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Show B A" GOOD NIGHT'S REST H "Speak for It I" the cried to clonj-le, B 1'or she knew In her little tuart, H Tlmt German Syrup, home's steal (feature, B Could health and joy impart H The grentest tonic on rarth it n good B night's rest. Restless nights nnd the tcr- H rilile cxhnustioit of n hacking cotigll if H dread dangers of the poor consumptive B Hut why tilts fenr of tlie night when a H I few ilostsof Dr. Iioschcc'H German Syrup H " ill insure refreshing sleep, entirely frta H from cough or night sweat? Free cx- H pectoration In the. morning is made cer- B tain by taking German Syrup. H I We know by the experience of over H thirty-five years that otic 75-cent hottlc of H German Syrup -will speedily relieve or B cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or B . lung troubles and that, even in bad kHJ ' rates of consumption, one large bottle of kHB German Syrup will work wonders. it HkHl Two bizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. J For sale by City Drug Store, Logan. H I Resemblance of Wheat and Corn. H ' Whtnt and corn In (heir nnturil H btate, aro iiulto unllko In aiiriciirnuct B , When they aro find ground and bolt B ' cd, however, the resemblance lb strli- HBVJ In p. nnd a few jcars ago the m!ll.j bHJ Industry was seriously threatened 1 HkHJ the sale as wheat flour of a nihtn kHJ of'the two Fortunately. Ilil prrr"1''' kVl has been entirely stopped by a wl kVH enforced law. hhbvj H Official Directory. B District Judge IV. W. Mauglmn. B District Attorney -Fred J. Holton. B COUNTV OKK1CKK8. B County Commissioners 1!. A Hend- B rloks, Joseph Knowles, W. H.Dar- B ley. B County Clerk Jacob N. Larson. B County Recorder Rebecca Karnes. B County Attorney J. C. Walters. H County Treasurer W. C. Parkinson. H County Assessor Jos. J. Richardson. H County Shcrlll T. If. Smith. H County Surveyor K. C. Schatib. H County Physician W. It. Parkinson. H County Supt. Schools Lewis McCar kV Count:' Fish a jd G inie Warden Chas. H H I WaterCoinmissloner James Mclklc. m I Fruit tree ItiDcsctors Niels R. Rroby B Wcllsvlllc B Precinct Justices of the Peace and m : Constables of Cache County, eleetc B Kuvcmt er 8th, 1904. H Justlcct -A von.Geo. W. Dais;Renson L. 1'. Itoundv; College, C. R' Jepp- kV sen; Covevllle, E. S. Larsen; J 3reenvlllc, is'cls A. Madsen; Hyde kV Park, Albert Klrby; Ilyrum, Jas. L ensen; MJgan.Thos.X. Smith; kB L Alston, reter E. VanOrden, Jr.; Millvlllc, Martin Olsen; Mcndon, 7 :Mt. Sterling, David Iienrv; Newton, Lorenzo 0. Lar- B 1 sen; Putcrboro, E Mallard; Prov- pH Idcnci . Lorenzo R. Tibbitts; Para- M disc, W. J. Willis; Richmond, W. L. Harris; Smlthticld, Wro. Doug; H last; Trenon, Charles 0. Wood-kB Wood-kB ellsvlllc, R. Rasmusscn: Wheel- or, James M. Anderson; Clarkston, kH Jamc It lardlnc. B Constables A .on, William C. Hiib- bard Hen son, J. E. Harney; Col- lege Walter A. Jensen; Covevllle-f Covevllle-f F. U. Titensor; Greenville Wll, lard Nyinan; Hydo Park. Fred O- Woolf; Ilyrum, Robert 11. McKar. lean; logan, George 1. Fames- Lewlston.Joseph W.LeavItt, Mill-ftW Mill-ftW vllle, Fredrick T. Yeates; Mcndon, m : Mt. Sterling, kV ,Ua"10' lod: Newton, Franklin kV T. Grlllln Peterboro, H 1 icMt'u w. Horace Ham- kV mond Pa 1 ad ise. It. V. James; Richmond, William F. Mnith; kV Smlthtield. Walter Fisher; Trenton kW k Alvln .dcCombs; Wcllsvlile, Fred B t- T Parley: Wheeler. William Ity-kj Ity-kj t -,,. bee; Clarkston, Aslah Thompson. ' f Oregon Short Line R.R. H CACHE VALLEY TIME CARD H -No' Dally. No, 15. Dally Mixed. kl 1'ocatello 2i45 p. lu 2:30 a. m km SH Lake 4:10 ll:45p.m m OtOen 6:20 j.;5 .. km CacheJct. 7:00 ...5:30am kB Mcndon 7:18 " d:C0 " kV Loi:an T:35 " 8:24 " kW Sinltlifleld 7:ia T!0o kV Itlclimond 8-04 7i4 " kV Franklin t21 6:15 " kV Mill IV EH kV Pruton !il(i " OHO a.in B eouTii hound. kV LEA V EH. B No. 12 Dally. No. 18. Dally Mlxo kV Preston 7il0a.ro 9:40a.tn kV franklin 7:27 " 10:00 kV; Ulchmond 7i42 10jo " kV Smlthtield 7:M " It, 10 B Iuan 8:15 " 12:50p.ra kj Mcndon 8:33 " 1U0 Bk CaclieJcU 8r50 j35 BB? Oeden 10:35 " fj:oo tJaltl.ake 11:45 " 7,10 " BH 1'ocatello ti B Tor further Information apply to m W. W. Woodlde.Aeent. llJkm m AmfkHi Always Successful. When Indigestion becomes chronic It Is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure Indigestion and all troubles resulting therefrom, thus preventing catarrh of the stomach. Dr. Ncwbrough, of League W. Va., says: "To those suffering from Indigestion Indi-gestion or sour stomach I would say there Is no better remedy than Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have prescribed It for a number of my patients with good success." