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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, DELINQUENT TAX LIST OF JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FOR li)l0 (Continued from page three) rds 10 5 8 K VV cor of the N VV V4 . tn E 87 rds Iks S 9 rds 1 lk W 37 rds 4 Iks N rds 20 Iks to beg, bee 18 T 13 S 1 E $1.34 9 Iks, th W 27 rds 17 Iks to beg, shares water J7.50, Sec 9 T13 S R 1 VENICE Esther S. Tranter -- Lots 3 and 4. 4 acres for H. It., Sec 19 T 13 S ' less 1 E $25.34 H. Warren, Beg at S Vi, Sec 29, th W 160 rds rds E 160 rds S 53 3 rda Richard F. $25.73 E cor N N W Vi of S W Vi, N 53 3 David Cazier S W Vi of N VV Vi, Sec 14 T 13 S to beg, Sec 29T13SR1E $18.05 K 1 E William E. Warren Beg 53 3 $5.37 N E Vi of S E Vi , rds Sol N 1! cor N VV Vi of Sec 2 9, David Cazier S 10 Vi of N 14 Vi, Sec 15 T 13 S U th S 53 3 rds W 160 rds N 53 3 1 K . . $5. '.7 rds E 1G0 rds to beg, Sec 29 T 13 $18.05 Geo. J. Golden Beg at a pt 3 - S R 1 E S E Vi of N W K. D. Sorenson i ds E of S W cor of S W Vi, th N VV T 31 13 S Vi N E Sec N of Vi, 80 rds, th E 10 3 rds, th S 80 rds, Vi, . . . $27.65 th W 1U 3 rd:j to beg. Also beg R 1 E . Hvrum Broadhead Beg 4 0 rds W 932 ft N and 1438 ft E of S W cor of N Vi of a V Vi Sec 17, th E 718 of S E cor of Sec, th W 40 rds N 1,50 40 rds S 'JO ft, b 575 ft, 1 th down creek S Wly rds E 80 rds-- Sec 8032rdsT W 13 S R 1 E 448 ft m or Wly 380 ft m or 1, th rds to beg, $20. 7'J N 714 ft to bo.;. Also beg at a pt Alfred Or me Beg at a pt 10 rds 86 rds N of S E cor of S E Vi , th N 4 3 rds, th W 113 rds, th S 43 rds, S from N W cor of S W Vi of sd Sec th E 113 rds to beg, 10 shares water 34, th1 N 36 3 rds, th E 193 rds $750, Sec 17 T 13 S R 1 E . $51.32 m or to the 3 fence, th SS Wly along 40 rds, th rds, th Lorenzo I'ace Beg at N E cor of sd fence 26 S VV Vi, Sec 18, th S 9 rds m or 1, VV W 31 rds 15 Iks, th N 30 rds, th W 20 rds through center of certain 160 rds to the place of beg, Vi hit pond of water N 9 rds m or 1 to Vi in Gardners S. Canyon water $500, $26.11 sec line, E 20 rds to beg. Also beg Sec 34 T 13 S R 1 E And notice is hereby given that 70 rds 10 Iks E and 49 rds 16 Iks N of S E cor of N W Vi Sec 18, N unless the delinquent taxes, togeth1 rd 23 Iks, E 37 rds 20 Iks, N 23 er with the penalty, are paid before rds 2 Iks, E 34 rds 20 Iks, S 49 rds December 21, A. D., 1926, real pro5 Iks, E 18 rds 20 Iks, S 30 rds 11 perty upon which such taxes are a Iks, W 48 rds 2Va Iks, N 49 rds 16 lien will be sold for taxes, penalry Iks, W 41 rds 12 Vs Iks to beg. Also and costs, excepting only such probeg C2 rds S of N W cor of N E Vi, perty as is held by the County under th E 19 rds, S 10 Iks, E 73 rda 15 certified certificate of tax sale, beIks, S 1 rd 15 Iks, E 6 7 rds 10 Iks ginning at said date at the front door to sec line, S 69 rds, N 89 deg 30 min of the County Court House, at. Nephi W 1U0 rds, N 68 rds 10 Iks to be:;. Ci'v, Juab County, State of Utah. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Ida Also beg at N E cor of S Vz of N VV Vi, th S 1 deg E .4 9 rds 14 Iks, W Parkes, County Treasurer, in and for 18 ids 20 Iks, N 49 rds 20 Iks, W 9 the County of Juab, State of Utah, Iks, N 20 ids 12 Iks, E 19 rds 4 Iks, hereto set my hand at my office at S 20 rds 12 Iks to beg, 32 shares of Nephi City, in said County, this 6th water $2400, Scie 18 T 13 S R I E day of December, 1926, A. D. IDA PARKES, $137.57 Thos. W. Stephensen Beg at the (Seal) County Treasurer It ntrf''.--. N Friday, December 10th, 1926 E VV WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY DECEMBER 15th and 16th . I- 1- -3 01 1 IfGia 2-- 2-- Know Tlnat Atwater Kent has passed the million mark in production. There has been more Atwater Kent Receivers sold than the two nearest competitive sets combined? A Tribute to Atwater Kent Superiority It has been quality and that merit this great distinction in the Radio Industry. The Atwater Kent factory is the largest radio factory in the world and employs over 6,000 people, who in one day turn out as high as 8,000 complete radio sets. Why not consider what this means when buying your radio receiver. super-performan- ce Prices and demonstrations gladly given. SILVER MAPLE SERVICE 1 Fall and Winter i mm i ait 1..1 ,; , Sensation steps on the heels of sensation in this film mas- .. terpiece Love gives battle to the uncanny powers of evil prize, a beautiful girl In this picture of a thousand thrills and mysteries. and PAUL WEGENER T-h- e W. ' ;W ""' picture With ALICE TERRY ! ffj Y I Utah, on the 14th day of Dec, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: United States Land Office, Sal; Walter F. Brough and Hyrum Lake City, Utah, Nov. 9, 1926. Brough, of Nephi, Utah; Preston To Whom It May Concern: and Neil M. Brough, of Salt Nibley Notice is hereby given ' that the Lake City, Utah. State of Utah has filed in this office ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. lists of lands, selected by the said First pub. Nov. 12th, last Dec. 