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Show Friday, December 10th, 1926 THE TIMES-NEW- CLASSIFIED Deseret Bank Building, Salt. Lake City, Utah, on or before the 28th day of January A. D. 1927. DANA T. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of Frederick A. Wann, Deceased. ADS buy eggs, veal, hogs, poultry G. W. Lunt and Sona. Date of first publication, Nov. 19th; Date of last publication, Dec. 10th. BAB CHICKS White Leghorn Chicks From selectNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ed hens mated with record males. Department of the Interior, U. S. Safe arrival guaranteed. December, Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, January $13 per 100; express Graham Hatchery, Hayward, Nov. 30, 1926. is hereby given that HerCalifornia. ol5tf bertNOTICE H. Greenhalgh, of Nephi, Utah, who, on Jan. 21, 1920, made homeTry our "Maid O'Clover" Cheese:-G- . stead entry No 018464, for NNE1,, W. Lunt & Sons. NWSWV4 Sec. 22, NWVi TEN PERCENT discount on all NW4 Sec. 23, Township 13 South, 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Stoves, Ranges and Parlor Furn- Range has filed notice of intention to make aces, at Kendall Bros. three year Proof, to establish claim the land above described, before History repeats itself There waa to never enough" Christmas Cards the Clerk of the District Court, at to supply the demand. "Don't Wait" Nephi, Utah, on the 10th day of JanSee the Line Le Luxe at Ord and uary, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: Mangelson. Joseph H. Greenhalgh, Edgar E. Stanley, Alva R. Belliston, Frank P. CAM OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt Greenhalgh, all of Nephi, Utah. ELI F. TALOR, Register. thanks to all those who so kindly asof first publication Dec. 3rd; sisted us in the sickness and death Date of last publication, Dec. 31st. of our husband, father and brother. Date Also for the beautiful music and floral offerings, and for every kind-nes- s NOTICE extended us. State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake Mrs. Louis Shaw and family. City, Utah, November 19, 1926. Notice is hereby given that Win. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Henroid, Jr., whose post office ad, Estate of Magnus Larsen, de- dress is Parker, White ceased. Nevada, has made application in acCreditors will present claims with cordance with the requirements of vouchers to the undersigned at Fill- the Compiled Lawsof Utah, 1917, aa more City, Utah, on or before the amended by the Session Laws of first day of February, A. D. 1927. Utah, 1919 and 1925 to oppropriato J. NOBLE ANDERSON, Executor .1 c. f. s. of water from Yellow of the estate of Magnus Larsen. Springs in Juab County, Utah. Said Deceased. water is to be diverted at the point Grover A. Giles, Attorney for Ex- of issuance which bears S. 45 deg. 27.5 ft. from the NW Cor. Sec 23, ecutor, Fillmore, Utah. Date of first publication, Nov. 26th T. 14 S., R. 19 W., S. L. M. and conDate of last publication, Dec. 17th. veyed in a ditch to two reservoirs, each one about 60 ft. long and 30 ft. NOTICE TO CREDITORS wide and 3 ft. deep where water will Estate of Frederick A. Wann, de- be used during the entire year for ceased. the watering of 5000 head' of sheep. Creditors will present claims with This application is designated in vouchers to the undersigned at 508 the State Engineer's Office as File VV'e and cream. THE of man so careless his loved ones as to pro-pai- neglecY laying up for them something in a bank will leave a mem- GIFTS Of The Finer Sort d. Gifts that appeal to the finer in- stinctsGifts that EW. ory they will regard with careless disregard. "Whatever You Earn, Spend Less" CD PAGE FIVE NEPHI, UTAH S, aid her in preserv- 8 Come in early and see how complete our Xmas line is this year. Pina-County- HI NATIONAL n OUR XMAS LINE OF CARDS IS WONDERFUL IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU No. 10046. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the rea sons therefor, must be by affidavit In duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. GEO. M. BACON, Are You "Toxic ?" FUNCTIONAL inactivity of the a retention of waste poisons in the blood. Symptoms of this toxic condition are a dull, languid feeling, drowsy headaches and, sometimes, toxic backache and dizziness. That the kidneys are not functioning as they should is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions. Many readers have learned the value of Don'm Pills, stimulant diuretic to the kid- -' neys, in this condition. User everywhere endorse Doan'a. Ask your . XOTICK TO CREDITORS DISHES - WHITE DINNER SET SPECIALS HEAVY IRON COASTER WAGONS A LIMITED NUMBER FOR $8.00 WHITE AND GOLD DINNER SET A LIMITED NUMBER AT $8.25 DECORATED BLOCK AND GOLD FOR $15.00 . REGULAR 17.50 LUSTER TEA SETS $19.50 WATER TUMBLERS, Reg. 6 for 40c, . . 5c Each TRICYCLES SLEIGHS t FLEXIBLE FLYER. . . . FIRE FLY 45-PIE- 23-PIE- DOLL BUGGIES WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF FOR $1.75 PICTURES, Reg. $2.50 AIR GUNS ICE SKATES WATCHES . TO $4.00 $12 50 $5.00 and $6.00 $2.70 and $3.00 $2-5- 0 $4.50 $5.00 $1.50 $2.00 . ROLLER SKATES POCKET KNIVES I'M , n umuj ',y,T:7"rrgYCTf- - 1 d buy a Chevrolet I Like no other car of its class, Chevrolet combines those features which make a car easy for women to operate with those qual ities that women instinctively demand in an automobile. It is easy to start, steer and stop. It Is simple and safe to handle under all conditions. And, best of all, It offers the Inimitable smartness, elegance and luxury of bodies by Fisher on all closed models, lust bring her in and let her see for herself how well Chevrolet meets her tdeala of bum quality. IxwrihrlceaJ tar'SlO fcx2-r.7- 35 Ls....7QJ f. . b. Flint. Mich. Small dom pmymtnt mmdimn w 4sm IH ml Ak PwcHom ( ur CttcaM FW. Grace Motor Co. Nephi, Utah 1 t Stimulant Diurttic to tkm KiJnmy a Co., Mis. chem. Buffalo. N. Y. Fostcr-Milbur- I low-price- NEPHI, UTAH nn POAN'S car that has If you're choosing a to meet with feminine approval be guided by the experience of tens of thousands, and ' mm i 'J The Easiest Car for Her to Drive BROS. KENDALL "THE GIFT STORE" PHONE NO. f- lip These are just a few of the many wonder-fu- l girts and bargains we have to offer you GALL AND BE CONVINCED i neighbor rrP $5.00 47-PIE- A Allen, Deceased. Will L. Hoyt, Nephi, Utah, Attorney for Estate. First Publication, Dec. 3rd, 1926. Last publication, Dec. 24th, 1926. - 1 QUALITY AT LOW COST Umki j of Good Elimination. Estate of Amos Stephen Allen, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the underin Nephi, signed at her residence Utah, on or before the 3rd day of February A. D. 1927. Louise A. Christensen, administratrix of estate of AmoB Stephen Shop Early -- Get the Besl Selection ' . It It V ell, Then, to Learn the Importance State Engineer. Date of first publication Dec. 3rd; Date of last publication Dec. 31, 1926 45-PIE- ing her beauty, are Gifts that every woman likes better than any other Gift you can give. Let us suggest some of the following articles : Perfume Sets Fiberloid Sets Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets ' Party Sets |