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Show 3 f Nephi Nephi v t The Times, Vol. 16, No. 50. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, December 10th, 1926 WATER OWNERS' HELD MONDAY V. M. Foote Elected Member Of Board of Directors Financial Report Made By Sec'y. Wilson Glazier The annual meeting- of the stockholders of the Nephi Irrigation company was held Monday afternoon, and a good representation of the shareholders were present. V. M. Foote was elected a member of the board of directors, for a term of three years. The question of Installing weirs throughout the entire system was discussed, and the board of directors were Instructed to investigate the various types of weirs and install such measuring devises as will serve the need in this system the best. Commencing next year, the water will be distributed throughout tho entire year, instead 6f seven months as has been done In the past. According to experiments that have been made, it has been proven that alfalfa that has one watering in the fall, will produce one more ton per acre than the land not receiving any fall irrigation. On grain, watering in the fall will increase the yield fifteen bushels, according to the survey made. The board who will handle the business the coming year are: Louis Garrett, J. W. Brough, James B. Riches, James H. Ellison and V. M. Foote. Wilson Glazier, secretary of the company, made the financial report, which Is as follows: RECEIPTS Cash on hand, Nov. 30, 1926 $247.65 - 3000.00 60.00 5445.79 ;.. Rent of Elk Pasture Assessments J. W. Sidwell, changing water Ticket ' W. C. ANDREWS 7.80 $8751.24 DISBURSEMENTS, Stamps S. R. Winn 50.12 19.00 $ v.:.. ..: advertising and ' s, . ' 70.10 notice J. W. Sidwell (watermaster) 600.00 J. W. Sidwell (transferor water) 6.24 225.69 Burnham Mfgr. Co Frt. Weirs, $68.58 131.15 Salt 1.00 Prayage - 200.73 35.00 Dennis Wood, auditing books 11.71 Cooper Pyper J. E. Lunt, refund (over In cash) 2.00 D. C. Sparks, Weir Irons 4.00 R. V. Stanley 21.75 Central Motor (vulcanizing 1.50 boots) 12.05 Nephi Imp. Hdw. Co 175.00 Salary, Secretary 112.39 Salt 5.60 Courtney Judah 278.20 Bonneville Lumber Co 10.00 W. L. Hoyt, (legal) 478.08 Interest 1.00 J. H. Carter surveying) J. C. Hall (right of way Center 50.00 City) Geo. O. Ostler (rent of ground 5.00 for gravel dump) 125.00 Salaries, (directors) 67.50 Committee work, (directors) 6.50 Stationery and supplies 2.55 Kendall Bros Check to Kenneth Wright for 2.00 lost labor check 6.50 Labor on Gravel Basin Ditch and Canals (labor) .... 2264.44 Balance on hand Nov. 30th.. 3901.59 . Total $8751.24 Service Star Legion Vaudeville Is Success The Service Star Legion received very good support at their picture show and vaudeville Tuesday evening. The program was thoroughly enjoyed, which was as follows: vocal duet, JVIrs. Allie Belliston and Mrs. Mabel Lunt; solo dance, LaMar Hawkins; pianologue, Maurlne Kendal!; dance number by LaMar Hawkins and Maurlne Kendall; vaudeville skit, Lois Lunt and Wayne Sidwell. Parent - Teachers' To Hold Meeting Thursday Evening The regular Parent - Teachers' meeting will be held next Thursday evening, December 16th, at the High Joel Tayor, School auditorium. county assessor will give the principal address. The entertainment feature will be "The Impersonating of the High School teachers", by high school students. For perattiosi In Getting Better Read -- CANVASS VOTES A special meeting of the Board Of Education was held Monday evening for the purpose of canvassing the reLevan, Dec. 9th (Special to the turns of the recent school election. Times-NewA big mass meeting The following members were pres of citizens and tax payers of Levan ent: Harry Foote, James H. Ockey, met at the Amusement hall, DecemLorenzo Mangelson and Raphael Gar ber 8th; the meeting being called for field. the purpose of devising ways and The result of the canvas showed means to get some immediate and the following elected, and the clerk on the road situa was instructed to issue election cer permanent relief Levan Snd Nephi, as between tion, tificates to them: Raphael Garfield, It is now, and has been for some Mona, district number one; Albert almost