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Show K With Information as to the Varied Resources and Industries of the City and Cache County. I K pnVfpmraoR I WBSL13Y JAOQDB8 Altitude 4,502 feet. Itiir swkll coxkkction. fin,: winks and Liquons I iKuiuibion Climatic conditions are as nearly buy op logan. also cioaiis. ( m Cache Valley Barbershop r , MURDOCH'S J. R. Edwards I B Livery CO.... and Bath Rooms " JSS. '"; 'rar "",,ic" ,,,c Candy Kitchen and Company I P Livery Feed and Tiansfor Stable. We employ none but Experienced Short, mild winter, and long cool ,. mtr .,,.,,, ,,.,, ,,,, Uus Meets all Trains. Harbors, thus ensuring the summers. "Vie" .Hon K Ice' 'cream? Hont fall to fall if you nnt am- f Commercial j. Trade Solicited Best of Service. Seldom 15 below ill the winter and Ices, and Sherbets. Made the jcar thing In ouiOinc. M Stables rear of Eaglo Hotel Everything clean and Up-to-date. but 90 ill the Slimmer with cool 'round. Our cream Is I'asteurlcd A ,H It Entrance 1st North Street. Wo solicit your patronage and mountain breees ' bcf0,r, Uee'ln , Ol'H OOOl)SAHi:illoii OKADK Z KZ Phones: office llx; Res. !M y. will do our best to inuum.ini uru.u. All our candles aic niude fiom M K Tor-AIM TA please you. Every night cool enough for light Cache Valley Sugar. M mm LOGAN, - - UTAH. basement tiiatoiikr bank blankets. AL;L noMK LAI.0it used. where the fish auk H ! I Purest mountain water m un- . jjmjww k limited quantity. " jH B "The Hanks" Hotel The Lincoln Hotel Atinostphere dry and highly in- Tremont House y, r , ... . m 2 HOHE-UKE. POPULAR. Mrs. Hanks. Propr f" ,n .. .. ... , MRS. E. WILCOX. Prop. 2 m L 5 wen united nd imted. oood meu .nd Valley is 60 miles in length by 12 ,, , ,..,-, . mmmi Uln- H Klrst-classsorvlco. llus to all trains! Pav- Commercial trade wllcllcd Center street lllileS wide t-OlIHltu the Tabernacle- Manufacturers of the famous 'Tanners' II n- litH KftA orlto hostelry for Commercials. PbonellK ,. ,. nv m ,,, ,., vr . V , , ,, ,, , Good comfortable rooms, with or without '"" ""'"- lh liest Hour to use-the U-st X HH BlaY OvnrPoston.re Ma. anrt . , Naillcd Cache (casll) Valley be- l,ard at reasonable rate, '' to exchange .rrls.s the lst place to do , P- over ioston.ee. M.m.ndutN. cause it is hidden, being entirely sur- Sm,I::;,:;r'r,mw,,,,, w",,u "' I B . .. ,T .. , r .. Ed. Pohl rouiided by the Wasatch mountains. John A. Sneddon - !H If Laaies laiionng Allege merchant tailor. Mountains are rich in mineral Attoniey.it.uw. Alfred Picot H w J. t. WIUOH, MiMgtr. PT Clcanlni; and Ucpalrlne a specially Wealth, aild tllC Valley COlltaillS 500,- Oer 1st National Hank. M fKuiLe'ukiM Hnest samples of kchxIs In Cache ceuntys 000 acrCS of filieSt Soil Oil earth. Estates Probated Dealerln iM f ree'Vn'wInfflnSi: A to L, "JrlhT Fa lttMds eaSily WOrth 100 P" M U" ''"" '"al e,t41- """"" ' "" " '-" fP Carton Gallery West of l'ostofflco. acre. anco-odlce west 1st. north street H R ' I niran Nnvpltv Theatre Gas, coal, iron, gold, silver, cop- A.C.Smith 7T, 7 ' LLi Logan Novelty Shop TZJ per, m'arble'croppinls found in mai!y Attornt,a,.Uw r G. W. Llndquist 2, 5 R-M-R0LFSEN KeBned vaudeville ,K-rformanccs after- PrSPeS; IM.tes i.rohated. collections. Beneral law IMMtiktr Embalmtr. H V The old rollablo hoii for Illcycle, Oun and noon and and otenlntr. 