Show JEll lIE IIIAK in nun ruu A llllliiKiillinl Van rr LmU In Itiirr fill llrnlli Mwirmr It I July 7 Aisoclatu Juititu rlainuel lilntibfurJ lamed Iniiiynnil pmccfully fool 1 cuitu a mi JI lro 7Q Uili uveriluif llo tallied con luujuttn until un hour ur tru bulor drain fho WOO 110 Hidden iliaun In lili condition alinply Ihu iiruuui 0lbipihlg away which hut burn lukln 11 I lice l nt thin lost wii1 l < or man itumL hu lou Lon n iul t vliltor Ie tlili oily domIng Ibo eumiuer teaiou IInll while not renlly rjlvtn II t snclcly ollnwlrr Ie I was Inquently enter alnod III Iho llril fimilitu lire llalchford loulcht retelvwl the f lion boy teltgram Ironi Projlileiil Clove laldl 1leaio accept lay Imirtfelt ym I atby and aamloleniw on the death of your iiliiliiguliheil Miitiau I wbwo hog and honorable inbtlo I trrvlco cnuiia illS ntllnn I to mourn tIe I lf Jiiovim ISVPIANO < IiIinu rlll < ll > lle < WASHlNaioN II C July 7Ae log ldrnlntIfy llamlln ling Initrucleil collector ol ctialomr In order that the eparluient may 100 fully nlvlird eon entiling Ibo ntlml lnn of Ulilowu frmni Into Iho Until Ktalin to IfOIo nnd forward lo Ibo itopait oeot ailalemuulihowlnit tbe niinlbir ot CblnBOHtoiii I ndmillnl by them rom January lit InJiiiielMMH I nud her < ft > oii lhoijumLcrluwbuniadHili > sub woo refii > ed and tliu fpoqlft > thu lumber penulttfU 10 Ian I for irnn I U 10 1IllIor limit 1 for exit from the Unlltd Hlmn the collector to Hlia Urea oj tiniike a witkly rfort ol thoCJlilnnu IOU areklng adinlMliii Into tbo JnlliHl Hmiev throuitll KlvliiK iho IiOhiI0 ileicrlpllon cocnpatlon nnd 1100 of destination In Ihu United Minion of tlioio almltlfd aDd the Vbdo0C lipobi which iuli oohh ill win aied nnd alto the inmoi ileicrlptl and occuntlon of I thum lj win m admlo WOO rducei IIbu the IIIIIM occuu > tlon aol Ueocripil I II if ouch I5bponm i permitted lu t laud lor Iraailt througii the United Ulatn Inlrllnln Cine luy July 7 Heven and eleven day ricunloni Ironi all 10101 lu Ihu Winter 1anengcr aoociallon territory terri-tory ore now nu kcoumptlihixl futt ruin aMoclntlou mcillnir wan taken up I entirely tiy lh UIcu > Ion niiil airoigi mentol thucxcur > jni Tlin 11101 oslo ofllckeli In I to homadn J lily 17 > h Another lOt Otihuif of Ihu luiooiatlou li I to bu hold Augutt lit lull luoli action will 111 I taken reiiarllug thaonitlnuel laloofonefara ticket aittia July ox curohuns shall warrant Allirlil mill III Annrrlill NEw VUIIK July 7Ih red ling waved aDd nil exIitltiK Initllutloni wolo dnouneoJ nt tonight nuetlng ufnaroliltr nt Wlndor theater In Ihu celebration atUavernur 1 Altgeldn for Ion of their Ihrte coufrerri Aluert Ublmau nominally preilJuU over lliU meeting but llIt h3ulmcrhlito but HyrniM won 1110 mnoil 1 lrolJhtld jnlu 01 Ibuo dcmonitratlon Cbaltman Ubltimu ratted Utiveruor AttcelJ and denounced de-nounced tbu iroso 1 Tthhlll througbou Alueilai hounded him hrcaura hu dared lo be n truu American Jouaun Moitwaiinvireit h threat when henald If tlio lOlIfi hid I at Itni I tud lu stop Dili nuooIog Ihiy I would hUll been al fjolUli nl tlio Uhlcago pullcc Hat NUrr AltKAMiAS CItY Knn July 7A man wbo pruteuei to know I thu balidl Henry Btnrr InllnuUly railed at the Iraidcr c 111 on tuJay und laid the Culoiudo Hirlngi cuptura wai hot SlImy MInIm dIn oayo Htarr lirtlll I lu Ihu Icrrltory wllli ilxly men naJy tu repel any attack tint may bu mail upim thuiilroughold ly ruarihnlii and Indian police Inrlli I Inldiiin COIUIIIIA ti tj July 7Judge Iludiou lu an Injuncllnu lo rtttral cuunly ulipenieri frum Oeuln4 It Darlington today dtiloisl 1 ahalnitth ilato declaring Ilia law unconitllu llonnl lIt ilenouuciil It ni n gna rauuo > oly and MM It v n not llio fig J illation of tbo liquor ttilllc loot 110 Intended rclura 10 revenue for iii state Ait liiiiMirlniii iJinil Dfflluii WASIIINUTO July 7rule cut rJlti hflWr J limIted > UuilfoidMlllir C000e1 whlol Invulvti the rlghli of 10 Molly letlltr un rullrond erauti hni received ni olllclal rullrie upon a motion lor review re-view lu the caiu of Chnrlii foil vi the Northern Iaclflo rotniany which In volvti the ruling of the ilij artment li tbu cam of tho boilhirn 1aclHo v I UullforJ Miller and lu which counio for Ibo railroad compiny aiked l that ho declilon lu Olin Uullford Miller rate bo invened Hecretary lloka Hinlth boa alllrmcd the dtclilon of the depart inent hereloforu rendered In Ibu lab named cake lu lar as It held that Until tory withdrawal provided for by tutu lltll Hilluli of thu aol ol July li 1935 tu Ihu Northern 1acino Itallroad company com-pany loOn flllUK n map ul thu icenura route Lrtamoellicllvulu Waihlngloi territory When tho map of July III I 1870 won filed and np ruvcd and raid withdrawal unco exerolied thereby cxhautted It and could not bu re foAled The itcmhuy holds gllls hit oconjh Illlng m du IVIituiry ll loll In nald rrlloryl t < without validity vrianctloi lawomier ni to execullva ur leglila tivu wllhdrnwal Hn lurlliorhelillhi tbu map of July 3 IJ 1S7U then tbo lot rltory of Waihluglon wu an rbown by Iho certlltratuol Olin ihlef eiiclntt of thin com any lie Iull 01 turvcy and uxplorntloui IlIad lor the purpoiu ol determlulliK proper location of Ilia mad liidloatu with a cirl4lnty that It woo hue Intention ol thu company com-pany I that thu routa tIles Ueilgualei ihnuld Lea general route couteuiplatuJ by Iho net upon which leglilutlv withdrawn huuld Ilk illcct Ae 1110 iniu of CoIn was controlled by n ruling upon the llrtt propuillluu n I li I couiluemd unneuuwury tu pam ujwr 1 thu iUrtlon a to the right ol Ihio tecretary lo withdraw bole wlthli indemuily Ilmlli ut thin food ufte ilellulte location thereof hull heuce no diclilou li I miiuu upon Ihli point |