Show ds i ti t 4 : - ' '1 - : i: '' i - t i t t ' - Eg-Might 1 '3tik tit 1- ---7 eta :— a u 9-- 1 i 10 — LI 's io:'''tA3 Defenders Hold 114 c 47!EFPFtp( to 4c Firmly alsopt a 'self : Imperiled Cities '1111i 111N-i- P"-w- I th 11:41 :?' At tz-- - I- -- - 1-- -t ii- - fe : ) cram north Leningrad remained in imminent peril but the Ted army backed by a people's army held firmly the approaches to that second city of the soviet tuthm In this area red army forces behind the German lines appeared too to be holding two huge pockets along the coast of the Gulf of Finland where Tallinn capital of sovietized Estonia was declared st111ln soviet hands tiespite German claims of its Capture Take Toll of 10000 On the central front the red army struck back savagely in ' the - - Cso demi to Nevi tittb 1 : I BALI -z '0 ME - : ANDAsmauz--- '0---P eg -N t - - 4- ) I AFGHANISTAN completely lode peooleet ceoesse pteseembly plays sweet tole ie Sateen 11 preset oleos enema be mote lowtos crossing 10 lar"' s' 'Ill :' :::::: '' 4' : ' "At4- kz- LI: '''''''"' - ' - is- 4 1 4011 ris i' l' - - Pi iq!711 vrttrs-s : -I- '' - Speed Output I - i' l I Finds Empire Still Going Strong ) 44 - ProduCtion Pr'esident Asks That I! Of Plants Be Uninterrupted s Defense Needs Points ' - : ---- 113Een11::SeXornpdeyreta: !' v T Capital '4"'-iwii'- Imttto4erig "?4-im6:tpigk- ! 5 'A: i 1 :71 - ' :::o :: a' ii ::::" b talf(ChinciYn poet atilbworoodkjeZ i - Britain 9 s War 116os evelt Call on Laborft Position to SINKIAVG kt' -- i IR 14 A tor Sego by joint Seveet S J 1 -- 3Ity11941 lir—'August 'la vurnpik ' 1611141111114 4Fe :''!?': t'f 40' it ti (A'—The Aug Russians confidently declaring that the Germans "are coming to their end muCti 'Sooner than many expect" reported Saturday night the nazi drive on Mos- cow had been brought to a dead standstill even thrown back in some places and that besieged Odessa resolutely is holding its ' - -- I l ' i1 t n9 ' - to-Natio- From Page One) ' ' i (Continued Froin Page One) i LARCESI SINCLI OIL FIELD so HAMADAN the'Britand Rumania Bulgaria ril 0 hit to holtoetto of littoo 4ANSHA ft 41on''ob4e4'::'4AitriTh: tyLli—40o:f71:'oetIttptrh4111 and you and I know It will be suc- - charge that the WEIS IS dreaming of 6et I tootli ttri of $0000000 A plotiottott tot 1L'i 4 ittlEttflithlOellEertitheti3111VhpeeCnOinn: I 4 cessfully completed In keeping world conquest made clear his "' 414 lotto k 14 4 Jade Iltittolt leafed V:4 r '747Tr7:41 w th our American heritage—we '" '4 II I ti t Ith 41tWASASt$ mold talotop 114 4 Ili4 Ella 1 that from 1111 Out ' warning aggression ff:!''' to and Labor tioldo ' AUNom to ' halms part play Zb 4—The battle of the Atlantic amanagem' ent ''illr -MOUNTAIN ROUTIS caseate Irak : 'hookaspolluter" : have shown and will side the new world might be the A Lama tool system bet WI 41Hasta 044 I ' si But even became mr 1 :::::':! :feA thserOds show their willingness faCtor: which would involve this to :':": LARoa4 continue sa °If"' Loewe I blocked occa- li! ':''''''''' V a at the close of I ': year ' ' 11n somal4 IW:sobwo looter li cl000d 11 eagerness to serve our nation' and the western hem' -British shipping losses were de- and "II 0 $Si tovital v tl" fullY lit the demands made upon coilary N C3 - I' 1111 :477:::::rthit:?:::-:-:cinFri'' "I: in the world conflagration clining remarkably : IANDAa 9' them for the protection- of the spatere '11111414' ' II 1101 5—The loss of Libya after the Americas t::::''7!-X s:t !I t SHAMIR R?::':s tThe of needs ' and the those president's !I grave words I ye i! :::i2':':-1:)t 4 march to Bengazi !Asssill whose way of life is our sobered 500 men and women at- 'k:k nations 1NI 1 ::i:: to in S threat — 1 ' g440 11111 lin : I ios : °11'11011-i- i aitThhoIrdoopuagnhede No way o Vlife 14k! L tending the twelfth meeting of the occupation FUWAng '""rhey realize now and I am Recisevelt ROme club 4 ''s i ltSrliti'llAHAViliAl21111Z"Y Indo-Chil' 111::11k French IA 1'z1!":"Nyiet: ' filiso V in a ''''s e4 to realize that I Brit- - sure will continue As 04P' third the ?a opened year on Moses '4 reSICRE74L! the farm of be V :1 011 i I'VN':e :NIL unintergrove '' s in had these two chief strategic rueprttedtn:pUrodISE ucuon of and IA l'Alo IAMN SUPPLY UN( to 4 N r s the weapons