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Show "He Walked Off." In tho lonllug room at the hotel nt ritusvlllc, Fla., nt the head of, the In dlan river, Sol (largo cared Ike ltan dnlph a blanked fool. "Don't mil him a fool," ssld a venerable cruckei ' ,Ice sa he walked off " "Walken olT? What do that mean?" asked Sol nnd the cracker explained: "The Lord created men out of clay As fast ni He made 'em He leaned 'em up again tho fence ter dry In the sun. After n while Ho camo ntong ter put brains Into their hends, beglnnln' at the end of the line. Hut before Ho rould get through with the Job stimo o' the fellers fel-lers got Impatient un' walked off " Repartee that Was Rewarded. Old Do icon .Morse wns as good at repartee as an) man thing, sjs a writer In the ltoston Herald One time he was taking a vessel down New York harbor. Another vessel collided with his, and tho two drifted together. "Cut lonsot Cut looso!" culled thu other captain. Morse couldn't, but demanded that tho other do so Tin a the strangor would do, but he warned Morao If ho didn't thnt hey would soon reach Hell Oato. "Well," replied Morse, "yon won't stop nt the gate If you don't cut looso from us In about two mlnuto." This pleased the captain, nnd ho did hi desired. |