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Show 051 mM ?ri m rJ TOXTCRXBUTE TO CA28C2ES STO5TB3) Blandin Price 10c Published in the Interest of Blandingfanwthe Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities VOLUME 1 Site scheduled Chosen month. POST OFFICE TO NEW 4000 SQ. FT. CONTAIN Congressman Dixon said WednesPost Offioe day that a new had been authorized at building Blanding. Die new is to building be .built at the Southeast corner of the Inters eotion at First North. UTAH. BLANDING, Main and to start later this will construct The owner site, Who building. facility, that will own the new HE CONT'D PAGE 8 COL. 4 In Monticello L soheme false. President Chamber emphasis Don told his directors. Francis Nielson, who is a ing obtained a promise that an meCounty reason had failed to budget any money for the purpose. It $110,000 will be used to rub was learned, however, that the out red balances on the books of County did have considerable Blanding and Monticello swimming surplus in its general fUnd and pool oommlttees, about $55,000 that with some temporary help to each. from the City of Blanding there and ball Parks, playgrounds was hope that the projeot miit field lighting &t Monticello be started without delay. .Help will facilities have $3500 reo-reatlo- beginning nal year. and Mexican for the Lesser ance choruses of the High Schools. any money might advance would be Wally Jeannerette, the natural bridge by Blandingites on dis--- d its designation their Settler" made "The official. Old the City repaid. building, which Blending seeks to have built with The new funds, will sizeable reoeption comprise a and will cost County room, a nurses' room, three examination rooms and a well equipped minor surgery room, approximately Fallon is suggestions- Medical- - - $50,000. Dr. soliciting plan the Utah State from Association. has been seleoted for the proposed building. Others with Mr. Lyman representing the City at the meeting were! Counollmen, Dave Quymon, Norman Nielson, Ervin Palmer, and City Reoorder Francis NielNo site Hurst, Blanding weeks who Saturday at a Salt returned to from several Lake City Ho- not sufficiently had spital be reoovered to in attendance. and and The LOCAL ARTISTS SHOW AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL program will begin at 8!00 p.m. Mr. Ratcliff, looal music by that Mayor oombined Montioello next fisoal plan - for son. by bands San Juan Blanding' s projeot is tentative pending legal assur- amounts Gymnasium the its of helping with the same in the San Juan High will be held a concert Tonight )K in favor of be unanimously some bstantially as follows! Perform Tonight Steps are being to the Blanding proposal but for San Juan and Monticello Bands picture, built from the City of Blanding would be the use by the County of idle funds in the City treasury to be returned by the County at the ed Don Barton, and Coates, Cooper Jones of Montioello. Rock. taken to have would be The conrais si oners were report- Ken -- clinic emergency will get $6500. Blanding will get $7000 to light its ball field, plus $2500 for park land acquisition and improvements. $4000 will be available to San are earmarked for recreational use at L&Sal, Eastland and El Paso. $10,000 will be available for tennis oourts at Blanding and Monticello. "The need for a recreational program is much greater now than a few years ago when there were oows to milk, wood to cut and churning to do," Mr. Nielson suggested. Other members of the oommlttee arei Merrill Stevens, Blanding; -the hospital here. of the purpose. Hoi new o's Juan Recreation committee, says that if the $155,000.00 issue is approved the committee has plans to allocate the proceeds su- Hat excursion to drive for a Monti-eell- built there, and to gain-to support for that project. Bland Smith Bluff for construction of given to the last year during be - i to urge Monday construction of an emergency The only building Issue Recreation olinlc here. of this order now available is owned by the City and rented to Dr. Walter Fallon, the City's Comneroe voted unanimously to only medical doctor. Both Dr. advocate passage of the County Fallon and the City consider the Reoreation Bond issue coming up present set-u- p to be grossly for vote the 29th of this month. inadequate The rumor, "Behind it all is a The need for such a clinic got to mber SETTLED OLD met with the County Commissioners by Monticello brass get themselves a golf course at ions' speoificat expense," is completely be County truck maneuvering areas. of competitive bidding T Blanding City Counoil,Pro-ter-headed n, by M. F. lyman, Mayor for the Post Offioe Bidding forms, will occupy under long term and other pertinent data will lease, will be determined on the available to prospeotive bidders basis City Meets with County on Need for Blanding Clinic the building 'according to Post Office Department specifications. The site seleoted was the only site offered to the department with no strings attaohed) other C of C Advocates locations were offered on condition that the owner obtain the Passage of Bond post offioe lease but the Post Office Department would not consider optioning ground with that After a pro and oon discussion provision. Tuesday the Blanding Chanfcer of The which new,post offioe will conas a tain about 4000 square feet of formerly been used miniature golf oourse has been floor space, plus a loading optioned from LaRay Alexander by platform. The site, comprising the Post Office Department for about 12,800 square feet, will transfer to the owner of the new provide adequate parking and The has 17 NO. 8, 1959 MAY FRIDAY, instructor and the Monticello A sohool and community art Instructor have worked long and hard in preparation for this exhibit is being sponsored by event and they cordially invite the PTA at the Elementary School everyone to come out and enjoy building. The hours are from the muslo that the students have 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. today and i prepared. There will be massed band work C0NTvD PAGE 5 COL. 3 j . from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, to view the Everyone is Invited . local-artistswork of the |