impassable. H. Belliston. district number thren. time, We as citizens and taxpayers, feel Nephi; Alma C. Dalby, district num that due to the condition of the road, ber five, Levan. These newly elected the lives of the children that are atmembers will take office Tuesday tending high school at Nephi, and January 4th, when the Board of Ed being transported by truck, are jn ucation will meet for reorganization, great danger, and have suffered conaccording to law. siderable hardships. In the matter of providing" more That it is necessary for the peopls radiation in the girl's dressing room, of Levan to make frequent trips to at the Nephi High School, the board Nephi, for the purpose of shopping authorized this work to be done as and attending to business matters, soon as possible. is a known fact; but, due to the conThe clerk was authorized to ask ditions of the road the shopping that for bids for the delivery of a car of cannot be done at home is slack (coal)) for the local high done through the mail. The being poht school. master reported that mail order busRequisitions submitted by Sunt. iness had increased nearly half in the Smith were allowed. Claims against past three months. We all know that s) " the district after being duly audited, were allowed and ordered paid. The schools of the district will close for the Christmas holidays Thursday afternoon, December 23rd. The meeting adjourned until Jan uary 4th, 1927. WILL SUPERVISE TREE CUTTING The TJ. S. Forest Service has officially sanctioned the cutting of Christmas trees on the National For ests, provided it is done by thinning out groups of crowded trees to secure increased growth In remaining trees. Unfortunately, very few people cutting from private places giv) these requirements any considera. tion; ..No one wishes to deprive children or adults of the joys of the Christmas tree. However, there Is great need for moderation and education in Christmas tree cutting. Scattering trees along the roadway and trees standing singly should never be cut, but should be left to beautify the landscape and to mature and produce seed from which reproduction may . Total The News, Vol. SCHOOL BOARD ANNUAL MEETING Notes . Wheat f'The I "The Wheat City" Times-New- 4 - spring. y Forest Ranger A. P. Christianson has set Saturday, December 18th. as the date to get Christmas trees, and he will be In Andrew's Canyon to supervise the cutting of trees. J. H. Vickers Is Appointed Deputy Clerk for December J. H. Vickers, county clerk-eleis being employed as, deputy clerk for ct the month of December, In. order that he will be on the affairs of the office by January 1st, the date he takes the reins of the office. VIONA HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST WEEK Royal Green Is visiting with hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Clayson and family visited with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ellertson the past week. A party was given Friday evening for Mrs. James H. Newton, who is leaving for California to spend the winter with her daughter. A Bocial was given for the retiring Mutual Presidents, David Nielson and Mrs. Lottie Kay, last Thursday evening. A program, games and refreshments were enjoyed. Miss Verda Keyte spent the weok end In Provo. Mrs. Hulda Kay Is visiting- - with her daughter in Salt Lake City this week. The weekly meeting of the Gleaner Girls of the Mona Ward was held at the home of Miss Rachel Young The time was Tuesday evening. spent in working and telling stork-Refreshments were served to the Misses Melba following: Young, Zelda Kay, Donna Newell, Lavonna Kay, Bernice Ellertson, Lucille Vest Mrs Willard Ellertson, Miss Verda Keyte, and the hostess Miss Rachel Young. All reported having a jolly time. The following officers were el ected: Rachel Young, president, and Donna Newell, s FISH AND GAME streets. Jacob Coleman of Provo, a former Nephite, was in attendance at the luncheon, and talked on "City Attorney Coleman told of some of the progressive moves that had been put over in Provo, along this line. LEGION TO ELECT Beau-tificatio- CLUB TO MEET sNEW OFFICERS The annual election of officers of the Nephi Fish and