Show COLORADO FUSION COMPLE Calderwood Withdraws for lieuten lieutenant Liete ant at Governor Coates Named Nae Denver Sept 13 Fusion of the Democratic silver siver Republican and anti Populist parties rie was wa accomplished at 34 this morning moring when the th Democratic state convention adjourned after being in continuous session seon since 3 yesterday afternoon The Te ticket wa was completed compete by b the nomination of the te following For Congressmen First distri t tJohn t John ohn F silver siver Republican Second district distrct John ohn C Bell Bl Lieutenant Governor John Cald Cad Calder Calderwood r wood of Teller Teler county Populist Supreme Judge Robert W Steele Stele silver siver Republican After the ticket had been ratified Ater te by byall byal byall all al the te conventions the Democratic convention reconsidered reconsider the ratification of the te nomination of ot Calderwood for lieutenant governor on motion moton of Gov v verr err Charles Charl S Thomas Toma and and referred refer the tee case cae to the te state central commit committee committee As s a result of the objection raised me In la Inthe the te Democratic convention to John Calderwood who was w nominated nominate yes yesterday yesterday by the Populist state convention or lieutenant governor under the te fus fusion fu fusIon ion agreement another session sin of the convention was wa held today to consider the matter mater Mr r Calderwood tendered tender his withdrawal from the te ticket which was wa accepted and David Davi C Coates Cote of or Pueblo pu eblo president of ot the State Federa Federation Feer lion tion ton of Labor and editor eitor of the t Pueblo Peblo Courier the te official organ orn of the te fed federation fe federation wa was put in his place place m |