Kr Roosevelt' 's tenant ev e Olt ALF INERT hen amen :to ' is worries: dose svoses411 Net ode i 11111110111111 '' 'materials needed for our pro)0401Alt PASS1 iti dude Issidst is world Cnothe wow mote i osol lo og throe 1—What will be theultimate and 11 1l olItS00FT tv tection tend needed also by the na- Speaking before his friends Sind' Stoma 11'e: ' Loll br"4111spets4:74 wdiA ""1 course of Japan? ' ::171111r1"110 ka N:i nth engaged in opposing those neighbors of Dutchess county Mr ' -- o 1 !61: 2—dan Hitler defeat Russia tions litiTi$04 101ICIS trasesd tate el 2b0000 Se 300100 thToomr Iteosevelt was l't is cam-patwould do away with lifoll who 00 bi banish daily Was by Gee WevN 94061 yeirnigcall will ithebe a victory etti and and ' 11(11sttrititli 1!ief-of free tphe plileg711NN010' Ps:es'4 'ti to happiness awaken to the owe Owe 750002 Thep ottst ' "spooil Ili( control so plme that all Over the world tI1:!::'-:-:-:-tsismo of ligtoOlos Imo tol '!d"lonete0' i i $ : world the gravity-osituation—to he r will And the to Costa of 1941 should 4 "This Labor epitome illi mew Ili which be has asserted MI 1 NAVAL !IASI il net be able to organize Russia's re- serVe to make day BADI 0 ill :j?t1 tl II vk :gi :!! clear to all dangers of that :Pirstan crystal II t111111131111101 s Mit) coif's's Pools CO sources and Americans are not repeatedly vow 16 fli'' ha principal strategic !ek Amerieens to and all world Tfy: the stifficiently the ililffliiiiii ' — so- he can move to new 1 cognizant L—L 31113 ' positiona 'YVmofl a KARACHI '4°14 ? blessings of democracy and to V R A I MI Ft it RI 111111111 " ' conquests? Its freedoms Only in Quotes from Letter MILES FA11 It ix in thi Russian theater emphasize could there be such a 1Mr Roosevelt's charge that axis that the bloodiest losses of the a democracy wimpwrwomploste set AiN aside to do honor to dreams mg1111I21131411 SRITISHUJSSIAN 0 OIL day 414414""L° littfliNtElltitS of world dominatlan include 0"41111"116it 1 are war IN vavON SylTAILI PASSES place taking A FIELDS millions of workers—free men and STEATEGIC' SAILIOADS 111 XX But losses in killed wounded free women In a free country Only conquest of the Americas was In101) STIAlAtt LANES ow4go and missing in this war while In a democracy could workers and direct He was quoting from a letter sent him a woman correprobably close to 7000000 are their allow spend the spondent whombyhe did not Identify far short of the 37000000 for all day In tree countrymen the enjoying worship nations in the four years of the right to speak qualified be "as an exceed- their minds to read But hegood observer" World war 'ugly unnews uncensored and to hear Mr Roosevelt read her letter solGerman claims of having cap- censored radio programs tured 1250000 Russians and in"Let us here In America thank emnly and with emphasis flicted 3750000 casualties and God today for these blessings and "Having seen with my own eyes Russian estimates of 2000000 freedoms and for the great eco- the cruel and ruthless sweep of the German dead and wounded may nomic and social gains we have dictator armies through Europe in be safely written down as ex- made In the last eight years And the tint year of the war having LONDON Aug 30 — Anthonypoint Atlantic formula in contrast aggerations nearly all observers let us 'on this Labor day of 1941 contact with the expansion of that Eden foreign secretary pointed out "establishes principles which will agree make anew the high resolve that sweep to Africa and Asia during be equally valid for all nations" and Neither Russia no Germany not as workers alone0 By Associated Press Copyright by New York Times advantages for Europe of al not as em- the second year! The war—and esdehurchill 9- or one of all idea "excludes over more estimated has than that peace hegemony 30 as alone not fanners alone pecially because personal practical STOCKHOLM Sweden ' Aug Sound military logic Iles baac ployers on men were vised by Hitler and Mussolini Fri- zone leadership' in the ' cut or the 000000 as engaged a but united and determined experience proves the point — I Ls deot the Russo British 'Invasion Of day Ind declared the output of war west" impossible to Although it The capture killing people we shall defend our de- know that world