Game club will be held next Wednesday evening, December 15th. The meeting will be in" the club rooms at the City Hall, and the following, officers will be elected: president, vice - president, three directors, and a secretary-treasure- Ths annual election of officers of Nephi Post number one of the Amer ican Region, will take place Tues day $t the Legion room in the City Hall, according to Commander Orvald MAIL PLANES The Post Commander also an nounced that the drive for members for 1927 will commence tomorrow, Saturday, December 11th, and the goal set for next year Is fifty mem bers. The local post having thirty-si- x members the present year, with men' in Nephi a number of not belonging. . Officers of the local post are very men at. enxious that all tend ho. meeting next Tuesday, whether they- - are member post or not. Due to the heavy snowstorm and a dense fog, two air mail planes of the Western Air Express, had to make a forced landing south of this city Tuesday. The planes were on their way to Salt Lake from Los Angels, and encountered a bad fog while on the regular route, which takes them up through the Tintic valley; hoping r. In addition to the election, a num. be of questions concerning fish and game will be discussed, and one in particular that should be of vital im portance to the entire community. The club should follow the action of a number of other clubs in the state jn strongly opposing the proposed Increase in. the price of fish and' game licenses, "which Is advocated by State Commissioner, D. H. Madsen. R'.t Warner. Postmaster J. E. Lunt Urges Early Mailing For Christmas With Christmas comes a general spirit of good will and cheer. This address of the sender, in the upper spirit finds expression by the ex- left hand corner of the envelope. he 4 seals and stickers should change of presents, letters, greeting cards and other remembrances. placed on the back, and not on the As a result of this custom, the vol front of the envelops. 5 Be sure that you have suffi-cieume of mail during the month of December is greatly augmented. The postage on your mall and avoid Post Office department does not in having mail going to your friends any way desire to discourage this post collect. e Use standard sized envelopes. custom nor shrink in the least from the very important part that it takes If the public understood the annoyin the decimination of Christmas ance caused by these small envelopes cheer. they would eliminate them. 7 Do not try to send perishable Throughout the country there Is a campaign on for the cooperation mail too far. Don't take a chance on of the patrons of the postal service il spoiling In transit. 8 Before depositing your mail in an effort to avoid this "eleventh look it over to be sure that it is adhour" congestion. The Postal officials are just anx dressed and stamped. 9 ious to have all mail reach its deswrap your parcels securely so tination before Christmas day as the they will reach their destination In patrons, and you can rest assured good condition. Address them plainthat every effort will be made to ly In Ink. 10 Parcel post may receive the meet this emergency. All mall can be delivered before same expeditious handling as first Christmas day jf a reasonable time la class mall by putting a 2$c "Special allowed plus a possible delay caused Handling" stamp on it. U t)o not only mail early, but by congestion. Besides the general that appeal for early mailing, the cooper- mall often. To business houses ma'.l ation of the general public is solicit make a practice of letting their accumulate till late In the afternoon, ed In the following Items. 1 Do not mail Christmas card I would suggest that you mall as with a one cent stamp. All cards often as you can. Any time during (except the government post cards) the day you are coming by the post office, mail what you nave reaay. require two cents. 2 All mall addressed to youn. 12 Notice of the arrival of parcels itov ii Aafl ' children should he In care of their w Ml 1.uw DUlil vufc ' ' When Cflll- the notice for them bring as not small please are children ing parents 13 Buy more than one stamp at known. 