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Show Published every Friday at Blanding, Utah I. W. Cox PUBLISHER EDITOR Kendall Young, NEWS Chan Moulton, PHOTOGRAPHER CORRESPONDENTS . Port or, East Blanding Anno SUE GRAVES are graduating from High the future ? School what ars your plans for PHOTOGRAPHER INQUIRING ores what the Interviews with San Juan ound out in her jffou s that you a Mildred Rascoe, NW Blanding Suo Graves, Downtown Seotlon Hilda Parking, S. W. Blanding pel Howoll, Bluff Donna Broun, Maxi can Hat Anna Brown,. El Paao Mrs. H. E. Blake, Montloello Subscription Rates: ono six year months Elsewherein U.S.A. l ysar Second Class Postage Paid' last reported asked been week in to donate .. picked San Juan County has consider the work being the American Canoer Sooiety. to I don't, special subjeot yet" Utah Blanding drive chairman advised at press time that the drive which began herd last week had netted $150 so far. Monticello, she said, had reported $400 raised to date. Seven hundred dollars is a considerable amount of money but it when ynu go .250 Bayles, is less than nothing at BYU to .''50 . to the American Cancer Society $70000 going any 2,25 at Blanding, this newspaper, drive. 'Pearl am have . .fA.OO Elsewhere in U.S.A. 6 months As "I college San Juan County, San Juan County, . Lloyd Bayles Cloy Conway "If I last the last can few weeks of sohool, I'm going to take a good rest next summer, then head for college" s done by . The world never before has on the seen so many brilliant minds employed on a single health problem. The American Canoer Society alone, through voluntary contributions from the publlo, is supporting more than 1,000 Canoer is research mui-ch- The scientists in research oenters throughout the country objective pf all these scientists is to find a way of saving the lives of the year of cancer. 255,000 men, women and children who now die each have - been spent on cancer research of dollars Many millions since the American Cancer Society launched the first major attack in 1945. How sound an Investment has it been? Ten years ago 'only one saved. Today of four of those is one out of three. out it who And developed canoer was one put of two saved there are 800,000 Americans alive who have The number saved is Increasing dally. been cured of cancer The feeling of urgency in solving the cancer problem is real In faot, it is so real that many qualified scientists, anxious to pitch in and help hurry up the solution, find themselves without .fluids to do it. Each year the American Cancer Society finds Itself in the position of having to turn down requests for funds for worthwhile research projects simply because it does is in sight. Today not have the money. Let all of us supply the needed funds by supporting the Society's Crusade. San Juan County's quota of $700 should at least be doubled Harold Redd "I am going to oontinue I schooling atB.Y.U ny haven't pioked ny field of I would like study yet to live in. Blending after ny college" LaMar Robinson "After sohool I plan to work ' optimist is as often wrong as the pessimist The lot But he has a more fun Some low of The dime One to college next September I plan to go to Stevens Henager politicians who stand on their records are gravity only thing that goes as far as that rolls in the sumner, and go under, the bed it defying the in Salt Business Lake College City" did ten years ago is the of the nicest things about old age is that you oan whistle while you brush your teeth Richard Wakeman am going "I to oollege at the University of N M I don't have any farther Flans. Pae 2 BLANDING OUTLOOK May 8, 1959 See the Bargains .A1WED8TDSEID in Todays Paper c |