domination In- front entire Iran But the Roosevelt-Churchi- ll material by Britai n her allies and pro-- termine in Stockholm whether and wounding of 7000000 Rus- mocracy to the utmost with no cluding of necessity the Americas Of first importance Is the fact the United States is far short of gram will "require the collabora- - peace or armistice negotiations sians and Germans would leave labor and no sacrifice tpo great so is the definite planned purpose of tion of us all" he added if victory Ise to be won have started between the Russians but 2000000 men to continue the that liberty and heritages we hold the dictators" the letter sail that the only practicable winter needs "All over the world" he told- the In a speech before munitions war dear shall thrive and obfor the supply route for Russia lies across workers at Coventry Eden said mupitions workers we need your and the Finns many reliable Even less estimates of some good of the peoples ofspread the earth" here believe that preparer neutral quarters of nearly 1000- d Mountains Iran's S that "the struggle will finally be weapons—in Russia in the tar serverswork for such- negotiations 000 German casualties and much Second It slams the last open decided" in the sphere of prodtc- East in Libya and over Germany" tary HYDE PARK N Y Aug 30 Both Turkey and Poland the lat have been secretly undertaken and greater Russian losses probably door through the mideast In the tion and he called for "further Roosevelt quoting (UP)—tPresident and further sacrifices" for ter "our gallant ally on the battle- - that early cessation of hostilities one mean of efforts would three every face of the axis With occupation "the immense effort that lies ahead field" will be called on to Russia and Finland is Ifar Germans on the front had been a charge that the dictators are play "an- between MEXICO CITY Aug 30 ()Fi— being impossible of Iran there will be a solid line In the field of production" killed wounded or captured (the plannilig for conquest of the Amer Mexico important role in international af- from Swedish official circles deny all Russians do not whole and ices world warned the City newspaper men to In his warning Eden disclosed fairs after the war" Eden declared claim of :buffer states—British conhuge lay of such and that United states knowledge axis negotiations that the than rather Saturday to division Russia said armored he has Saturday declared blocks of prisoners) and that trolled—from Egypt to the bor- that "our first to France until after the Turkey that it would "observe the particularly emphasize that Swed- about one out of every five or American may force the final de- immigration officials at San Ysidro never got is not playing the role of media- six Russians had met a similar cision pf war or peace for the new Cat had refused to permit Salvaders' of Britain's Russian ally territorial integrity of the Turkish en evacuation of torOn other hand rumors fate Third British prestige in the' "It was not Dunkerque" dor AbascaL head of the Sinarquisworld: added and he render Turkey every of Finnish the republic ready" even Russian peace ' and Mohammedan world demanded In event of needs now not ade- help and assistance n o t t Once again expressing a hope ta movement In Mexico to cross the Armaments does experience Military "no fooling" with a recalcitrant quately filled will grow even great- her being attacked by any Etir0- - feelers allegedly extended about (each that the Germans could suf- that the United States can avoid the border two weeks ago persist in diplo- fer such casualties and state so close to tfie borders of er Eden said "as the tide of war pean power" The Sinequistars have been acgo on at- fighting involvement In the world Mohammedan India na- cused by Mexican official spokesconflict told the the The Russian soldier said Eden ix matic circles here is wider until it engulfs the and president that it sweeps probable tacking Fourth the move' strengthens world" if the Russians had so suffered tion that "very possibly" It may be men of proaxis leanings and Pres"giving everything" for a cause the pyschologictil 4 ties between is of ours as as 30 UP) the the well Britain his" that EDMONTON the resulting lapse in morale in petil more acute