Show MORE MOLE MOR NAMES NAS OF OP DEAD DEA Casualty Cault List Lit of Galveston Grows Rapidly Galveston Galveston Tex Tex Sept Sept 13 More than 2000 dead bodies bodie have been ben identified and the estimate of o Mayor Jones that souls perished in Saturdays hurri hurricane hurr hurricane cane does not appear to be magnified Following is an additional list of the dead Aberhardt T and wife wie Ackerman Herman Hen wife wie and md daughter M 1 Adams Adam Adamand and Mrs Tobey colored Mrs Irs U G and seven children C I B Alters Akers Alter wife trite and three children A W V Albertson i wf and anti two children Rf R K I L L Allardice wife and three children Cornelia Allen Alen Allen Alien Alen Elve Ailed Alen Zerena Allen Alen I John Alphonse wife wie and family Oscar Anderson Anderon wife wie and children Andrew i Anderson wife wie and ad child Miss Miss Vi Armitage Mrs irs Armour Amour and live five chit chil children chi dren John Artisan wife wie and nine chil hil children hi hilden dren den John Bass wife wile and four children colored colore Will Vm wife wie and two chi chil dren Miss Nina Nna Beach of ot Victoria Mrs Dudley Dudle Beal Beai and child Cuchman Bed Bedford Bedford ford colored clor Dixie Bohn Peter Boss and wire wife wie Bowen Miss Nannie Bradley Miss Ethel Bradley Bentley family A AM M 32 11 Briscoll C J Bockelman Joe Brown and family Sol Sot M Buckley Buckley Buckle mother and father fater Mrs A Buckley Buckey and daughter dauz ter William B and wie wife Mr George Geore Burnett Burnett and wife wie Mrs Burnett Burnett Mrs Sirs Burell Burel colored Mrs Tom Tm Calhoun and three children Miss Edna Edna Campbell Campbeli Campbel V A Carter Cater Ninety Orphans Ohan Perish Catholic Catho Ic Orphan Orhan home ninety persons William Cato colored William ila Childs and wife Torn Tom Clark James Jame J Corbett Corbet and four children Alex Ale Caddee and five children Colsen Captain CaptIn D E Connor Edward Edwar J Connor J Co Cowen wen J i J Crouse Grouse and wife wie J J Crouse e and children Will wm Mrs and three children Ashby Crook Miss Nellie Crowle and ad brother Mrs Cueno Nele New Orleans Sirs Mrs lIn E H Carey and child Darrell Darrel and five children Charles M Darby Miss T F Davis DaIs M ill 11 E Deitze 11 and two sons Mrs Dinter and daughter Ellen Elen Donahue titles TUca N Y Mary Donahue Utica N Y I George George Doll Dol and anti wife Krank Dol Del and family John Dotty Doty Jim vie yie le Richard E B Dunningham Cunningham Fred ett ott Charles E k kett t James Ed Edward Edward ward w sa famIly Elsman Eman wife wie and child Howard Russman John W Eng lish wife and child Joe Emmanuel Mr and Mrs Eppendorf Sumpter Ends Eads Facher family Mr and Mrs Falken ha baron hazen en Joe Jo Fedo Peter Mrs Ficket and four children John Flegel Mrs Figge and four children Mr r Franks Frank and daughter Mrs l Floehr T C i Still t the te List Lt Grows McPheters wife and children Mrs Mealey Joseph Mealey Mrs I h la John n t wife I and nd five children Charles Mesle esley ley colored clo Mi tan lan Jn wife and four children Leslie Miller 11 Louis Luls B Mitchell colored Mrs rs Annie Mitchell c and son S Moffatt wife anti and I two children John M k Mike Mon Moti i ogba and ad family john Jonn Job and ad wife wIe Mrs Mr Morrow and ad four children Miss j I Maggie Moore Mo r Mr Mrs Nathan Nath Moore Moor col colored collore ored Igie E W Moors Moore Moor MoOre and two lore children Moore More Moore Me wife and ad seven children D Morley Morle and wife Hammond Hamond Morton lorton and four children Al Albert Albert bert T Morse wife wife and three children I and two children Mrs J W V Munn