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Show THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- Fridav. December 10th. NEPHI, UTAH S, P!5 Local Happ A Few Holiday Suggestions Mrs. Arthur Scott returned home Sunday, after spending a week In Provo, visiting with relatives and Only 13 more Shopping Days . See our Lig Holiday lines oi Bath Robes, Bed Spreads, Silk Parasols, Silk Hose, Handkerchiefs, Blankets, Hand Bags, Silk Underwear, House Slippers, Jewelry, Toys, Dolls, Dishes, Ties, Glass-warStationery, Men's and Boys' Suits and Odd Pants, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Silk Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Pajamas, Sweaters, Blazier Jackets, Suit Cases, Shoes, Gloves, and hundMen's and Boys' Belts, Garters, Arm-band- s, reds of Items too numerous to mention at Lowest Prices. Funeral services were held Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bryan, for their three week's old baby boy who died Tuesday. e, A very enjoable dancing party was given last Saturday evening at the Arlington hall, by the Social Friends club. The large crowd which attended having had a fine time. - EXTRA SPECIAL Men's and Boys' Overcoats... Men's $37.50 and $40.00 Suits ..$26-95'- . $24.95 Men's $35.00 Suits An Mn's and Bys' Blazier $19-9Men's $28.50 Suits Jackets Boys' $13.50 and $14.50 Long- Pants Suits $9.95 All Women's and Girls' Coats to $14.50 Knee Pants CLASSIFIED ADS- - LOST Package containing fancy Return to work and Reward. Mrs. R. E. Grover. lz Price two-doilie- s. 5 Boys', up Suits Big lot $5-9- 5 3 Off 1- -3 Oft 1-- . . "Shop Early. In the Day" while the crowds are not quite so large, is a good slogan. Nephi Merc. Co. We have a large variety of Christmas Stationery l2 Price Holiday-bo- x goods. FOR SALE GROCERIES Best Seeded and Seedless Raisins 3 packages for 35c 4 lb. pkg. Seedless Raisins 45c 1 19c Sunsweet Prunes, lb. pkg 33c Sunsweet Prunes, 2 lb. pkg 35c Sweet Pickled Beets 29c size 29c Quaker Quick Oats Large 20c lb. Best New Crop Peanuts 25c lb. Best New Crop Mixed Nuts Best New Crop Brazil Nuts .... 25c lb. ...... Box Hand-mad- e Chocolates lb. Box Hand-mad- e Chocolates Chias. 3E . . . . ' Our 745-Sto- re Buying Power Saves You Money w Jj 1PT . ie S OF1S 3 (VATIOM-WID- E INSTITUTIO- N- Co. Selling Most We Buy For Less Buying Most We Sell For Less JVC. W 19c 39c mm f7 State of Utah, County the Nephi Precinct: ss. $2-0- 0 roote l NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTKAY $1.25 SATURDAY MORNING SPECIALS (9:00 a. m. until 12:00 noon 3 Hours Only) 3 Bars Jap Rose Soap (limit 3) 19c 6 Boxes Matches (limit 6) 10 Bars Flake White Soap (limit 10) 37c Broom (limit 1) 4-T- se There are hundreds of people in the community who have foot discomforts For relief, use. Dr. Stoll's Foot Easers Foot Comfort demonstrator at the Nephi Merc. Dec. 15th. 45c ' Hay-Jes- Foot Comfort demonstrator from Chicago, will be at our store December loth, (Wednesday) Nephi Merc. .... 5 Ten tons of Wild Pay. Best New Crop Walnuts 25c lb. Best New Crop Almonds 35c lb. Christmas Mixed Candy 25c lb- Best Hand-mad- e Chocolates and Creams 50c lb. 1 lb. Box Hand-mad- e Chocolates 2 lb. DEPARTMENT STORES Tired, Aching Feet of Juab, in I have in my possession the follestray animals, owing described which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at my corral at 104 South First West Street, Ne phi, Utah, on Monday the 20th day of December, 1926, at 2:00 p. m. One spotted two year old bull, unbranded. Said estray was taken up by me in said Nephi Precinct on the 5th day of December, 1926. OSCAR B ROUGH, Poundkeeper for Nephi Precinct Er quickly relieved with Restore Fooc-Ejze- SchoITg weak n4 arches. S3 50 per pair. broken-dow- friends. Shop Early 1926 Corns Bunions Dr. ScholTe Zino-pastop pain at