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Show BETA SIGMA PHI ORGANIZE BLAND I NG i CHAPTER i In candlelight ceremony night, pledges of the & Tuesday o Beta Beta ew chapter of Beta ; igma Phi, international were taken into membership. Each new member received her pledge pin and a yellow! rose, flower of the organization. Following the ceremony, these officers were Installed: PresiGeorge Rascoe; Vice dent, Mrs, president, Mrs, Wgyne secretary, Mrs,' Recording : Karr; Roy secre- Edwards; corresponding tary, Mrs. Norman Harrison; : Treasurer, Mrs, Raymond Taylor, A brief business meeting was held at which time oommlttee : read, 'Mrs, appointments were Karr will serve as Membership Chairman and Mrs, Frank Flora as Publicity Chairman Mrs . Royce Higgs a Social Awards and Conmlttee, and Mrs, the heads with . Mrs, Harrisonas-istin- g Committee 3s Service of Mrs, Dale Skelton, The composed chairman, and Mrs, Chan Moulton, is Mrs. Clarence Tregellas with Mrs. and and Mrs. Harrison Taylor, Mrs. Rascoe form the program and Means Chairman Wayp TIBET The world is watching the little nation of Tibet whose government has rebelled against its Communist Chinese overlords. Located in central Asia, in the heartland of the Himalaya Mountains, Tibet lies on the border of Red China. Truly on the roof of the world, it is located some 13,000 to 15,000 feet above sea level. Pictured, above, is the great Potala (Palace of Gods), at Lhasa, Tibets capital. It is from here that a Dalai Lama has. ruled his million-od- d subjects for centuries. The palace numbers some 1.000 rooms, not counting outbuildings. It is built against and supported by a small mountain. Lamaism, a form of Buddhism, is the religion. Tens of thousands of monks make up the religious community of the nation, most of them housed in several great monasteries scattered throughout the land. Tibets traditional government is a theocracy government by priests claiming to rule with divine authority. Under the new Red puppet regime set up by the Chinese Communists, with the Panchen Lama as its acting premier, Tibetans are expected to have little say in their own affairs. TROUBLE FOR REDS Historian. , ; ! , eomnlttee. group deolded to hold regular meetings throughout the The summer, with Tuesdays of the first and third each month set as regular dates. The May 19 meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs, Royce Higgs. Coincidence? : : ; : IN What a handsome baby! exclaimed the visitor. Does he resemble your husband?" "I hope not, replied his wife, we adopted him. Fringe Benefits A newcomer, aged 9, appeared at the general delivery window at Boydf Texas, writes Postmaster Helen A. Walker, and asked for his familys mail. When he was handed the mail, he inquired. Do you give S & H green stamps? BANDS CONTINUED combining the two bands, and also numbers presented by both choruses. Junior and Senior hli OQiVU-i- a o CARD OF THANKS John and Maureen Holliday wish to express their appreciation to everyone in at the loss of who remembered their their baby, sorrow Mrs, Anthon Blaok Page 5 BLANDING OUTLOOK May 8, 1959 TtJGATQG Xfm Skoui tv&uj Fri. CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK Theres a remarkable resemblance between American League president Joe Cronin, Sox and his1 son, Kevin, 9. Theyre shown at a Yankees-Re- d game in Boston's Fenway Park. Sat. & May 8 9 & jk Sun. & May 10 Mon. & 11 Double Feature TliE 1MIOBIHIOB OIKS-ow- tUM WTN cm n sb-boh- Let Us Cut And Style Her Hair to Suit Tues. May 12 Her Own Personality! o lom'i KeDwikesl. & Wed. Thurs. 13 May 14 & FAMILY NIGHT RtENCHIEST amiEMn BEXDOCSn Pho. 3821 Z Blocks. Jo. Grade School BOKtR NUNH VIDAL them he. |