4. 7;0 and 8;30; com- UondltlOllS CXCeedlllCflV tavorablc to .. ,., , , , . , , , . , W IH ft Uepalrsofall kind,: Also dealers In pleto chance Mondays and Thursdays! Ad- .(1,lh-r f nA micYnrr J "tlco-Smlll, block. Preston. Idaho. -phono office 127. J H 2 SportlnBOoods of All Kinds mission 10c resened seats 10c W lit N St St-IWlUIIl. , laoiling dim raiblllg OI plioiiu- reshl.m-e .Vk . H mm Number ss West i.t North , 1 fruits. Cache Valley Lumber Yd. IS ; Logan Elevator Valley is the greatest dairy section A L Hans S. Nielsen w m a Pprtercpn A Cn of the state, containing two condensed Jr ., .. 9 H H ii. ft. rcucrscii a vu. $iac Jorjtnjtn. Prop. milV fnnr,rii.c nntl mmihBi.1i.ee oraom AllkindnoMumi-er. Hnishimrs. moulding Livery and Feed Sublt. X H J REAL ESTATE LOANUNSURANCE. COLLEa.ONS I)cllcrlll.llUlldsoferllnandBCC(9ic.r. SS " 5' xTX'' ofioTSrnu. i-- .-tr. .- k eduth Cache is noted for fine horses and aTT' '" I . I'ostoDIco llox XO. I'honolKIX phono liix 1-1 rj;, 1, C.. T?..:.. Rnwpn & RlnnrhnrH """ ''x'f to Novelty theater, phono 111 lH Correspondence In any LanKuaco answered . largely SlippllCS the Sail FrailClSCO tiOWCn CC tSlanCliarU f . . r. market. Llvcryand FccdStables. I I r i f Fmil F NleUen Jonni nomas Cache Valley is 65 miles north of Mvcry ,,d b.eBBU promptly attended Joiln Bench H il cum u. iiiuscii Merchant Tailor. Opden mid 100 inilpq north of Snlt to-connections made with all trains-corn- Dry Goods l i 2 CARRIAGE MAKER. Ctr-Leadlnttallorofnorthernmahic.il ?. r$l medial trade sollclud. I'lrst West street. uryuoodJ J at his now store No. 70 west 1st north L,aKC Llty. Ixican, Utah Orocirles. and Notlonn 9 Wacons and Carriages nudo toordcr. Kc- A lino Una of Tail and Winter samples of T OfrAi .v. S11,i, ....i,, H m a palrlne neatly done, Satisfaction jruar- ultlncs for Inspection. D c o - i ki anU-H. Oarffs Lutnbrr Yard. Lo Utah is tllC COUllty SCat of CacllC COllllty HeterSOn & SonS. Wrlo X. "m l "" S IS m k v h r ' with a population of 7,000, the center 0ol(1 slKllg w lPal "s-, ,, Worley & Nelson H Heber K. Hansen A. H. Palmer of 25,000. i'ttJSeMnrM; Contractor, and Bui.der, Tool, Bicycle and Novelty Repairing. THE pLUMBER Is located at the base of the.eastern Zl xnJSZZu S I "SSSrtU IKgr WrPlun.lb needs o rtrik un- nitlge of the W.-JSatC 1 mOUlltainS. , ., street o..icorres,.,,teosoe,ted J A Klttlne. etc. No..-wrirstWcst. til Jack frost cets at It- IS tllC 1 ClliplQ City Of the North, " ' -r X H 1 just North -The Lincoln . and the "Athens of Utah." White Swan Laundry J. A. McCausland" S ft "TheC.ub-Sa.oon J. Z. Stewart Jr. JJfSJ "-h ... 5 u . n um n Attorney-at-Uw. ie Infntnrl 1ifrr All liio-lifM- rnnrcpc WHest ttorU-l'rompt delivery , "01 wUI' lr0,ll nlirnni. ur white H mm H. J. DeWin, Prop. ' is locatea nere. ah nigner courses nuiniri teeth extracted with ti.u least iwssi. t 11M10 North Main Street HT l'avorlte re- EstaU's probated, collections, t-enoral law tailgllt. 4., H Center St. H.onitox ble pain by use of ulonlnnden satisfaction X H IITiot;iXD!," practice. L.an Utah The Brighaill Yoilllg College with TVi"" iTTITT" " " " "" '" " 5 I! tic wet aoods and ciMr,. liTA Riivt inagiiificent buildings and 725 stud- The Palace Hotel & Cafe. " H B9 Alfred A. Bhxt en ts is here. Trout 4 Trout, Props. Jos. Wilson & Son BS Dr. I. P. Stewart Mouse Painting and Paper Hanging. The New Jersey Academy with 150 '" ""' ,,Uco t0l't'"-" inUwan. our Brass and Iron Founders. 