than at nny ident Manuel Avila Camacho reAlta challenge Accepting Atig Britain and Russia allowing the declaration by Hitler and Mussolini must help supply the needs of the gathercently ordered their public would be showing up on the war time since oatmeal of the pcesent which and night Friday war two years ago partners to become on the RUSSien forces be said adding that early Saturday blanketed almost maps secret ' ings curtailed sharpy 4 conference their after alof allies instead geographical Headquartera of the organizaeastern front this week Eden said "here is a call to- duty 'which vet every point in northern Alberta The German advance now is wd Can't Assure Peace lies separated by German armies that the Roosevelt-Churchi- ll tion here said Abascal had retdrned t a straight line across westeight- - cannot fail" Peace district river the and The first reason was compelling "Peace" said Mr Roosevelt to Mexico City from a tour of reached a depth of four inches ern Russia There is no giant Russia needs and will continue to All In our keeping—it isn't Lower California and gone to the "isn't 100 so such or of miles Edmonat one town It brought spearhead need goods and sea- as the Germans like to drive all our decision" His woris and his country to rest He could not be of the ton coolest weather its munitions to stay in the mar with son 36 degrees subsequent solemn quotation of the reached through a demoralized defense - 30 -- campaign :tt' ' ' SIDI 00011 filet 9 ' :7s4 - IN V - - guke'rt°ibunt oi R u lityAIN: I'dn la I I'ILISSIAS ' ' - - 1 - - i — “ - ii40A pombiL 1sirt I 1"14111 e i ' Fr - rCh - to41 - ''''''7--"--- -- ' A 0I L' - b - w'bk -- te!gN4e i IA BAKU -- A)"1"V171:1 I '--' -- Olt TEbt 13alt i Nazis' Wanes Say Red Officials MOSCOW - - - : !! t x I SI - 17 11 11 tit -- ' Vs - ''' i Ji!'frl':il:::'- ' 1 Oltotooeif tAST k 41 WA ty-!- S4- - r415 : 6 :' ( Continued l' ' 11"4 : ' ' - ' i i - i t I r - - I ' A ' tN I - I I I i I 41 ' I : ' i ' -- I 1 les-s- e 's' : I Il I 11 c " i - I ''t 11 Ciir ' Zi" na ' rSamrmmaipteL: I - ' ' I - - am I en b- - I f i 10 :11 11 o- i i ?t !'NTy'--k-'-!-------e- 11 Ir ( t 't N gt oo I : A 14 1k i i '1 ' f::::::!: I i 1 b ! I i ' ti l - k I i ' n'' ' 1 :sr7'-'4r'Iro- 4 s 1 I I '1 I 1 -2- II - - - - e & I I 1 I I I - !IA : Move Into Iran Anthony Eden Ask§ Ineise Sweden Sees eounterattacks acrost ehurried battlefields in the Finn Keeps War Win iEarly Open Production to In tion of Smolensk and Gomel portedly taking a toll of 10000 Russian Peace German dead and wounded and Route to Soviet many prisoner& - muddirecre- 1 4 Russia's Black sea fleet was keeping carnmunications open from Odessa which is under continual German shelling and aerial bombardment The Russians said life in the big port city was going on as nearly terms! as possible with stores and street cars runrestaurants still producing ning and tanks and arms Fioe Heavy Price S A Lozovsky assistant comMissar of foreign affairs and government spokesman told a press conference Saturday: "In 10 weeks of war Germany and her allies have paid a heavy price for certain territorial gains The strength of the German army and the armies of her vassals is Weakening noticeably while the red army is continuing to gather strength and to grow incessantly "Having lost some territory the soviet union hasgained time shattered the legend of the blitzkrieg and the' invincibility of the German army" Lozovsky declared further that Germany had been forced to withdraw a considerable part of her forces from occupied countries "thereby creating conditions for the' nazis route through warm water development of intensification of to The the head of the Persian gulf the struggle in all occupied counthence across Iran and the Castries" pian sea to Baku affords the onlyHalls Laval Shooting relatively safe road for those attpplies of the shooting Asserting that the Vladivosrierre Laval in Paris would have tokJapan could cork comapproaches to Russia been impossible before the Ls out The Murmansk -German pletely he conflict said that n troops already have cut "Europe now is not what it was the Murmansk-Leningra- d rail 10 weeks ago" He cited five points to bear this lines Turkey's neutrality forbids use of the Dardanelles and Gir out: 