Show Whit Till Ill All JIM A1IA1 Tile 2wI I In rtctltnfiho 11 lowing fciiiiiiunlcntlm from Mr Alfrnl 1ilitioii of Itiitiundonti MlflOUfl In Ilio uttlnln IlTnltniv In ttn Hplrlt Worlil In llieNiiw nf Junn Ulh tlm claim Ummlo thai nil inaliklhil who boor mIlotI wliumil rp onllllil 01 tin > ln < ronilnlllB1 In Ihl liioilnl 1 11011 l will Ito 11 i > n tIvTIIiOlIY n > 110111 III 1 llin kplrlt World Im 110 P010lll1lIl of lloo itlio Itovo I1l11l1l1h1 Ilto 1I1IAlollall 0111 Mmlliitrlli y KIIIIH iliiinuli hlulboin nr < t IknnrMiictt or oilier 00011111 UIU 100111 In know K I wIll hor or not II v tiC rriMiiiliiK III tlm pint world Mill n wlin llm MIIHI ilntrni I of slory Il in I llm loilnl klnmlini 00 ilioM olio 10711111 mid boo Iron Inin I nil Mn In I lliiw rUIT llrwlll tlioy niiilu miy U grro nl itio mlmllal ViM alir 1 Im linprifiloii Klven dy Ohio nrllclo > o tcrrMl 1 In I ihut ihy will iKiitotlm anindfffrrarf itlnry I I mn nirt IIlelkIllif if 1 olillilmi ohu bundlrol Ililowi WIll wnllhl ltooo rtcrhiil 1 unit otioynl tlm IllitIoll l llm I rcloallal law I UJ lIlly lrel I 00 hrar II Irm iinloruiil U hon 111110 Ilue rolKilal glory throuih tlio monument of Limit An muwor will KrMlly obllun I Fur the Inrornullaii 01 ISo liiijtilirr wo will tiigitttt In iclillon to tlm tub Jvcl of 1 tle aol ItTelfllIb if lilt lultrr that Ihtln la I n illilluclKii Lclwrcn clilMnn who have Uiol btfura rujcli log Ihe goof nccouulallllly mid thorn uraoni whu h tote ardvtd nt tlislagn Iletbin to 1 anluit I tain iiiorlallly 1 n tIll com of llm firmer tin rciulif mrnli 010 Hindu for nJinliuloii tu tin celMllalklliedoiu tluy HCO frin fcom In ontI Inlicilt tIe glory rile lutlrr a Ir hoWBTtr In o illirrrvnt lIuall > nOna n-Ona furlhrr ccndltlun Ie l rrquliul I of Ihrni De n jtialiflratlon for relmllil lilory milaltd ly I Mr Idxiuii I v that Iliry wtuld liav uoivnl Ihu Joapil I liad liny IIVIH to hnr It This rtijulirment dlirlMen BI tliv tiuli upon which thry attain tlio drilrid bltiilni that lIlly riiiilrr obmllenco la Ibo 001 Tlio fact tliat Ihy did lIlt hao IUiioH > ilunlty In I inoitallly don not niilllate salmt thrm nor don It relieve htm I of tOo oblation lartcelYrtliH 101 oil when tiny do limit II which In tlmlr TIIII mutt lo In llm I lilt worlJ WlilU In till Ibih they licanui aoroiinUblo lo Clotjel law and llm arc uniablllly romalun wllh tin in thrluotu II la I mtullal that they obiy ho UVIIlho fumli menial llucllri or which aro fallh rtpniitancr rtmlnlon cf tin tumid Ihu KUlJance of tIn Holy llhut Tliom who would htro rrculTvd tile lnpol In moilalll hnl tlioy llyid 10 hear II corlluly will not tijtct It In thu af Irli woiU for only by complUuco with II a couilltlooi tan tOry receive IU bona ni TOy 1111 Judctd aa men who bno ttrcooio arouiutaUlu In IhvlUli and 1 not nu cullditu who arouunt counlablr naatdnG hue InljtroaItlb of which our oornrtn > udent Hxke a careful txaiiilnallon of thonrtlolu In ijuMtlon fall todli03verauy itlrtencv lo the dfRrmofijIory that limy lo l ultalned by 11100 who oeolllho UOIII1 III Ihu irlrlt wotlJ in only tuljtol undir tonilJeiatlon woo whether not Ihu ClrselofUliMil gave nu 0oiluiilly of iipuuluum 10 1lto who Im J 1000011 l beyond Iho vail U wai ihuun fioin Ibo HtfIbthIlrOl Ih1 tot only wat ilil opiortunlly ullordej to Ihom who had I they heard tlm Ui nl III thollcnh would hot rrcclMid II but alu 10 oino who lInt heard It In llli life nn j njictuj it tliMu wlm wuiu ill cbodliut In thu dny if Nuah lnn thll duo nit lni ly IIa all Iho Mile 1 oounilttoi I In 111 morlal otulo1 may In upenlul 1 of In the tp rlt wIld aa tin to inuy U otroBbc i f a nuturn wluiu lliutluu Imrucliuallo I JHlfecl I re tlilniior II llm tin o for illii iooniimt Hie IMJ J Of Rtfl I IIIH It Ill Illlltll 11101711 tin n li only tliruallvu h lo nut llm penalty fur luUlon ol thti low riiw iiutttluiH pr I 4iunifii by Mr 1ctirinj t may bu Hiiawmol I Ihu There ore In UK prU world tio cia iioruiima for whom ohiIUii lOll bo 04101 I Ic I till ifi iry liiordir that Ihiy mlsht iniiir 1 the kingdom of ltd and arlako of any degrt < 1 jlor > i 1 thono who hud not ISo I tlvllmo cb j lUKthe Oj elln thullwh but would but rrrelTt It had tlioy lived lo hear II aud tt llbOl who blotted Ilio Goat Goa-t l In lie Huh or vttuhi Inn dune 10 had tUy luard II 4IJI The flrit chn lIIay attain tj the 1 oeleitlal kingdom Iiy obieivlnK the I rultt tin which that exaltation U I predicated lip IILIIIICO of which laIn I 1 la-In beloK valiant rr tho tnllm ny of I Jeiur lIke them HID tcccnd Cia M will U Judged upon their whole rtccrtl liut I tlioie who actually Invo I g I rijeclvd s tho Uc i el In thu tlnti or who make It manlfxl a utt Judge Ih1 they would have rrjobotl l It hal liny heard II Mirely can lay no claim lo immog l valiant for tlm tttthnony of JuuVatidly their I own action ebb the door ol tlm celetllal > klnijdoni agaliKtlheni Th y may attain lo n Imitr deKrra of glory 11 lllly obtain nII Ihu crown over the kliniUoni 01 our Clod |