Show J 5 w cuneiE Assuyoi ISO Main StruatSaU LrtKo city romfl lit nllou lions in ill 01 rIar I ml J or expn CCOI uuanrw ana Iaarots2a 1 1 vsna > sl = r IExtrr orrdiarry t 11 llou Can It Bo Donef W1 0 11 u 0 0 Buys Mens Strictly Hand Sewed Shoos In alt 450 I the latojt stylos Including such makes as STRONG A CARROLL STACY ADAMS E T HARVELl A rhnurr for eon tu uvrIr flllo 11004 tit 1leM loo pay for chap Iho elrwher Duys Mens Hand Welt Shoes mado of Calf 300 3 I Cordovan patent Leather or Kangaroo 1Tlene Chow err i sell In tulle illy elsewhere at 81 and SC a wlr Buys Mens and Ladles Shoos of loading feSsi I 2135 mates and styles sold olsowhorontS A surprise at tho prlco and goods Ladles and 1151 I I Mens Shoos and Oxfords 26 styles To Ilio Id < M wh > here hot bhl our 51 W KM 1 Shoes w n tool Inv ppeetlon Therm imuUM 1111 every pdr I warranted IK YOU WAN1OIIRAI01111Ct1 neenaliuoMiiTlmilieraii r toy 1 hem I nt your own p0r I10 Kill HllopeM I Opens To its 101111 How Kh eWe + lI swl upwmtd Lot He1 l U em Tip Show 11151 e-We love l J II lewl l iloeti H Mfohol Chow beat In the wwlJ Iffaes sod I good ws ntej i or money refunded Prompt 110 Attention J Davis Main given to t Mill Order Street 0 h JllISllihinSONS S Apologize for not changing advertisement advertise-ment oftener but have been so busy with customers and order trade We again let you know that we are doing lllick and Colotol t CuuinoreM In alto 1 2V 1 rnluro1 mm Uo < 7flr rnlucnl from ilia Use roiliiMil from era 7i risturol frmn II 100 lOcrMtucot from II a lllwkand Ooloro1 I llMilHlail < < In wide a r lueat rent 000 IMO r O < Iu1 from 1121111 lllwk anil Unl r of ljrCf > WTIn wHei 1711r IIIHt born ere u1o cedur I rrolll 410515 llrnrailo ami fancy lIellllIM ti rulnooil from JOe M < o r iieoi run I7K Suroh 1IIlMII Silk al Oroatly lie I dur l fetes IIIY Shall TrIIlIlIlIIl In I trial arleth llegardtes I of lbL I = Itojiil Iuleon i tOe rNluwl from Mo Ma rlnonl I from We ladle 1rltleens lirent tl n ro lu1 from MM tttt ixluenl from t75 Idles I lateen WIooIll Mia rnluenl from Tftfl Tta r lueml from IIIIt Mkv mlucnl 1 from JLUO lndlest mhriotialtslw 11 100 natural tom tl K I I f Jtt II flft rlihre l from 200 196 rrdiuwl 1 from U7S r NornltlM In 1illc1 ant lih dun list In nil the LMeil htrlM and Now He > lLn < l > tl MXMtol7 llowtnt Ur < > Aeaori n alerts Irom IromA to 5196 lf I fr = BARGAINS BARGAINS In Thousands of Homo Flguroa Talk utE ut-E I B SoB So-B EGKS HOT L SPRINGS 1 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 7 isLESuRE and EAT fES0R T KM r mhiltbhaon imroMIUm lwil cunh UU fououm sat ill Uool and Skin anme Tt i nluioll Swimming Pool 250 foot load V Plasgo Balk 70 foot b3 Private Pluiigo Baths for Ladies HOTEL AND 1I16TAU ANT ATTACHED L Y TAYLOR Manager 07W t Palroolzo a800net II lIoml Routh Industry I JULIUS GAUER Manufacturer liquidation gale AT COST FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF DAYS THC P J 11 H It L Y SCOiii1ii ll C S STOCK OF JEWELRY WCHES DIAMONDS AND SILVER Tn M otrr I 01 0001 for TWRSTyrot1I IAYe hater the manmr rOat nt r IL KIKrkMk to n in < l > tt the lolirwi ot Mr lath lhaaieln I Ily virtue of aulhorllrln inn vented I I will otter at rent for 21 1 daTicomiiMtneinglua in Htlurdtr July 1 and 1 continuing open venliiRi t till I July J the rnilre I inch t with the single Moopllnn I I of SIliYPnirNponuofthe f J J II toaon Uu loweler ol 1JH Main Nnoel Halt tk Cli > The all will bo a private sale I at cot old with UHI one unimportant exception noted without rmervo The npporltinlly for WI1 purch = n Vmehiw or i lllamond Jovelry or Silver will 1 bn without K rxrnlont I In Mil oily no ward the prim Aol by eont I meant what dtsloni I par at vrhoe ao an1 I the undenlirneil plediw liluiflf that In no InoUnoa will more than Iho coot of the artlele II Ie ark i l Tim ooeIc aI woll known In I the floret ant innt lanleriilly leleHeil nor brought this city heldiw whloh II In I all now same Of It nelsbly Ibe rich eat bii Les but lot arrive and IIrotn I the newwt iMtlerin out fnr ihe Columbian dliplay I it Chicago Illpwinlnillr 1 bell olilwitul I wil I will prove nt lnt retlo Ihr 1 peepte nf IhM oily and vlelnty Mr Mauldln will Iw II In attend II fl mine anil will a Ui HatMethm I awurwl and every artlole guarsn I teeil Tnuwof sole 1 th During thin sale repair work not > ntlelld l 1IIUMAS IL UII llllLClv Msuagor G R J11tL IMPI G rs 4 G ltv T T t a S ifs ti p f S f t b o ° Tun o JJJE WK 5 eS G1 Sr aM o Q No Rs C l SALT LAKE WAREHOUSE 133 to 145 STATE STREET 500 Tubular Sleol Mowers Sold Tliis Season Ton Carloads ot Plymouth Twine Lookout for Minnie in ho UaivcsL Field write Cooperative Wagon Machine Co I Utah or Idaho for Prices on Walter AI Wood I Machinery and Twine GEO T ODELL Gonoral Manager 1HE THAT WORKS EASILY WORKS SUCCESSFULLY CLEAN HOUSE WITH I SAPOL I cr r s ti trJ 1ri5 Ii 1 zee tN trJE trJ Q 12 12c I c > c < 0 ess = w 1 0rplnr c > y f5 VI J en trJ < c trJ HIT IAIU Cir UTAH I MjinuficturerB1 Wostorn Ai pnlq for Dollars Pumps Steam end Wator Piping Fittings Drass Goods OdX ° moxAr 0 J1xote XN OArt rO1 i 1 T L |