Show LOCAL BRIEFS KINDERGARTEN KI MEETING The Emerson imerson Kindergarten asso will meet Saturday afternoon at 3 in the ilie Emerson school chool building MRS GORDON SAFE Mrs Irs Hilda Gordon ordon wife of Professor Gordon for merl merly of or this city who wac wa reported ri to have been one ot of the victims of the Gal veston disaster is safe Mrs s George Ford of or 35 South First West Vt street received a telegram yesterday from roin Mrs Gordon saying that she had escaped escapa without In jury ury from the stricken city FIRE IN DESERTED CABIN The roof of a deserted log cabin at South Eighth East street was partially destroy ed by b fire lire last night It J Je is supposed the Iro was as set by b some boy bo boys who have be j fore ore set fire to the shack with ith matches mat hes I No vo 1 department wa was called out and the names llamas were soon extinguished DEATH OF AN death of Elder EIder John Dye Frankland at Ausley Ausle Ala at 84 1 Wednesday Tn was an flounced in Ia a to President Snow from so su Tenn Teas yesterday He had been jick with fever The decea deceased ed was a resident r of or N M lL al thou h ne le was born at Levan Lotan Juab coun un ty L Lah l oth ah The body tody wilt wih be sent ent home In change iC of or an eld eldar r BROUGHT TWO PRISONERS Sheriff Layne came down from Ogden Oden yesterday Y bringing wl with h him to t the te irison two sentenced to serve terms in the reformatory The convicts are John I lum mer er convicted of the crime of rape and attempting to cremate his victim and andi i and sInt i t William u Vi J Il for ten t Johnson J years by b convicted J Judge f of or am the tha I crime of assault with w a deady didy weapon crime of assault with a deadly weapon NEW NEV ABSTRACT CJ COMP KYA A of Incorporation was issued t yes CS fe uy the secretary 8 of state to the Ogden Ogdon City Weber County Count Abstract company which Was recently organized by A r residents of Ogden Os n with a capital of or In lOO shares to condl conduct t the busi ness Indicated by b the corporate corpora to name Charles Meighan Is president Reynolds C Brownell vice vIc president George J Kelly secretary Florian B Devoto Devote treasurer and E Kelly Is the other director and incorporator READY FOR BUSINESS BUSINE With a capi c pl tal tat of et 1000 in 1 shares share s the llie Western W stern Mining Alining Investment company was aas In this city yesterday to conduct a brokerage business E W V Young is president and treasurer M I Young vice president president V L Jackson secretary and Chhrles B Lee and L L Winters Inters are are the other directors and Incorporators tors With the exception of 0 Mr Winters who re sides at Denver beaver all aU the Incorporators are residents of Salt Lake The property consists of in 1 1 cash and office valued at GOO COO REQUISITION HO from the governor of Illinois to Governor of or Wells Vels brought by Officer er Green Joliet IlL for the return of Tom Moser who is wanted in toot that state to complete his Ins term of Imprisonment has bas been ben honored by b the Utah executive One condition however is Imposed sed which ac cording to a new rule allows the prisoner to have hours after hs ha 11 re Dc lease from the county jail in the morning Co in be apply for his liberty bras beas on a writ of ba ha corpus fellow convicts COnI tg have nave raised a purse for him to lawyer to seek a p t writ of habeas 1 3 corpus but Is not believed that tho the effort will avail the prisoner anything an DEPUTY SHERIFFS QUIT Deputy Sheriffs Ab Dyer and mid Sam Saut Dowse threw up their jobs johs yesterday Yc The action caused gossip m i among the po friends of the two officers and Sher iff lit Howells rivals but neither of the deputies nor Sh SherIff riff Howells was Inclined to di dl dIscuss cuss the reasons leading up to the resignations The only on statement the sheriff would make for publication that both bt deputies eJ I had voluntarily resign S was ed at the end e of a conference c and the rca res were wre accepted It was stated on the streets last night that Jailer Taller Thomas Thoma and Deputy Perry had also Per re jail jaU signed sige but the rumor was denied at the |