1 The fierce resistance of the many has an armyto on Turkey's make mire European border ted army closed Ice 2 The military-politicalliance that passage stays closes Russia's arctic ports between Russia and Britain It had to be the route through 3 American aid to Russia as Iran or nothing Britain was in well as to Britain and 4 Reestablishment of soviet controlh of its sea approaches of Iran occupation relations with Poland Czech° the overland segment ' of Slovakia Norway Belgium Yugo- assured the route slavia and Greece comAn excellent railway 5 "The united front of freedom Perfrom In the 1938 runs Icpying people of the wilole world° pleted to the Caspian sea In The announcement that W sian gulf numerous truck roads run Averill Harriman had been named addition Iran transport normally through head of the American delegation than the railways to the war supply conference An more tonnage Moscow aroused interest of soviet Many of them are surfaced vrith crushed stone a official circles The press recalled Iran between British India and that American and British supthe strategic route Turkey are en to route this east for was plies already axis If the latter the country had passage through Turkey t it watild be in excellenk position to slam into the Caucasus and BritItin'S Indian empire through Iran I LIVE) 1 h Vtf) occupation and fortification of the Iranian 0Pproaches would in large measure nullify Turkey as a jumping-of- f point for the axis place a thbusand miles of tough country 'between Germany and its goals de-ear- ed Roosevelt-C- -- -- facts - - - hump-backe- - - U - Halts Mexico's Pro Nazi Leader re-Por- ted ! - - - ow - side-by-si- de Anglo-Americ- an Russian- nazi-Fin- al Russo-Britis- Russo-Britis- pH1L c 0 itisyou &audit& 3 or t 1Z steft aDd EM to flier:ma &at only 459 Taboo iPHILCO 330T FM at lose cost shanks to PhiIre FM System! And every tube works on Standard and Short-U'av- e as well as FM better radio tor every service! 7 specialired and WARR& Prilito Radio mitre anitir0 you l eosuplete gotta-'acti- year-arou- t1J la on LLIkT RADIO CO ladled Plate illfsdquarter tor ?hilt Combinatioes rittles Mitre Illetrigaratoto Plsollo-Eleetr- Easy Ternts - - 28 So Main Opp ZCMI Copyright by N Y Times MOSCOW Aug 30 — Faced with the prospect of a long and bitter war the economic system of the soviet union is now being adjusted to meet conditions growing out of the German invasion and the initial enemy successes including t h e conquest of certain extremely rich areas such as White Russia and the southern and western 7 Ukraine For many years the soviet government has been preparing for possible eventualities in the war by building up new Ural centers fore industrial output based on such relatively new cities as Sverdlovsk or Magnito- gorsk Only Friday it was announced that considerate plant equipment from the steel manufacturing center of Dnieperpetrovsk - which has been cap- al-M- ost z Germans Claim! POlie Gives Sinking of Sympathy to 60 Russ Ships Lava! Attacker (Continued From Page One) a mammoth nazi mine field the Germans reported Saturday night Sixty Russian ships definitely were destroyed and the toll may reach past 100 the German high command reported in supplying some details of capture of the formerEstonlan capital sna the nearby naval base of Paidiski The combination land sea and air Struggle was one of the most spectacular and bitterly-fougvictories yet claimed in the 10- war against Russia week-ol- d Describing the action as similar in many respects to the British 15 evacuation of Dunkerque months ago Germans said that as the wehrmacht drove up close to Tallinn it met concentrated rings of red army tanks and heavy bombardment from the Russian navy:offshore and 17 heavy shore guns The luftwaffe was turned loose on the Russian naval force t while the army charged the tanks and stormed the heights west of Tallinn The town itself was taken on Thursday the German reports said In personal combats which ranged from house to house and from room ht to room Reds Gear Economic System To Fill Needs of Long War en° "t Anglo-Americ- t IMEIMMEN i 1dr '' 4 WAYS 1 ' 411 :::11::': té '::- 11::::' 4( v i ?a ‘14 t : 4111tr:':-::::::- ' - - ' IP s ' " 4' 4 ' ' s ' -" -- z'-- ' -- ''" :i 6 2 ' t— Cr