3 AH mall should bear the return a time. Miss Lucille Garrett returned home Miss lone Garrett spent the week end in Provo, visiting with relatives Monday, after enjoying a month's visit at Provo, Utah. and friends. st I J I - Mrs. Mabel Bugham returned to Battery "E" basket ball team de her home in San Diego, California, feated the Goshen town team In Wednesday, after spending a month Goshen, Wednesday evening. in Nephi at the home of her parents score the game; being Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Downs. to 14. one-side- d Judge Thoa. It. Burton has appointed the following members to act as Inheritance Tax appraisers for Juab County for the year 1927: J. M. Chrlstensen and S. O. Ord, Nephi, Bnd C. E. Hulsh of Eureka. The Jury Commissioners have been annotated for Juab county for the coming year as follows: Thomas W Vickers. Nephi, and P. J. Bonner, wer Eureka. These commissioner appointed by Judge Thos. H. Burton. FORCED DOWN Nephi Camp of M. W. of A. Holds Election of Officers Nephi camp of Modern Woodmen of America held their annual election of officers, at their regular meeting Tuesday night. The follow- ng being selected to act for the year Con 1927: L. M. Pexton, sul; M. T. Howard, Past Consul; T. E. Carter, Banker; Harry Foote. Ad Clerk; M. S. Ingram, J. H. Christensen, Escort: visor; M. H. Carter, Watchman; Alvln Goble, Sentry; Ed. V. Downs, Chief Forester; Trustees, S. G. Wilkey, Alfred Warner and C. E. Stephensen. Nephi Ward Holds Two- Day Reunion at Tabernacle A reunion of the people living lb the Nephi Ward was held Wednes day and Thursday of this week, at the Juab Stake tabernacle. Wednes day, 357 of the adult population of the ward enjoyed a fine banquet, after which an excellent program was rendered. Wednesday evening a suc cessful dance was held at the Arling ton hall. Thursday the ynung people of the ward were served to a big dinner. The committee In charge of this af fair are entitled to a great deal of jralse, for the way they handled the arge crowd on both days. No, 50 TUESDAY FOR LOUIS T. SHAW Resident of Nephi Passes Away at Salt Lake Hospital Following An Operation for Appendicitis Life-Lon- g The funeral of Louis Taylor Shaw, who died in the L. D. S. hospital at Salt Lake City, last Friday, was held in the South. Ward Chapel Tuesday afternoon; Bishop P. B. Cowan in charge. The speakers were: James E. Mem. mott, Joseph H. Grenhalgh, President A. H. Belliston, David Haycock and Bishop Cowan. Musical numbers were rendered as follows: duet, L. P. Anderson and Mrs. T. E. Carter; voc. al solo, T. W. Vickers; vocal solo. Mrs. Allie Belliston; vocal solo, Mrs. Mabel Lunt. The opening prayer was offered by Wilford Belliston and Robert Lomax pronounced the benediction. The grave was dedicated by Joseph H. Greenhalgh. Louis Shaw was born in Nephi. December 22nd, 1882, the son of Samuel Shaw Sr. and Margaret Taylor Shaw, early pioneers of this city. g He was an industrious and citizen here, having been in the farm. ing and dairying business the greater part of his life. He was very much respected by his friends and neigh bors for his honesty and willingness to help those in need. Mr. Shaw is survived by his wife, Lillian Haycock Shaw, two children. Elva, age 11, and Earl age 6; also by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. James E. Lunt, Lehl; Samuel Shaw, Las Vegas, Nevada; Aaron Shaw, Gooding, Idaho; Mrs. Seth Mcpherson, Alfred Shaw and Mrs. Oscar Bowers of Nephi. The people in attendance at the services were: Samuel Shaw, Las Vegas, Nevada; Mrs. Del-l- a Howarth, Magna, Utah; David Haycock, Furth, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherson and Floyd McPher-- , life-lon- out-of-to- Utall--- , Uodt-iog-beychASteiJJjei- route, coming up tnis vauey, duc were unable to .make any headway, so they were forced to land. They had 212 pounds of mail and one passenger. The passenger proceeded to Salt Lake by auto and the mail was transported to the city on the evening train. 