5 S DENTIST. bin l-lntin. a specialty; AH work Buar- StllddltS is located here. "wlll "ZZrtT Cuile'; strm.eiT;ann1 -"'"' '""chlnery repa.rlncof ... J successor u, Cowans., Stewart. OBIce over -ued Orst-c.ass. phoned The city School System iS Olie of JJ J a rim National nank. Phone iou the best ui the west. Cache Valley Tea and Soda Water Co. "vcr """-'"' wlt""rt't Hart t& Nebeker The c,ty has wide streets, paved Korupkat 4 Pearson. Props. ZT, m LL i . r- ri. sidewalks and crossings. . syiiead.iuarterH for an kinds ot teas, cof- I He Logan Nurseries - H V JameS C Walters lwvrr dicnnnA i 1 i fees. plces, llavorlnc extracts and baklnif 9 LH X invo. w. Lawyers. $150,000 waterworks System ,',deri manufacturers and iKHtiers of all Trees, Plants, Seeds and Flowers Li V iT-rnoniFV at l iw Suite 5 and commercial block jt ti , J llavoraof soda .and mineral water: solo man- . ri.., cuj ana nowers. m H MJ AnORNEV-AT-LAW. .uite d ami o commercial uiik.k OWlied by tile City. ufactlm,rs of M ram , u, r , As lino Muck f m. 2 HM Locan. Utah . ,.n;ftnn.r . . , , i fruit coffee on the market, '" "" hU,c, " "rnaiuental trees as 9 H Ka Union lllock 75 North Main Street I'lionoTO.-pobox 54 A SlUUUU llgllt plailt OWllCCl Dy could Ixideslredi prices reasonable A H BS tllC City. D P M P I ."outh Jlaln street A H L! I ncr.in stpnm I nnnrlrv An independent electric system, ur. H. m. Houisen --- w mm m Logan Steam Laundry A. Swinyard , "The Hercules." JJcst Set of - unnn Palace Meat Market M 46 West 1st North. mm -n n . i 1 .,, isest bet or Teelli, SlO.On W HH Z General Blacksmlthlng The Bell telephone system With Kllllne Tcoth l.oo Wm. Readlntf. Prop 5 rirst-ciass cfflciont work dono on short - tQn subscribers Cleaning Teeth, 1,00 w H B notices family washes a specialty: satlsfac- llutrcy and carrlaso work . , ' . . , Highest Class Crown and RrltlL'C Work 1'rlul Uet- 'nuttpn. isjrk. cal.ttc.t sua- 9 ! 2 tlon Buaranteed. Phone IIU Wlsouth Main Unlimited Water power for CStab- at most reasonable prices. All work W-i 'resh every morulmri Ush. tame and m T , ' lisllllient Of factories. 1iYaannw:nIe0tr,Te?-itrS?tCd Wlt,,0Ut oul-'1 " M"t Cemerstnet Z Hp ., ... . pain. Olllco over U. O. Store. V LH E it n m x. r rn Odell Photo Studio lhe city will soon have astrcet . m M MZ u u iU D' ' ' . .. rrnMM , fBffllll railway. ,, , , , 'The Side Board Bar Lumber Dealers. . c - All Jelcctric suburban line with Ferdinand Jacobsen ..,,,,,,.. 2 I V rVKIoorlne. celllne. rustic, lath, doors. Ptri'ortralts onlarced In crayon. India , T , cm,neCtioiiq IS 0. Certlill 39 East Fourth South ln PrP1' ? Li Bash, ruouhllnes. locks, hlrnie. nails, bolte. Ink. pastel and water colors Main and oait iaKC CQlllieCllOUS IS a Certain JV tail rourlh Soulh. p fH E . builders hardwaro and paints: Oeo Cole. Msr center streets. I-ocan. Utah prOSpC'Ct. Manufacturer of Uiuld lllulmr. Every '-Muors. Lholcu wines and cluars: mixed J H Ht, lM.ono0 l'OIxa LotraU has a COlUlllodioUS aild beau- hMe Kuar,,lnttl"1 Campbell commercial drinks a specialty: Lincoln hotel erN I I nnnrlflrh .. . touimuiiiuus anu UL.tti company, solo aircnts. Orders tilled on appll- m 111 K ' l,. j. vjuuuiicii tiful opera housej.good hotels, a $10,- cation by r. jcobsen. J H B Real Estate, Loan and In- osteopath. 