10th. State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1891, NOTICE OF MEETING FOR ADOPas Indemnity School lands, viz: TION OF COUNTY BUDGET Sec. 21, Lots 3 and 4 SSE',i Sec. 22, Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 8; 9 and 10 Notice is hereby given that the Sec. 28, Lots 1, 2 and 3 Sec. 33, Board of County Commissioners of Twp. 12 South, Range 1 West, S. L. Juab County will meet at the CounM. Serial 042104, List 793, U. I. R. ty Court House in Nephi, Utah, on Copies of said lists, so far as they FRIDAY the 31st day of December, relate to said tracts by descriptive A. D. 1926, at ten o'clock A. M. for subdivisions, have been conspicuousthe purpose of passing an approprialy posted in this office for inspection tion ordinance to govern expenditurby any person interested and by the es of funds of Juab County for the public generally. year 1927, and that public hearing During the period of publication will be had at said time and place of this notice, or any time thereafter, on matters to be covered by said apand before final approval and certifi- propriation ordinance. cation, under departmental regulaWITNESS my hand and seal this tions of April 25, 1907, protests or 9th "day of December, A. D., 1926. contests against the claim of the BEULAH H. BOWERS, to any of the tracts or subdiviCounty Clerk and Clerk of the sions hereinbefore, described on the Board of County Commissioners same is more -- valuground that the able for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, within th3 lime specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the selections thereof, being otherwise fro; from objection, will be approved to the State. ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. First publication, Nov. 12th. Last publication, Dec. 10th. " For homes without NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTBAY State of Utah, County of Juab, ss. F have in my-possession the foll owing described estray animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at Oscar Brough's corral, in Nephi City, Utah, on Monday the 20th day of December A. D. 1926, at the hour of 2 p.m. Description of animals: One black brockle heifer, 2 years old, unbrand-ed- . , animals are held by me to secure the payment of $25.00 damNOTICE EOU PUBLICATION ages done hyisaid animals on the' of D. R. Latimer, between premises Department of the Interior, U. S. the 1st day or July, 1925 fend the Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. Sth day of December 1926. Nov. 5, 1926. OSCAR BROUGH, NOTICE is hereby given that John Poundkeeper for Nephi Precinct W. Boud, Jr., of Salt Lake City, Utah, on made Nov. 27, .home1920, who, Do your Christmas Shopping Early stead entry, No. 024101, for EViWVz. at the Nephi .Merc. Co.. where selecSViSEU Sec. 10, SSW'J, Sec. 11, tions are large. Township 15 South, Range 2 West. Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice Ve pay top prices for cream snd of intention to make three year Proof eggs Nelson-Rick- s Creamery. to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register of the WANTED Pork. Veal and Poul V. S. Land Offi.e. at Salt Lake City. trv Cy't Market. Phonn 7. electric- ity, the Maytag is available with gasoline motor. ilt Try a Maytag in your home FREE. Just phone the nearest Maytag dealer. See this wonder-washe- r do 50 pounds of dry clothes in an hour every garment washed clean without No obligation. If the Maytag doesn't sell itself don't keep it. hand-rubbin- Easy Deferred Payments X NOTICE when all Enjoy these days every one without the shadow of "Washday" to mar your anticipation. Insure for yourself, a full share of these wonderful recreation days, with a Maytag i!he wonder-washe- r that does your biggest washing your hardest work so quickly, so easily, and so thoroughly, that when the short, pleasant Maytag "wash-hour- " is over, feel fit and to a you able, enjoy Holiday. Join the ranks of Happy Maytag Owners, to whom all washdays are Holidays! t Horsemen 2-- WMilS days, GLORIOUS beckons you to a Holiday. V g! Said For Free Home Demonstration Call THE MAYTAG SHOP 214 West Center St., Provo, Utah, Phone 86 ft May tag dealers everywhere follow the standardized rule of sending a Mayto tag a home to do a week's washing free, and without obligation of any kind. This is the way all Maytag Gyrafoam Washers are sold. The Maytag must sell itself solely upon its performance in the home. It must wash everything to your entire satisfaction. Must wash everything quicker, easier and cleaner than other washers. Must wash everything even collars, cuffs and wristbands, without Must prove to you, in your own home, that it is g the most helpful unit you have ever scea or used, hand-rubbin- THERE was once a man who was right in the middle of a smooth, cool shave, when he was called downstairs to answer the Telephone. An Extension in a A DAY! Tele- phone handy corner upstairs would have preserved his temper. g. COSTS BUT home-launderin- ZU4 r A FEW CENTS Call Your Telephone Office |