Show A Rule of Thumb London In the notebook of the late Bishop Fraser of Manchester ther there Is a story or 01 ora ora a ft former young curate of the Hie English vil vii village village lage of Stoke which shows the value of or a a little common sense In deciding deridIng a knotty point Doln t tal al The ii curate ft eto being bron exceedingly anxious o at all times to do in the order o othe of 01 the liturgy once insisted when marry Ing Ine a couple on the ring being put on ozi ozithe I the fourth finger The bride rebelled ct finally said saidI I 1 would rather die than be married with the ring on my m little finger For an instant the curate wavered then he said But the rubric says so Matters were at a p standstill the bride brido tearful the groom uneasy uneas the curate curato determined when the parish clerk stepped In and said in these cases sir the counts I as a digit |