000 pavilion and numberless amuse- w "' ' arkinson, M. D. J M B surance.Co. of Logan. oraduateof the American school oiostc- . nieiit halls, as well as a "Novelty C. V. HANSEN Physicjan and Surgeon. M KS N. W. KlmbalU A.'L Cranney, Mgrs.' opathy. Klrksvllle.' Missouri O.llce-cor- Theatre." PAPER HANGER. OlUce-corner Main and conterstreet, lie.- C Farms. Handles. Itesldcnco and Iluslncss ner.Maln and Center St. Lotau: phono 119 Three Gdltlle clllircllCS aild ten Idenco-half block north II Vcollete. po box T H Locations for sale. We solicit correspond- MonilOU meetillff llOUSCS. OWN, Main street 'I'hone 110k : phones-UIk and 13x w . H HB once. OBIco In Union, over Andreas l'utcr- ,, . ... t-s- t ' i i . - . W LH E sen's si.oo store. Dr.-H.J. Frederick Fiue residences and up-to-date . A B K , Graduate veterinarian business blocks. Put rubber tires on your Cache Va,Iey Real Estate, J . E ALMA THEURER is prepared to do all kinds of veterinary A Coilllliercial Clllb" of 150 buggy. Loan. collection and Insurance aL-tncy; res- m M p raa-uart a rva-x work uay and nUlit calls promptly attend- members. ' Idcnce. business locations, ranches.and farms X H P North of Johnson' Grove. ed. Can bo found at I'roldcnce. Utah, until . Three lllileS frOlll Lo'rn CailVOll Kmll Nielsen, tllC carriage builder 'or "lo: notary public In our otllce.Locan M P caters to the public. When you want a """" "tlcc- tjicttiresaue in wcM ' from' which on South Main street, will do tills for J. Z. Stewart. Manager. b , ,, ,. ... most picturesque in wt i , irom wnicii you at a sma cost. Any buggy or 1 W rood.coolBias,ofiK.er.eivehimaca... flows the Logan river, a beautiful agon. Go and see him. Josenh TnrhtTt S H C Uilnnn Uhinlnu stream filled with trout. josepn laroet v H K HANS. C JENSEN IfllSllll WHISKcy Every opportunity for growth. W. R DEPPE ThtP,umbtr S iE Fresh Baled llay.Jtraw and Grain. People are progressive and liberal. ,. . , , ,, t"orders executed. satufr .nntruaran- 2 P Prices reasonable. Located Ut -the THAT'S ALL. City, COllllty aild Valley WantS OUt- Manufactured Pressed and band liolled ,eed on short not.ce-HO N Main street. Lo- H mm TJ.O. Foundry building. Hcsldenco .- . " .. ,'. .i- hrlck. r"Satlsfactlon euarauti ed. can, Utah V H K phono7lx. Purchases delivered If de- . : side capital invested in mines, gas, ,.,...,,.. . . m H C 8lrcd- one way to view it. railroads, factories. Surely an Affectlonate Baby. c H C Nonly Insuro In jour comimnyT 10,000 Other gOOCl points Will be Friend 1 buhpoko the buby Is fond m B LIK Chas W.Miller. with your hiRi.e3t officials nghting named on application to Commercial E. B. LUNDQUIST. of you? 2 W iiab. vy. miin-. thr way they are? r, , J1 Paua-Kond of mo? Why, ho sleeps H M i. n rnnnHrv RnlMlnH nulls Sure thing. You can see, for -lUD. Painter nd DetoMtor. M uft). when I'm not ut homo and A H C u. u. lounaryDuiiunis yourROlf that v.0 tnust have nssoU Doil't forget to pay US a VISlt. Work Promptly Done stays uj nil night Just to enjoy my bo- m M R Artistic and Practical Carrlaw ralnter. - worth lighting ovor. Hydo Park. Utah. ctoty!-Ton nnd Country. J H |