I ' 71 - '41 II :'t7 IN: 4when ciarge : LAKE Interest—No Carrying SALT TYPEWRITER CO I t ' DOWT UT tHE OSMIUM I -- - g : - 111:1tl2k' ic ' ::n : :La - i tinlie:J21 1 (-- t r 'A :o 1 Yw:h:Te-&- 1-- 1 t 1 i I ' 110tes - - -': i 11 ' ' 00 A -- - --- -- p --1- --- -- '- - 34 r ' -- ! - - t '16 A -: i ii - : 11077721 cANADA CONVIIIIINI 5 On ' ' rummy SIZIS-11CONO- © lat td tri4 m :WWI gasits In nr piessit subsidies odes Seeds tuts MIK In - Tom Collins Mixer PRICIS Mitin 'I oily Sparkling Wotor "Tho Champagne ot:Oingor'Alos" 4 : - )1 4 e4f 40446::!'::Frv' l' LANADER i 211 ::: 4 d THE FAMILY'S THIRST CHOIC1 DON'T RUSH AROUND bottles of this pure refreshment on the table say better than words "You're welcome!" (Be prepared Oider some now!) ' ' — 9'' t' i - -- 5aJtof )t ' - f '1101 i ::: - Ida i - spelt him e i ' i run you - A i I :7 1 i - Lure them into good behavior with wholesome delicious Canada Dry—the drink rt--that's good for everybody - ' 1- - a - If 6 ''' - ' 7':1': 47' i ragged ::t': Usti THIS 7 3 iv:: : :kspor 0‘ fixing things guests drop in Let Canada Dry supply the hospitality Cold gleaming 6265° ' 'i : - AS LOW AS "4:4111-4IZ''''-i:- :::: :) :? --- -- : t 4 ! 'd maiodb : '''1 : o ''t I ' 1 ' : N 'r 4 i -- : ''''' ' : ' I 1 itv - 'If DON'T PLAT Slit it'7: t -- N - 1 - 41 t -- '" ' : o - :i- t- :' -: : -- - l':'' 2 - 1:'V t:: :v11 1v" - v 1vv : (t:: YI::C:4::::1'1:4:1::: :44ii::::-:- 1it-- r II i' sets of tennis in one day If you must at lead take time out for the pick-u- p without a Mlle lown Canada Dry Ginger Aler (Note how thoroughly its dry tangy flavor quenches thirst!) meals 1 t i - -- : si'? "'::'"'' ' ? " 41( 4 : ':'' ' :::y :2) - - DON'T SERVE COMPLICATED Jf41111t- Rebuilt Standard Machines New Portables J '' - 7::: NI 1 :' 1- I All Makes $T' - 1 3:- - - ::- 1 41 ' : :':":1 : ii' t44c ' — 4 tri:774 - ' Ns's” :t::-f- Serve something simple such as undJ wiches and salads ind trust to Canada Dry—'The Champagne of Ginger Ales" —to make these simple snacks taste swell! (It helps digestion tool) for SCHOOL MAIN '4:i' :'1 I k 1141010006 - SO - '2 ot A ::: - : l - ' ''4' k - 4b :: : 1' c: - ' k t a :7 0 i ' DAY ' t7 'PN10 46::----- :i i ' :'': ' r::::' Q u:4414 '''''''::::'r':1':':::: 4 ' l'-- - a it 0 4"if ::':ill' '' ' et i TYPEUIIITEIS 333 ' siNifjoo 4 41:t:0:219! t gether" SOMS 'g :?::('- ed an ' 4 - GET READY it OUT Op '- '' tbL' Paul Colette young Norman who put a bullet so close to the heart of Pierre Laval Wednesday that the stricken politician although Improved still remained in athe danger zone remained in the danger zone The antisoviet legion which Laval was inducting when- he was shot decided to back Laval's gesture in asking that Colette be treated with clemency' and the latest editions of the newspapers of German-occupiPaps suddenly became much milder in their attacks on him Some even came to his defense While the administrations of both the occupied and unoccupied zones pushed stern measures to deal with growing unrest at home War Minister General Charles Huntziger went on the air to tell the population of British-hel- d Syria that "you are the victims of a situation you did not want"and to promise them a return of rule by European France "If you can be compelled to give obedience" he told these peopie recently brought under British rule "nobody can order your hearts I exhort you to maintain communion together waiting hoping togethr confident to by the nazis bad been salvaged and moved eastward across the Dnieper dam road before that famous engineering achievement was blown up This is considered the basis for the continued of materials which is expect- ed to supply the soviet during this prolonged anticipated struggle and it is hoped that aid will counterbalance the initial losses Which are conceded to the German offensive Regarded of especial impor- tance is the gathering of a sufficient harvest to feed the aimy and population during the customarily severe soviet winters and Russia is fortunate this season in having unusually good crops and in the fact that certain large producing areas have not as yet been affected by the conflict vNiagemmozw VICHY Unoccupied France Aug 30 UP1—A sudden expressiont of sympathy developed Saturday for Wired - - I i - i' ' ''' - i - - |