Show iAn I i SOIL MOISTURE AND SOIL TILLAOt An ImrmUnl I tlnltrr Id lulu irllK Illnatratlnn nvaponlloD of wntrr from thcimrfa of tlllwl mil Hnrtnir Ihe wann season nunally takes the w ntrrawmy footer than Ihe ilmuls snpplv It 1 Onr crepe meat iloptnil for their nerla 1 more on tin PHI ply Df mnliitnre atorail np in for gnat r wr volt bnnrarh than on the rainfall Boring the lnuln ort of tba growing season Il I ISub r SOIII Ih II i ii Ica IIr uhf 1 f suobot tliiitiiiii r 4 TII iAor Pub AIm ooon With a Kxid depth of i um volron mill with porous snlwnil AIIII eonaerinently with A free inori mnt of the Mil water down In winter 1 mil np III enmmer n1 I lhe roniiinli tl use of oil moisture by the I iirmmimn of eirearin evaporation a oontlnnmni Miiimjr U moisture cnn be Monrml to Ihn nwl win Inmlry HMOII The npwar1 more own of the toll water by cnilllarjr action In be free require compact bet porous soil In frailly stir ml soil the liitmtlcM nro too largo for null union and hare the upward more uiont roniea to H atop In explanation of ho foregoing la tee roprodneeil a com munluatlon from r Urolner to Oonntry Ueulletiian In whlrh he says I had a plow e of tough sod clay loam which WM to ho I planted to onloni and potatoes My man plowed U In lapstjle I shown In 1111 1 1 I Owing torontlnnoiia spring raltw all mfr soils worked badly during the early purl of the iwaaon soil It wan tiiipnMlhle to mtk I np amt line th m titer tniiih nork with dials and smoothing harrow the ninn gut Uw aur luraof the plow In pr it good ahap but llw tough suds win not broktn am 1 hollow npnomi wore left between snbeoll oldl l hull cdl iw Mown In Fig 1 I have ptI Ian 1 1 atoms piece of apparently apparent-ly well tlllinl soil I that woe M quickly sITectod I br dry weather u till All daring tin maniiii It bwanw coiuplttely Irish out In u f w day of dry w nthcr tier peony ralii Tho aiplauatlou I ilnpl rtionjjh CaiHllary action WM largely luUirriiptral ut tho rarfaoa of tin inbuot M ullly bn mvn In tlg < mil tin nirtaw nod nw Uo < l hut little aiahtanee mitt the mil tooter beneath Vhim the pIo1nItlftrltf NANtrlft Ill I to At61 time toll IIIIOAeh1 l M that the mortar nil rood ell not Irmly iijon tho sltlr loll Ibvanll wilIer > nlnmit In not Inter routed Ton w > 4 < tUMiwuwiHi lulu Ilia inifacv mil UN ulinvw III 118 4 un 1 pro ililvuruntlnuunii apply for flu tout lOr onrcma I vun rryllla t the anrfnca tleweo l r would 11 u Lpib1n i uvula re min below be-low hello n HI moil lh I iliiring n rolOtigIll r InniKhl KThun mihiiiat the anmily In HIV rwimulr 1 if cnplllary notion U not intarruitwl u fiw luvha below the IIII haw I b Ihun uih jnihi rliatlouof tba up Ir tenet Tho Ono laver I mill lover the uuipuctiHl layer J sob > an a innlcti The water fnm below call I UM through Ibis rill mnlih m tho niriuco only In the form of nnr uiul evaporation undercover under-cover In Ihi i ool l nud inolit inrtunndlntni w found on bo I lino hotwcwn tho coin meted layir mil IbepulvaUad toll moats Ui moat-s cry rluw IOTITO rlAIT rSI1r11 noon ITIVATMW I tint little Hpurnttun 11110 place from the pnltorluil 1 mil for tho Minplo rmaoii I that the uipllhir IHI 11 I n i lutvmiptnl l ami tbo toll wAr don K nII iiuthl 110011 the coohsotel l wn slow the two ur throe III 1 hi m f mi Him I mill I on top luau Uw supply In thu I poll I nmrt > ln U don d-on nioru iiiodnratth d will fart muuli longer All elite i1uulo I photo In Pig B which npnwntu 11 lotatu dent leader hc i 7t h l r real cnltlvutlnn Mm piifvatod top lull U I thu mulch Hut pre nt lie 11 < uha lorn 1 of II inoliitun by mnpa ration Tin lilt 10 Hint does Mciaw Ii I Ihkl r i Intwl fd m tbo rMtrtca from below flies alit Irull At tho nun mivtlui of Callfirnla lw kiHiiiH the ullwh vexed qnmllon it Logo and ft tilt i unit lip for diMiumion i The irriiii I an tnicu I Uat been will out i pnuitnn in it hut will oledn It np thor ouKhl n hi n It U I preciously punctim I by bielnroil I opr Tlwouwtlon of his m ll wuaulMii n ii II eyed soil prrftt iIe wan fur n lurni lave for utraitial honey while u hivo with natnall broad rbwutor KM ih niruO for oanib honey |