once. Dr. ScholTt Bunion Reducer instantly relieves bunion pains reduces growth and preserves d Re- move cause, friction and pressure. Quick, sale, sura relie L 35c per box. shape ol shoe. 75c each. Special FreeFootComfort DEMONSTRATION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15th AT THE NEPHI MERC. CO. Foot troubles are universal. Government records show that 7 out of every 10 adult people have some form of foot trouble. You are probably yourself. It may be only a corn, a callous, a bunion or some more serious trouble, such as weak arches. You might not know the nature of and broken-dow- n your trouble but you do know that your feet ache, pain, and get all tired out on the slightest provocation. foot-miserab- le Foot Expert from Chicago Coming This man is from the personal staff of Dr.Vm.M.Scholl, the rec- ognized foot authority, and demonstrates Dr. Scholl's Method of Foot Correction. Come in, on the above date, and meet him. It's well worth your time. There's no charge for this valuable service. Free Pedograph Prints of Your Feet In a few seconds' time, without removing the hose, he will make, without charge, a perfect print of your foot that positively shows if you do have foot troubles and to what stage the trouble has progressed. Free Samples Come in and get a free sample of Dr. Scholl's Zino-pad- s for corns. They remove the cause friction and pressure. Instant, safe, sure relief. Put one on the pain is gone. Nephi Merc. Co. 'Where good merchandise is cheaper' 3: 3E THE SELECTION OF Men's Gifts at this Store EASILY SOLVE YOUR GIFT PROBLEM Something Different About Our Coats Prices Smarter Styles-Low- er $14.75 to $49.75 Our low prices, you understand, are directly due to the commanding- position held Institution. Buying in enormous by the hundreds of Stores of this Nation-Wid- e quantities for our 745 Stores it is natural that our prices should be much less than is ordinarily asked. Perhaps some women who always shop here have never stopped to realize that they buy their Coats here because our styles have that elusive quality of smartness of chic! Of course, everyone knows that our prices are convincingly lower! You Owe It To Yoursself To Look Your Best-AlwaIn one of our Coats! In bolivia or smooth finish material! The very most en- mm ys chanting- colors. Linings which look pretty and which will wear. out on one of our Coats ! Don't miss For the Junior Miss, The Miss, and Woman Practical Gifts, something he can wear, and best of all bearing- the stamp of approval from the store where he prefers to buy his own things surely a complete and easy manner in which to solve your Christmas buying for the - NOVELTY BAGS SILK TIES UNUSUALLY DESIRABLE FOR CHRISTMAS men-folk- dandy lot of the newest patterns and colors in SHIRTS all made to fit comfortably A over. If you do not know the size or A box of Wilson Bros. SILK a j HOSE will appeal to any man style he wants in a HAT gift certificate will nolve your J hh the bent gift you could give I him. problems. The largest and best assort- - MUFFLERS Ilayon Silks tnent of TIES ever shown in Silk al,d wooK H;,nnel 60 dozen to choose! Nephi. i Now striking patterns. from. The new purse completing beautifully your Fall and Winter outfit! In leather probably the popular pouch style ! $2.98 OTHERS AT $1.23 TO $6.90 In holiday gift boxes. The newest stripes and figures. Wonderful values. In Mogadons,' satins, twills. moires. ery colorful combinations, both lively and quiet. Exceptional values at 49c to $1.49 s. j CLOVES make a good gift. I j Ki''' t for driving or dress. Silk-line- d. Wool-line- The king gift of all, for man or boy, is a suit or an overcoat, or both. Let us show ybu how many attractive models we have ready for your approval. We Carry a complete line of Jewelry- - THE TOGGERY i m |