Show SILVER IS THE ISSUE I Positive Declaration Made by Senator Senator Sena Sean t tor Dubois at Ogden Special to The Herald Utah Utti Set Sept 13 Hon Fred T Tj TI j I Dubois Dubols of Idaho came In from the north tonight ht and was mot met by Hon F P J Can Canion Cannon Cannon non ion whoso truest guest he ho will be tonight and tomorrow Mr Dubois talked freely to a reporter about the political situa situation 1 tion and In ir Idaho Regarding tho the by Utah and other western R Re j publicans that toot tile the silver question question is not the issue Mr Dubois said Tho The only ones who are aro claiming that are 10 the Republicans who like the Salt I ake Tribune have gone back on their principles It Is Ia as much an Isue as It Iter ever er was 88 It is the issue of the campaign Indeed It is more of o an issue than ever for this is the first time in a national c campaign that the ROII Re party part ever declared flatly for the gold standard Four yrs ago they were for international al at 1 bimetallism now they the have thrown off ot even that pretense The leading r leans Jenns claim that the sliver silver Issue is the great Issue Hero Mr Dubois Dubols mentioned a long lon list of ot tho Republican national 1 leaders to Il II lustrate his statement Concerning the Imperialism in tn Idaho Mr Ir Dubois I I I said uIt It Is of or considerable importance of ol course Our candidate for governor and I for Tor congress each fought fight f In the Philip pubs pines And most moat of the returned soldier boys are ar with us f in this t i ft J A The trust estIon too cuts some 1 1 ligure but of or course the tho great issue there therean 01 an everywhere eV is the tho sliver silver Issue Regarding the prospects for success in I Idaho Mr Dubois Dubols stid u We e should car carry carry ry rIP tho state by majority |