sr Mrs Anna Ana Murris and and daugh daughter ter Hermann Hermana b es wife wie and daughter Hermann Harriman wife and nd son sn n Mrs C J Myers and one child cid Mrs Mr and daughter Miss Archie Achie North F Oakley Mamie Mamle OConnor Charlotte Charlote Olds colored color George Gerge Ormond Ormend and five children William WilliamS S I Paisley Mrs Mr M L L Park Miss Mollie MoUe r Parker Parke Mrs lr M 32 L Mrs M l Pin Pinney PInney Pinney ney and two two tw sins James Jame P Perry jr wife and two children Charles Charle Peterson Pe ern ernI wife wie and two children Mrs Mr J Peterson I and children Mrs Perry P and child Miss Ruth Phelps Mrs r Pip tel J Jhn Jphn Quinn George W Rabb and wife I Nick Raphael X db I tW Reader and family f l lI William I Richard Richardi t tj i j son colored clore Tony Ton Ricks Rick and wife Solo Solomon Solomon I mon Riley and wile wife J Ring r Galveston News and ad two children childrenS I S i Thomas RIordan Mrs Mr V Patrick trick Reagan Regan and son 50 Tenn Among the te Dead Dead Mrs lIr and Miss iss Mamie Rhea of QI Giles Gies county count Tennessee Annie Roache Roche Roberts Robert watchman Mrs rs H 1 B Bobbins Bobbin of Smiths Point William Wil m J John Rohl Itoh wife and five children Mrs Mr A A Roll Roil Rol and four children Ross daugh paugh daughter ter ter of Mrs Mr Ross Ros of Houston Mrs Kate f Roth and three children Ada Ad da Roe Ro col t I ored or Hattie Hattle Hatte Rowe colored A A J Rot Rott RotI t I ter ter wife wie and two children Robert Rud Rudder RudI Rudder der wife wie and four children S wife wIe and child Lena Ida Rice I colored Fisher Rice colored Angello Anglo Relo wife wie and four children S San Sanford Sanford Sanford ford and family Dr John Jonn B Sayer Tom TomI Sawyer Sa er Mrs Robert L Sawyer and three children Maude and Randle I tIe tle te W Yo wife wie and five children D Schoolfield colored Mary Mar Schrader Mr and Mrs Mr Schuler and five children Charles Sherwood and two children Mr and Mrs Robert jr Charles Chales F and son Mary Smith Charles L LI I Smith C J Smith wife wie and five chit chil children chi chitI I I dren Jacob Smith Wiley Viey Smith wife wiCe and children colored L Frank Frnk Solo Solomon Solomon Solomon mon and family Julius Julus Soloman and wife Miss iss Alfreda Stacker George Geore Stacker Dr Stacker and fatally family Mr and a d Mrs Mm J D W Y M r Edward String wife wire and children seven In fam family family ily iy Stenzel wife wie and three children Captain T Stewart Stewat and family Miss Stewart Stewart Miss Mis Mamie St S1 Glitz Nick Strabo and ad family except one Mrs Mm Strickhausen George Gere mother and sister S ms two tw children of or H C Mrs Mr J W V Taylor T lor Nolan and ad Nathan Thomas Thoms Mrs Mr W B B Thomaso Thomao and two children Thomas Thoma wife wiCe and six chil chi children I dren Two children of Leigh Thornton Tornton Mrs James James I sr ar Mrs Irs Charles Chao Till bach and two children Mrs Mr J 1 F Tooth To th thaler I nIcer aker aler Mrs Mr Etta EUa Mrs rs H I V Trahan and child Mrs H C Travers and andson ad andson son Sheldon Mr and Mrs Turner Mrs rs I Ulridge colored colore Ethel Van Buren Edna aught Vaught t child I of W J Vaught John VI nE and a family a J Scott Wallace a Earl Wallace son of Henry Henr Walsh h wife and d child Mrs Flora Flora Warner Mar Martha Martha Martha tha tha Warren Varen Mrs Charles Charle T Weber Mr Mrs Anna Weber Mrs F Weber and family I Mrs Mr A A S Warner Varner Fritz Friz Weidman More Entire Families ili Mr and Mrs Mr Harry Hay Foster and three children Thomas Thoma Fox wife and ad four children Charles and John Frankovich Corinne