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Show THE 77T, The Times-New- Lv1 TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Friday. December 10th, 1926 ? Published Every Fi May by tbe Times Aows l'ublisliing ompany c 1Q26 Handbags for Gifts C A. L. a 3E3 s GIBSON. Fditor and Manage! Subscription Itates: Six Months One Year $1.00 $2.00 - MAILING EARLIER HA Before You Sign It- - last-minu- ta "Before you sign any contract, no matter how trival it may seem to you, take the time to bring- it to us for inspection. Our experience will aid your judgement, often saving you man' dollars as well as many hours and clays of trouble. This is but one of the many services this bank is prepared to render to those 31 who come here regularly. The "Mail Early" urgings promulgated last year by the post office department met with a gratifying response. Though reasonable success was attained, the goal Is set still higher for this year. "Mail Earlier" might be this year's slogan. The purpose is to relieve postal employes) cf the overwhelming rush of former years by distributing the handling of parcels over a longer period, entirely eliminating the peak itself. Christmas of the load from The "zero hour" has been advance;!, it is announced.. Rural carriers will make no deliveries on Christmas and city carriers will make one delivery on Christmas. It is .recommended that Christmas parcels me mailed between December 10th and December 20th. It is urged also that Christmas cards be mailed early, lest they be not delivered until after the event. The matter of delayed shopping and delayed mailing is mainly a habit. Some folks are constitutionally slow. To be beforehanded in any action is the exception rather than the Pule. While it may be practically impossible to induce some to act early, if those who are amenable to suggestion do, the end is gained by having at least a part of the business out of the way before the procrastination ones come along. Thus the congestion which might otherwise result is in some measure avoided. It would be easier to shop easly and mail early than to delay until the crowd i are greater, but habit causes some of us to put off a task as long as possible. It is the correction of a bad habit which the post office department s seeking. i OIL UK NOTICE IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, SATE QF UTAH. The State of Utah on the relation of Harry A. Jrane, Plaintiff, vs. Maryland Casu-.lt- y Company, a corporation, Jacob C. Hawley, O. A. Anderson and I. N. Hinckley, and Phil Peay, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that any person having supplied labor or materials in the construction of the State between Chicken Creek Highway Dam and Millard County line, under Federal Aid Project No. 17D and being unpaid therefor, may intervat in this action on or before January 3rd, 1927. BY ORDER OF COURT. P. N. ANDERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Nephi, Utah. Date of first publication, Dec. 3rd: Date of last publication, Dec. 17tb. 1926. j new orimswic for Christmas 5 i I r 5 . - J 5 MINI " 1 71 i '.- - J.I " Si 1 The Sign of SMusical Trtittgt FRESH SWEET ORANGES $3.00 per box of three hundred large size. Hoxes larger than . standard size. Sound fruit and satisfaction guaranteed or money back. We piy express charges. A box of these makes an appreciated Christina gift. Remit with order. ACME OKAXGK FARMS, LaGrande, Texas. m JanmaivickV PHONOGKAPHS AN O RI'SII SWKKT OUAXGPS HtCOHO! THIS MODEL FOR $210.00 EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR Terms If Desired dintlO SELLING SEALS (Tune:"Marching Through Georgia ) Bring out all our pennies, folks, we've Christmas Seals i'or sle, Buy a penny sticker on each letter that you mail, Seals will bring the. roues back to cheeks that have grown pale. They mean good health to all If you are wondering what gift to give, reasonable in price and of everyday practical use, you need search no further than our collection of beautiful Bags. Price range includes manv beautiful bags at $1.25 Chorus Hooray! Buy $1.50 $4.50 $5.00 Start now upon a record of events that you may look back upon in years to come. Make this record with an Eastman Kodak. Prices from $2.50 up. it makes us happy when a lot of seals we sell, For we know that every seal will help make someone well, Teaches everyone against disease germs to rebel, Seals mean Good Health for all people. O, saJ $3-0- 0 Our direct purchases enables us to quote these ' remarkable prices. looray! Christmas . Seals today, Hooray! Hooray! Worth every cent you pay Every Seal will do its part to drlv-- j disease away, From both our city and nation. IX THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH BONNEVILLE LUiMBER COMPANY, a Corporation, Plaintiff vs. CLAUDE D. DANIELS, JEAN H. BAKEMAN and JUAB DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Corporation, Defendants. ALIAS SUMMONS: The State of Utah to the Said Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county- - in which this action is brought;, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action: and in case of your failure so to do. judgement will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Cierk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgement, foreclosing and deter- mining the claim of lien of plaintift herein-a- s against the following described realty belonging to said de fendants or in which said defendants t: claim an interest, The land and premises described in the com plaint heretofore filed in this action, and more particularly described a3 follows: Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (NWUSET4) of Section 2, Township 16 South of Range 2 West. Salt Lake Meridian. SAM CLINE, Plaintiff Attorney, P. O. Box, Milford, Utah First publication, Dec. 10th, 192G. Last publication. Jan. 7th. 1927. $2.50 A box of Stationery is an acceptable gift with all. We are showing a wonderful line in all the latest shades. Priced from 25c up. i Buy quality merchandise and enjoy it "We Are Here To Serve" Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Raymond, Owner, C. A. Radios I Make a Splendid Gift Especially is this true, if you give a Radiola-Pur- e in tone, plenty of power to bring in distance, and economical to operate. Let us give you a demonstration. udeFs Garacre 2a mcsBPiKc..ii mssrms& i- -2 COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION I FIRST CLASS SHOE I WE HAVE THE LATEST RECORDS t THE MUSIC STORE X Robert Lomax, Mgr. t jsc&v W NO IRE BUCK t TALK buy new shoes, when we can Rebuild your com- fortable worn shoes as good as new. Shoe shine stand in connection. C. O. LOMAX IY.xUhi Iildcr.. Main St. iUIUII Too much sputtering and back-firinthese cold days? (Jet on PAKCO Cas! You will know after you have driven the first mile that PAKCO is your motor fuel for good. Holiday g The New ESSE Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Tickets on sale December 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1 between all points on Denver & Rio Grande Western smoothness and economy, you can't beat 'cm. Judd's Garage Original starting poin; must be reached by midnight January 4, 1927. No stopovers. Kystem. Nephi, Utah Call on nearest Rio Grand'? Agent for detailed fares an. I (rain service. Hudson and Essex Cars riL3 ED AN or Excursion ROUNDTRIP l'l 3 FARES Four-Do- or The astounding sales welcome to this beautiful new four-doSedan is continued in sustained demand. On the smooth and nimble Essex chassis it meets the requirement for a fine beautifully appointed country-wid- e Rates to recommend and sell PAR CO and VEEDOL Oils. For G. R. Judd in charge 1 It is a waste of money to FROM YOUR MfiTflD II We're proud m RE3UILDER car with performance distinction and price F. O. B. Detroit, plat war cxcij lax attraction. With new colors, new upholstery and new appointments, it offers individuality as well as economical and reliable transportation. It seats five amply. It is economical of gasoline, oil and tires. And for this finest and most beautiful Essex ever built--yo- u pay little mote than the rest of ?v, pome four.-- and way beluw four, any any other v 3 lis.d .'k dan. k-c- S 6-- G. R. JUDD GARAGE NEPHI, UTAH I 7 |