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests di-gests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Ttlter Bros. Drug Co. Got Off Cheap. He may well think he has got oil cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or Indigestion, Is still able to perfectly restore his health. 'Nothing 'Noth-ing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache, constitution, constitu-tion, etc. .'oc at Klter Iiros Drug Co. guaranteed. A Laxative Cough Syrup. " A cold or cough nearlv alwavs produces pro-duces constipation the water it'll runs to the eyes, nose nnd throat Instead of passing out of the system through the liver and kidneys.. For the want of moisture tho bowels become dry and hard." Kennedy's Laxative lloney and Tar Is Unoriginal LaxatlvccouL'ii. syrup It meets and corrects the above conditions, by acting as a pleasant pleas-ant cathartic on the bowels expels all colds from the system and cures all cough, Lagrlppe, bronchitis, etc. Sold by Klter Iiros. Drug Co. Ti Chicago Meat Market i , s I LOGAN, UTAH, OFFERS YOU A BARGAIN f f ijf wherein they GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU 30 to 0 $ 75 Per Cent IN BUYING YOUR Smoked and X Salted Bacon, When buying bacon remember' X & to not throw hway your money. We mean what we . 4t say and can prove it to you. A . . I i S B. Sorenson, & Proprietor. x i Do Not Forget That we have a Reputation Reputa-tion to Sustain. Wc arc the cheapest, have always been considered the cheapest and wo will remain the cheapest, taking quality Into consideration, for all kinds of Tools, Cutlery, Tinware, Granite Ironware and Hardware of every description. Don't you believe It? Compare our prices and be convinced. Wc have everything you need In this line. R. LaFount & Co. 38 Center Street 38 You'll never miss the Fuel till the Bin runs dry. especially when It has been tilled with our coal. IJettcr till her up again now during the warm months. In sum-mer sum-mer peace prepare for winter's war. It cost vou less now. M. & L. Wood & Coal Co Phone 1 98 k. Griffin Bros., The Machinists. Have a complete stock of Wagon Wa-gon and Buggy materials. Can do all kinds of repairing including in-cluding buggy top and uphol-tering uphol-tering work. Have recently purchased a machine for setting set-ting rubber tires, or channels thus converting steel to rubber rub-ber tire buggies. All work guaranteed. Send Me The Names of your friends or relatives' In thcKast who are contemplating movement to the west during the spring or summer There will bo In effect during tho spring months, from all eastern points to every section of the west, greatly reduced rates (both ono way and round trip), and It will be to their Interest that you give me the names pt parties who may be Induced by these rates to come West. No matter where they may bo located, we will have our rep. rescntatlves call upon or write to them and advise them of the cheapest cheap-est and best way to make the trip. Call upon or address 0. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago & North. Western Ity., V. O. Hox 750, Salt Lake, Utah For Sale Cheap ! ! I .'120 acres First-class Alfalfa and Timothy Farm, with water rlght.near Woodruff, V1 Utah. Fine stock rango near by. Must be sold. Cash or time payments. Logan Real Estate and Loan Company LOUIS S..CAR00N, Mgr., Iogan, Utah. Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commls- -A. slons charged 2 The Only Double-Track Railway betweea B the Missouri River and CbJcaio. B The 1 Overland 1 Limited I The Most Luxurious Train la the World H Compartment and drawing -room H sleeping cars, observation cars, Jin- H Ing cars, buffet-smoking and library B cars, with barber, bath and Dook- B lovers Library; .entire train electric H I lighted, through to Chicago without Bj change. Direct connection for H St. Paul and Minneapolis I I Tickets, reservations, and full In- B UH formation can he obtained from H vB& C. A Walker, General Agent. kj Chicago & North-Western Ry. f y K 206 South Alain Street, V I A 9T Nwi4. Salt Lake City, Utah. Jj V A Pleasing Husband B makes a contented woman. Hint to jH the wife: Uso Central Hour In biscuit H making and seo a sercna smllo creep K over tho physiognomy of your spouse aB' Try It onceyou'll use Jt alway, R Central Milling Co. m .LOOAN, UTAH. Hj |