Show p Stocks Stock in London New York Tork Sept Sept 13 The Commercial Advertisers London financial cablegram The public DubUc utterly failed faUe to follow the thelod lead lod given yesterday In the markets market here and consequently a a general reaction set setin setIn setin in today Business was unimportant In volume Restraining influences were fears of dearer money mon y and of trouble in China and the te railway labor laor war The announce announcement ment mont that tha a strike had ad been ben ordered In Inthe Inthe inthe the coal col regions depressed Americans and there is some inclination among the mar market market market ket leaders here to believe beleve that the te strike wilt will prove prove a fizzle Money closed cosed hard and Berlin discounts were up The bank received 50 gold In bars bar Silver Siver was higher on Calcutta Calcutt buying believed here to be buying in of et bazaars baars by the Indian government Tho The bazaar bazar price was 74 |