10, FUNERAL HELD HEADS KIWANIS W. C. Andrews, cashier of the First National Bank, of this city, was el this" )s poor business for everybody ected president of the Nephi Klwanls concerned. club, at their annual election of ofThe through traffic to southern ficers, Monday. Other officers elected Gilbert Bailey; UtahJ and California, that cannot go were: around, is Buffering terribly and con- district trustee, June Kendall; treas demning Utah roads; all due to the urer, Paul E. Booth; directors: Dr. L. eleveii miles between Nephi and Booth, A. P. Chistianson, A. V. Levafe.' A' road is no better than its Gadd, W. L. Gardner, Russell Haw kins, A. E. Smith and Geo. D. Hay- weakest part. . Ware depending upon the doctors mond. at Njplii, in cases of sickness or acPresident Andrews has been one cidents; but as the roads are now, of Nephi's community boosters for in cijse of serious illness a life may the past number of years, and was be 's4ylficed due to the doctor not charter member of the Nephi Kl being able to make the trip at night. wanls club, and has done - a great We fel that Nephi is, and should be deal toward making this club one of concerned with us, for this reason, the best service clubs in the state. we aJk for their cooperation. Mayor Thomas Bailey gave a short AfSer all these things had been talk on the "City Beautiful" cam discussed, It was decided to appoint paign that is being Inaugurated hero. a committee to wait upon the Comi- Mayor Bailey stated that Emil Han ty Ccjmmissioners, the Klwanls Club son landscape architect from the of Nephi, and any other civic organi- Utah Agricultural college will take zation that would consolidate with this city as a demonstration city, us tor? get relief. The following com- commencing January 1st, 1927, and mittee was appointed: Mans E. Jen- that present plans contemplate the nings! Lorenzo Mangelson, Christian passage of an ordinance governing Christenson, H. Ray Francom and E. the planting of trees, also specifying W. Peterson. what trees will be planted on certain City" - STAKE CONFERENCE SATURDAY-SUND- AY Quarterly conference of the Juab Stake was held Saturday and Sunday at the Stake Tabernacle. President 4 H. Belliston presided at each ses sion. Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith spoke at each of the four meetings, and represented the general author- ltles of the church. Saturday morning, President A. H. Belliston, Isaac H. Grace, Apostle Smith and Jesse Pay were the speakers; music being furnished by Mrs. Owen Boswell, Mrs. Dell Sperry and Mrs. T. E. Carter. At the afternoon session sermons were delivered by President Thos. H. Burton, Calvin Smith and Apostle Smith. A vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. Lilly Wright and Mrs. Kate Burton; and a selection by the Lad- Ins' chorus. Sunday morning. President Samuel G. Paxman, S. G. Ord, Ray Francom of Levan, and Apostle Smith, were the speakers. A vocal solo was rend ered by Verona Worthlngton. At the Sunday afternoon session. the speakers were President A. H. Belliston, J. A. Booth, Lorenzo Man gelson of Levan, John S. Nielson of Mona, and Apostle Smith. Mrs. Allie Belliston rendered a vocal solo, and the Juab Stake choir furnished sov- ral selections. Drd & Mangelson Installs Fngidaire Cooling System Ord and Mangelson have Installed new Frlgidaire electrical cool las in their fountain, and also system Service Star Legion To bare added a large container for Meet Saturday Afternoon loldlng Ice cream, which will enable them to keep ten kinds of ice cream The Service Star Legion will hold m hand. This new improvement their regular monthly meeting to sill completely eliminate the handlmorrow, (Saturday, Dec. 11th) at ing of ice, as all parts of the fountain 4:00 p. m., and the following pro are kept cool by electric refriger reading ation. gram has been arranged: Beth Hobbs; vocal solo. Mrs. T. D. Archie Brooks, who Is employed Davis; short talk on "Sisterhood", Mrs. Edna Cazler; vocal solo, Mrs by the state road commission, as Will L. Hoyt; reading, Grace Jenkins. truck driver, got his wrist broken last Tuesday, when he attempted to The regular monthly meeting oi crank one of the state road trucks. the Board of County Commissioners In addition to getting his wrist broken, t also fractured his srra junt will be held in this city tomorrow the elbow. (Saturday, December 11th) ft he-lo- w ' |