Taught In Idaho ' West streets ored by a pro- ' ror nine years' he served as a She will leave gram of music ' soon for t h e 1 : principal and teacher in Idaho co :s ta - Amer- schools In 1879 he married Ellen i ' i ttalks Spanish l '''s singing Dudman in the old Salt Lake En'can mission of -e "'band a dance foil- - dowment r''" house the church ' i f'' lowing f Fifteen The program 4 years Of his life were ng '1t ' 7411r ' I onParticipat as a fruit and produce shipper spent Miss 'McGinty t c' r Miss Mcthe program In Rexburg Idaho 661 Ginty will inwill be Earl Day Active in the LDS church he clude talks by Charles Anderson :1ri t ' ''' George Whipple served suit a mission to England and Mark E Petersen Floyd I Weed A C Nielsen at present holds the offlos of high bishop of the ward and Jesse P e Ernest Bishop k r t Warner Musical selections will be E Nielsen and priest in Salt Lake L DS stake Colin Delahunty and speakers Gall Powell Mr Da y - Mable Lewis Silvio Fassio Robert Taylor and the Granger quartet musicians A $30205 W P A project for Irn provement of range land's In the Collision Hurts Child Utahns will have an opportunity Mann national forest In '$anpete to hear the addripss of President Duane Tuke 7 son of Mr and Camacho of Mexico to the opening Sevier Emery Carbon end Utah Mrs Kenneth C Tuke of 311 session of the Mexican congress counties through furrowing and Quince street was treated at po- Monday at 9:30 a rnSalt Lake c reseeding operations has 'received lice 'emergency hospital Saturday time Adolfo chancellor presidential approval Darrel J for minor injuries received when In charge of the local Mexican conGreenwell state W P A 'adminis- the bicycle he was riding with his sulate announced Saturday trator announced Saturday-Th- e brother Jack 11 collided with an The address will be carried by U S forest service project auto driven by Clyde A Jacobshort wave radio broadcast from sponsors will provide $11544 as its sen 26 'Springville The accident stations Radlomex and XEW from share of costs W P A providing occurred at Second West and Third Mexico City Mr Quezada said The North streets at about 10:30 a m address is expected to deal with $18661 Mexican policy with regard to the European war and various economic matters An elaborate program of Mexican music dancing and addresses Li scheduled September 16 Mexican Independence day in Salt Lake I City Open to the public the program will begin at7:30 p m in the Pioneer LD S stake gymnasium 536 South EIghth West street Dancing is scheduled after the formal program -- ' Family Honors Nonagfnarian lUtilitics goard IS cho ol Board Teachers Studies Liquor Hold Institute Salt Laker Tuesday t Hui 11142 Permit At Fete Today missionaries will be honored this week An institute for all employes of the Salt Lake board of educa i'::::- - - 144— ! 2 it gake Ttributte - ! - i 4 ' ' ' ' 3 e - - :1 T A t t N 0 1 ' |