Fredericks Frederick Fuerst family Mr and Mrs Gabel colored Galush five fire chUd ch n Mrs Lillie Gaires Gal res and two daughters dau Joe Garrigan Matt Mat Grean Mrs John Gorneau Gornel and two daughters dau Oscar Ocar O cr Gordon Charles C arle Clau Clausen Clausen sen and family of or four Gregg and four children John Grieff Griet and three children Mrs o two Goodwin irIs Tim Genning and wife Louis L wd IC wife wie and ad two daughters Captain Captin Edward Gaines and wife Charles Hall Hal colored Mrs August gust Hannahan L Harris Thomas Harris wife and chil chii Thoma Harrs wie three three chI dren Mrs Mr W Yo V D Harris Harrs anti and am son son Tom Torn Harris Harrs and wife wie Charles Hassler an and anI 3 wife wie Hasselmeyer family Mrs Irs W V W Haughton William VUlan Heidmann jr Sophie and Wil Mrs M 1 MH H Hennessy and two tw nieces Martin Her Herman Herman man and two children Mrs Mr John Joh Hersy er Mrs Mr Higgins Hobeck and son Flor Fior Florence ence ence Holmes Mrs Mr Holmes colored color R RD RD D Hoskins wife wie and three thre children colored Miss Emma and Maggie Hu Hubell Hubel Hubell bell bel William imam Hull Hul colored Charles Charle Hull Hul colored co ored Mrs Peter Humberg and four our children Ada da Jackman Jack man and two children William V Jaeger J eger John Jaeger ana asid aId wife vUe Mrs Mr Curt Jaecke and three children James A A Jennings and wife wie II and Mrs arid and aId five fe children Asa Johnson wife and son Julian Julan John Johnson Johnson Johnson son Johnson child chUd J B John wife wie and two children Mrs Mr Alice Alce Johnson Mrs E O 0 Johnston and tour lour 1011 children Mrs Alice Alce Johnston Mrs MrS B E K Johnston and four children Martha Mrs rs Paul Pauline Pauline ine me Junki Junk Mrs Colina Colna Junker Junke Tots Tom Keats Keat and wife wie J 3 C Q K teon wife and three children Charles L L Kellmer Kelmer sr Kelly Kel wife and three children Kiefer Ki fer wife and daughter daughter Mrs MIS Annie Kennelly KennelY Fred Kester and daughter James Kirby and three children Mrs Mr George Gerge Kirby and ad two children Mr Ir and wife Fred and wife V Die With Wih Children Mrs W V T Knowles Knoles and three children B E D H Kuder and ad wife Oscar Oscr Kuhn wife wie and three children Henry Heiry Her and wife wie Newton and Carl V Tom Kempf and md wife W Y C Kemp and wife wie I William Kotte Kote Mrs Mr John and two children Thomas Thoma Kelly Kely wife wIe and ad two children Joe Krec rec wife and I three children Rev Lane Le and family F 1 Lane and family Lang La five children V James s r wife fie and four r I i children H Larsen and two children Genevieve Mrs W T Lawson fe Mr I I and one child H IL L Learman Professor Leverman Joe Jo Lemler Lemier and four children Leon Ln and two children Mrs Grace Grce Leslie LesUe Lettermann wife and ad two chil children chi children dren Mrs rs F A A Levine daughter and two sons som W Yo W Levy LV Mrs Lewis and two children John Londer wife and seven children V Mrs r Livingston Charles Charle H HLloyd I HLloyd Lloyd wife and son Mrs Mary Locke Mr lr and Mrs Mr H I M M Lockmann Albert Alber Lockstadt wife earl and three thre children Mitts Miss ns Maggie Maggle Mrs rs E L Lorance Ed EdG EdG EdG G Love Loe Henry Henr Ludeke wife wie and son E B BA A Ludwig find and d mother Ludeker John I ngern and family Mi Miss 1 s Annie Alexander Mario E Massey sey wife and child Matie R It R McCamish wife wie and ad two daughters daught rs Mrs Mr Charles Charle Mc Me McCluskey I Cluskey and two two daughters daughter Mrs Mr B Mc McCormick McCormick Cormick and arid four children Mrs Ir M it r J S Mrs E ilI and family |