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Show Local Rumblings. Mrs. Marion Williams Is In Logan for a few dajs. I.C. Thoroson vent lo Salt Lake yesterday morning. The sunny SanKO, of Clarkston, was on the streets Saturday. F. U. McGraw, of Hltc'r brothers, went to Garland yesterday. John II, Ilarker, .lr , postmaster at the Junction, came over yesterday. Itlchard Godfrey, Clarkston's postmaster, post-master, came to Logari on Monday. Wlllard Crancy was a passenger from Illackfoot yesteulay morning. Olaf Nelson, the First North St. barber, had his fool opeiated on. He Is Impioving. Mrs John W. Owen, of I'ocatello, Is the guest of Mrs. William Swln-yard, Swln-yard, of this city. Miss Lucy Maker, the Mendori nurse who lias been piostiated with typhoid Is In Logan for short visit. , Mrs. C Gumming-, accompanied by her niece, Miss Ha.el I'ond, rctuincd from Salt Lake, Monday. Horn to Mr. and Mis. Many Good-sail, Good-sail, Monday morning, a line girl. Mother add babe doing well. Mis. Alice Strlngfellow, nee Mo Cullocli, of Salt Lake, Is in Logan, visiting with relatives and friends. Letters have been sent from the Ogden sugar factory notifying farmers to begin digging beets Friday, the 15th. Andrew S. Lowe, of the '.. U. M. I., Is here with line samples of Christmas goods. The gentleman always does well In Logan. William Sparks, of Claikston, was In Logan Sunday evening. lie reports heavy electrical storms on the west side of the valley. William I. Anderson, of this city, one of the lucky drawers, on the Uintah Uin-tah reservation, returned from that country Sunday night. Ho tiled on KM) acres of land on what Is known as the llluc licnch. lie reports favorably favor-ably of the country and says there is good land and plenty of It. The reunion given by the Amalgamated Amalgam-ated Sugar company last Saturday at Joljnson's grove, for the benelltof their employes was a huge success. There wero about :mm present, various games were Indulged In which weie holty contested. The ball game between be-tween the sugar factory and German team was won by the latter, score 7 to li During one of our recent visits to llrlgham city, we heau! of a surgical operation, that has created favorable comment in that locality. As It was performed by one of Logan's surgeons, It is worthy of mention. A short time ago Joseph Craighead, aged tlf-teen, tlf-teen, was accidentally shot with a twenty-two rllle while it was In the hands of a younger brother of twelve years. The ball entered the right Hide of the body between the eleventh and twelvth ribs, passed through the lower edge of the liver and stomach, lodging under the seventh rib on the left side, where tho bullet was found and extracted. The relatives realising theseriousness of the case had but little hope for the boy's recovoiy. Doctor Cutler, being in the vicinity took prompt action In the case and It is now stated that the boy li recovering from his injuries, which is almost a marvel to those who were acquainted with the case. Mr Kracr Crockett, Is up from Odgen. Thotnai (Srlllln, major of Itlclmion'i, Vlslte4 the county seat Tuesday. The genial Leo Campbell Is very sick with tiers ous prostration. Miss Ithea nicks went to Ogden Sunday morning on a visit to her relatives. re-latives. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Tlfatcherhao' returned re-turned from a two weeks trip to Star Valley. Mrs. il C. Smith and daughter, Oertrude, returned Monday from an extended visit In Canada. I' O. Nelson, principal of the Richmond Rich-mond shools, attended the Teacher's Institute on Friday and Saturday. The Jovial feature of Dr. Phillips, of Wcllsvillc, were seen In Logan on Saturday. Sat-urday. Orson Satterthwalte, editor of the Rich County News, and George A. Walilstrom, Marshal of Randolpji, ate In Cache county on business. I'hlllp Kvans came down from Rex-burg, Rex-burg, on Sunday, to assist In caring for his boy, David, who has a bad case of typhoid. C. J. A. Llndqulst leturncd to Ogden yesterday after spending a few dajs lishlng In Logan canyon. The gentleman was well pleased with his trip. Dance at Johnson's grove tonight. to-night. Next Sunday, at 10 a. in., the Religion Re-ligion classes of Cache Stake will hold a teachers convention at the 15. Y. college. Elder Louis Kelch will be In attendance. . The races' at the Logan Driving Park, Friday snd Saturday, will be the racing rac-ing event 6f the season. Horses, comprising com-prising some of the best belonging to the circuit will be here, and will compete com-pete for prizes aggregating several hundred dollars. George Ballard, a brother-in-law of Soren l'oulson,atid formerly a resident of Providence, spent a few days at his old home last week Mr Ballard Is running a line ranch at the head of Birch cicck, Idaho, and has It well stocked with horses and cattle The gentleman recently made a trip to the Uintah icservatloii in view of opening up another ranch. He states, that accoiding to his judgment, the much talked of country is n. g., that there Isas.miich grasson lOOacics In Idaho as there is on l.OOOacreslu the Uintah country Using the gentleman's own words, "Out of the .'17,000 peisons reg-Isteied reg-Isteied I do not believe over 300 will homestead. The altitude is high, soil is red clay, and much alkali. Men ac-(iiiaintcd ac-(iiiaintcd with the rich fertile lands In Utah and Idaho look upon the lower country as a erltable desert. People better stay in the north. i , |