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Show MONTICELLO News Items By Mrs. H. I. Page 11 BLANDING OUTLOOK 8, 1959 May DlsSm har sistar, Mrs. Herbert Newell, The art exhibit put on at the Mr, and Mrs, Robert Slavin and High School May 1 and 2 was the ton have moved to Evanston, dofinest ever held in Montieello, ming where Bob has a job with The exhibits by the sehools, and the Vheeler M&ohine Co, each one In the oounty had an The Jerry Cleburn family who were outexhibit, espeoially wart burned out of their noma Those standing by adults were last weak are at home In a also praiseworthy It was just trailer and tent on the Carlson a fine exhibition of art. The ranch. leoture given by Prof. Gaell New babies at the San Juan Lindstrom was much appreciated County hospital are: Mr. and also. Mr , Ronald Van Wagoner arc The committee for the Missiona parents of girl, Roxanna, bom o ary Rally held at the Community April 28, Mr, and Mrs, Jaok G, Church April 28-report a moat Wilson of Bluff have a new son, successful gathering whloh was Brian Wayna, bom April 29, Mr, enjoyed by those attending from and Mrs, Darrell L, Rogers are the different districts, of a girl, Jeania Kay, Mlsa liens Miller who has been parents bora April 30, Mr, and Mrs, visiting her parents, Mr, and Harold Lyman have S' new baby Mrs, Marlon Miller, at Eastland bom Jkprll 30, Mr. and Mrs, for a few weeks, left for her Kirk Carroll are parents of a Job in Albuquerque, New Mexloo, girl, Dianna, bom May 2, the first of the week, 'lsJ 29 li il and Mrs, Joe Rukauena and family of Prloe were weekend guests of the Max Dalton family, Mr. O i3 Qant-A- d or residential construction In Bluff or vicinity see or call Bland ing Cabinet Shop or John Rates line 55p Eggers, Phone 3131, FOR RENT Centrally located, apartment with per SOt nininun for' first 10 For conmeroial CONSTRUCTION insertion, 8e per line with one-bedro- om Inquire at Sprouse Jewelers, ; 40c nininua for subsequent consecutive runs of sad copy with every 5th run free, Display advertising 58 dn bedroom HOUSE FOR. SALE Two house at .Biuff (now under construction), Call or see John Eggers at Bland ing, Ph. 3131, 55p . in coitions 80c pei column inch, Card of Thanks 10c a line with SI minimum. Want-A- d Maehlne Bland Southeast ing, Steven's Must appreciated. in Shop Ceprlano Perea was diseharged from the ' hospital Sunday aft ar oonfined there over a from burns oaused from a - being month gasoline explosion at his homo, Kenneth Hudgeons was also dis- after charged being treated for the loss of three fingers from a giant oap explosion, Mrs, Una Blade is spending a with her mother, Mrs, Lydia Dalton in Salt Lake City, Mrs, Max Dalton and daughters were shopping in Cortez Saturday, Keima, small daughter of Mr. week Kenneth and Mrs, has been seriously Christensen, the past ill n week, Mrs. Gordon Wood returned Sunday from a few days in Mo&b with MACHINE SHOP almost NEEDS S.E. Blanding HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR We WORK overhaul on jobs Jacks, any Snail PIANO FOR SALE size, suitable for trailer hone. SHARPENED LAWN MOWERS EXPERT lathe work do complete fydraulie or size at make Payne's Garage, be seen to be FOR SALE on Used Also Power Rotary Lawn Mower, Phone olarinet, black ebony, with leather Like new. $75.00, Ervin 33 in Spaoe oass. 2491 See at Palmer or 2436 after 6 p.m, 2tp Modern Apartments otp FOR RENT In Bluff, $15,00 per week, all PLANTS FOR SALE utilities paid. Inquire of Tomatoes - Bison, Fire stub, W, W, Simpson, Chevron Station Red Cloud, and others sweet Bluff, Utah, and chilli peppers) Golden Home in Cortez, Aoir Cauliflower) FOR SALE Cabbage; or would See trade .for Slandlng at Pansies and asters. commercial or resiunimproved of the the sign garden plow, Trailer Court, o . . South Market Street in Phone Colorado, Cortez, LO Ifya Koppenhafer. 320 5-7- 883 522 - I Love I 3d dential lots, $12,$00 equity erty. Motel Phone for J, - Owner in "Cortez V simm tAumy, OR Do it Yourself and Save Three blocks Northwest ofMlflhSchool prop- the Prospector D, Atnip. that soft water and gentle, soap at o has HOMEOWNER INSURANCE COULD YOU AFFORD TO REBUILD YOUR HOME? . . . Fin, flood, wind storms ah y one of these could demolish your home. Protect your investment with adequate insurance. See us today for a program suited to your needs. msii ASIC ABOUT OUR LOW COST PLANI Basin Realty &Xns. Phone QUt0 Qfc fiaiBfiisSRO OR 8-2- 016 |