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Show Page 8 lAp MX u down POST OFFICE CONTINUED about May 15, at whieh time the Post Office Department will ad- Vith MILDRED RASCOB Dal Bader and Mr. and Mrs war children in Farmington last business. Also in Farm- (telephone Ext. 382). of England, takon .marlas Mrs. Sunday guests. at the George Raoooa homo war Mr. and Mrs. David Vllvan and baby daugitar, . Susan, of Farmington. Attending a housa party Manooa last at of tho Girls' Auxiliary of tha Baptist Association. Purpose of tha annual mooting is' to. reoognlza progress mad by Masa tho Varda girls in thslr year's Tod Rora rand Mrs. and work. Trent of tha Baptist Indian Mission in tha guest speakgirls who attended Shlprook wara ers. Local wara LaDonna Damron, Sharon Williams, Debra Brook, Nanoy Byrn, Mary Ruth Mobley and Gail Da- m- Department's commercial leasing program, which utilizes the resources and Investment Office ! of private enterprise to funds obtain needed postal buildings. 'Wore than 2,500 new post offloss have been built since 1953 under the Post Off lot Sitting in Department's oonaseroi&l leasing District Scout ers are Stanley Martineau. a local camporee for center, LeGrand Olsen, Alvin planning all Boy Scouts. It will be held Gaudio. Standing, left to right, at Blandihg Boy Scout Leonard Hurst, Kent Bills, Jim Way Camp, and will start Friday at Slavens, Bert Palmer, Richard San Juan 8- -9 waakand wara mambors 52, postal facility. said, will be under the Post constructed by Bill Johnson. Qipire Dixon Congressman ara , new The oad inritad to tha Nawo omars Club maatlng to bo hold next Tuesday, Vaj 12 at tha City Hall. To ba faaturad on tha program should Utah services wars madaf and a ohanga in tha maatlng plaoa mill ba in tha papar mhan arrangamants ara completed. All Interested woman ara an-noun- Prospeotiva oontaot Real bidders Estate Officer Robert S. Green-bur- g, Post Office Department, P.0. Box 863, Salt Lake City 1, susser for basis. mpetitive homo Plans Thus an equitable oonstruotion value will be established on a co- group mat Monday night of Mrs. W.S. Jaan-nara- tt. at tha bids. for vertise ington for shopping and business wars Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Shsrldan. Ton members of tha Msthodlst Woman's 8, 1959 May tL direct wssk on BLANDING OUTLOOK ; -- Dixon Congressman "Because these program," said. . postal remain under private while leased to the Donald- Howell, Gale ownership 5s 30 p.m. and last until Satur- Watkins, Federal Government, the leaser day at 2t30 p.m. Holt, Dave Thacker, and Ucyd pays local real estate taxes. Thera will be a oampfire proBarton. Not shown in .the picture because the "Furthermore, gram held Friday night at 8:30 was District Commissioner, D. buildings are constructed with to which parents are Galbraith, Jr. who took tha p.m. private investment funds, capiinvited. pi cture tal outlays by the Post Office Sc out ers attending planning, are limited substaAfter working like a slave for Department meeting weres Sitting in front to those for post office left to right Garth Bradford, more than a year, the shy cutter ntially and equipment. furniture Corliss Chapman, approached his boss. Td like to Roy Johnson, costs studies "Comparative remind you, that when I came to between and Government -- owned aocom-panl- ed .me told work that Mrs I for Richard ' you you, Mobley ron. leased buildings, could expect a substantial in- commercially them. ar a over building life," crease within twelve months," he the Congressman said in conclubegan. "have shown that the Post So I did, smiled the top man. sion, Offioo Department . oonsneroial Well, starting next month there'll program saves between 30 be an extra two dollars in your leasing even though I and 40 peroent in ultimate costs pay envelope think you still have a lot to learn. to the taxpayers." "Youre so right, grunted the Smart Horse unhappy employee, for years I doSaid the prospective buyer: thought substantial was a ten llar word. g horse. Is he Hes a a good jumper?s "Sir, replied the dealer, if. you Bill Welsh says: Actually most want to keep him in a field, youll women keep secrets as weU as have to put a lid on it. men. It just takes more women. buildings - ; : 50-ye- BAY good-lookin- BEST KOOKS KOKttEK When sohoql I friend I in grade particular girl I loved to visit was had one whom Just with and several of us went often to her home. Come supper her mother, time ing school, table who was teach- would set the card in front of the fireplaoe 14 lb. ground pork 1 oup unoooked 1 Porter By Anne rice (optional) gg onion teaspoon pepper teaspoon salt 1 minced 14 34 1 cup tomato Juice Mix well and place one serving crackling with a cheery fire, of meat mixture into each oooled and ask all the extra kids to cabbage leaf, Roll and fasten with toothplok. Pl&ee on rack Join her family for supper. other heavy Always there was something new in Presto pan and exciting to be experienced pan with a. lid. Pour 1 oup seasoned tomato in eating away from home and I several favorite dishes Juioe over balls in Presto or 3 that I first tasted in front of cups in other type pan. Cook that hospitable fire. I'm sure for 10 to 15 minutes after steam Mrs. Reta Bailey Bartell won't is up in presto, depending on have if I mind share with you of number some of cabbage these old favorites that I find oooker. still please our home. the youngsters at a knife cut around the core in a head of cabbage and remove Then peel off a It. dozen of the leaves, or one for each person with two or three Using extra. Put these in a pan with 1 oup minutes. drain, saving liquid. Put in nixing bowl: 1 lb. hamburrer from to turn heat 60 Serve with sauce . minutes. oatsup Cabbage. down and or tomato Balls Buttered Green Beans Fruit Salad Hot garlic bread - Milk Canned Fruit - Cookies For your hot garlic bread sprinkle garlic salt to taste on heat and butter and mix well. Spread on boiling, water, cover and boll Remove full boil in heavy Bring to covered pan, cook 45 CABBAGE BALLS balls In 5 Let cool. french or homemade bread, wrap In foil and heat in oven about 15 minutes. |