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Show MEXICAN HAT NEWS by Donna Brown READERS PLEASE NOTE Item In The last weeks paper whleh stated that Jack Martin was appointed as ehalnnan for organizing a union here was entirely erroneous The writer is very sorry to have made port without confirming and Mr Donna were Saturday this re- it. Frank Finoh and in Blanding Saturday Shirley Collins at the store, so Ester Roberts started to work Monday last day Ralph Baum spent the weekend in Grand Junction visiting his The burners success fry was . . Page 6 BLANDING OUTLOOK May . big 8, 1959 8 till Had His Teeth TTie salesman stared doubtfully Girl Scouts met Monday at the formidable looking animal with nine members present. After lying on the doorstep. "What breed the flag ceremony, the laws were is your dog? he asked the lady The reviewed Mrs dues and collected talked about good Laimbock mnners Mrs was musicians are pracreal good, so ticing, and sound crowd out let's have a good Saturday, May 2nd, eight girl scouts met at Laimbocks to have a pancake fry on their new buddy The night and a cook-o- ut was dis- of the house. "Dont rightly know, swered. "My brother sent she" an- it from cussed for next Saturday, weather Africa. "Well, said the salesman, hesJerrilynn Laimbock permitting and Irene Quintana won awards itantly, "its the queerest dog Ive for the only girls to write ever seen. The lady nodded. "You should rules on hiking a have seen it before we .cut its Mrs Wagner was hostess to get aoquainted party last week mane off." neighbor ladies president and secfamily attending After visiting, re- elected their A drawing decided the retary Visiting in Denver over the freshments were served The Donald Douglass and Tonny next quilt will be Ester Roberts weekend was Dusty Rhodes and Donna and the one following Lynette The Morris Browns made a flyfamilies Thompson ing trip to Montieello Friday Brown were Montieello shoppers Betts will receive Mrs Modlin served very good refreshments of night , where they left Donnie in Tuesday The sewing club met Monday and date loaf, coffee and punch the hospital They have hopes of bringing him home this week Gary Barker's folks from Grand Junotion came down last week to help Louise during her illness with eight . Judy RUN-DOW- Seldom N clearly pictured, baseballs so run- ng On-Camp- us Living Rates To Raise at 'U' University, of Utah students next year will living number 750, according to estimates of Lewis E. Haines, director of residence halls. This will be more than double the number of students living three years ago. Present occupants are. being given priority for room applications until May 1, after which on-camp- us on-camp- us rooms will be assigned according to dates the applications are received, Mr. Haines said. Applications received to date are approximately double those of la3t year by this time. school Plans for the 1959-6- 0 year include an additional 20 single rooms in Ballif Hall and the opening of Uintah Hall. Rates for the 1959-6- 0 school year will have only a few minor changes from the current years rates. To make rates more equitable, as compared with what is charge for standard double rooms, the rate for single rooms will be increased $20 and the rate for large double rooms will be raised $10. Also, a linen charge of $3 per student will be assessed for the first time, covering the time a student lives in the hall. was home from Montieello for the weekend, then her folks took her back Sunday Harold Douglas has been on the sick list for the past week Howard McGee spent the weekend in Grand Junction with his family, and hopes to move them down next weekend Bert Worth and wife spent last weekend in Grand Junction While there, he had a cheokup with the doctor A down play is shown, above. Cubs Tony Taylor, Chicago scoots in vain for first center, mask-tossiCarbase, where dinals Harold Smith (2) awaits throw from teammateNo.Don 33 Blasingame, background. is Cards Wilmer Mizell. Tyler "Get Acquainted" party was held at Nevills Lodge Saturday night for Mr, and Mrs, Jack Martin and Mr and Mrs, LeRoy Crain A good time was reported all that attended by A by shift the B dance is being planned crew for this Saturday Entire Stock of SMU APPUAHCtS Our Zipecially deduced dhb Mote's lay SOQH Vtiit fyi |