Show I 05110 ICIr fiio Ilinilrril Itmiria Aerralnt Ia > l Mil In IAlilil July IverylhlUf WM quiet In b she ell Hit morning 1 li I miltved mat Hie nl rom nnn < ure < ol 1 < xorrrnmcnt ate having Hie raptr > lUvl In thv inturittlon of enu 1 wo iindrtd I llolin win unoitoJ laet bIght frii tl Steel troll luu no July 8ttsisnle from crst iliraar tulllrn i ontllng ilie I Mi irini loS wIsest proaiifiii ttaien a dpr ilulnt two third or the tulil irop n iiiMte that the will fatulili abjul IDiuiKHKI btiheU thll ysir airalUM J 1 111 1 I MO last l yssr Ohio li Hit uiy one Itlih will raise II ilamn cr p I aa lsot year 1ml I aim I romlura un nveragu crop Michigan nenrlj nviraat Mliinurl inolhlnli llllnola n Inlln leM 1 man tMvthlrtip Kaotailinlf Tie hew iheal will noi PII lli iiiovii aa early I as r The leulloni which mually hlp early hvl poor crop l > vent II hInd ebb If the farmers aIIY will not I on sure not dlrpored lo tell ut list relent low flgurer Julintuil louiily lstnesl fftfrfal 14irlcli lo IU Mwa HtFFU Viyo July STho aitiited valiullon 01 John county for Iho a 1801 Ii 1 l70l 4is 08 the aitciMiientlor IBId I wes II 11 i < lTaO howlug a all nl 5114il Whe 111 I bared that in t in queue uf tin ituilhlu Iruuisiils lost iptlng calllu to the value bU7IKI wore rein ved from bite county I large ownerf I li I upI up-I areut that Ibo reil kaln In tiieuMW > valuation over 11511 ytar Ii I fOhOlll I h I sills ecu soil MANHLA July 8rho Hranlih learner Don Juan before I nmrUit slIce and aluudnned I lb stun all linlou I hai IMII towed III loire n toimjeto wreck A hundred and foriflvi Chlueiu mutnjern 1 were loc InUlU lluJ us Iliiutl Time MADIHD July 8tn an Inltrvlew trllhau Aainciateil IreM ret reset a thOu 1rlnrt hu alia who Isis lust relurnid hoot the unliul i Hlalia declared de-clared that thu had 10 I a moat do Hkhtfnl I lime In Amorlon aud was charmid by the oordlallly of her nn i Hun silts had eatiy uijiyed htrtll throughout tho untlre hell ansI fell that slit know nud retpMtoU Amirluuui ui never before Ilirlilluil Liiilrntur liuiiosrocou July HAllul 1 terlri I of It r4er iiiietluira III thu thutuhii lIsts moruli lbs Christian lnJouvor i limit In Drill hal and llitened 10 paHia ou miMlonary riibjetlr Thli afteriuou ceuomliiallgn conference wins lhclth In lime ohiurchtss tilatu and local union rlllo rcoucreULo will be huld thll bVunlug loll ierIslrtsaep WAIIIIXOIUV July STho dlric lorul lila mint jot rdaj l niter Luylrik a liundrttt thcutaul uuucei of illver rrfuind Ihu heavy nidlllonal ullerluki but inaJun tilt gr hlo counter ulfiro 7J IhUmirilliuho roculvnl rrpllei atreitlug the oiler to Iho amouuto OSuuu our cct blue Kiiun hlrlke leNS Cm July 8tlhn itrlklng cool lolliore lu leI luvo made I proiioiltlon to he oeralon I I that his m IJ scott I for the year round bu Illtyltvu centi The local 01 eratora hays nm lu 1 counter prooilllon for filly four oenli riilinlllle I lubtnllted U lute men and It la f believed will ho ao CII ted putting nn und lotus big ttrlku llanU rrollml cresS OIIAIIA July 9C W Mother imlilent of the defuntt Capita rimlonal Hank of Lincoln thli morn hog wniieiitcMceJ to llToinrt In thu HI ux Fail H U nllontlary whore hue fuderitl orlmlnali of thli 1I1111cl IH roles I It U I Fillnulel that Mother umlrzzled over two hUll drud thouraud doll ir > 8 To Prolrel Iliinm III ollur tiMKUit Minn Julys The Itiuk of Incur iuaq I failed the llabllltlti and ancU are uven ut fl20UOO tIte reaion irlven for tloilng li I 10 i rotit Iho home depoiltori |