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Show Page 2, NEPHI Tax List Section TIMES-NEW- Friday, December 10, 1926. S M. A. Brown TIXTIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. Wm. H. Mclntyre and Sarah. Hep- 10-dLots 1 and 2 Block 29 min E 100 ft S 79 deg 18 S 24 dog 56 min E 100 ft, tb S 71 Hans J. Hassell, Peter C. Burke, ft, th1 N 24 deg 66 min C All lots $6.59 worth, care Mrs. S. H. Corthey J. W. nnd A. B. Hockbill Silver City Division. min W 60 ft N 10 deg 29 min W 100 deg E 67 Beg 7 f t, th E 100 ft. th S deg W 7 - at pt on the Sly line of sd lot 1, U) 15. 16, 17, Block F $ .75 Wm. Mclntyre ft to beg, Alsa described as LotSur-11- N Sarah and HepMng. Co. Lot 1 to 26, Cleopatra W 24 deg ,56 min 100 ft th S 71 worth Lots 11 and 14 Block C Block Q East Park Subdivision Hans J Hassell. Peter C. Burke. xceDt Ely of the S W cor of sd lot. th 5 jn(.,UBjVe. also 17, 10, to - -.s au o vev. AIOU II All lota 21 lk j ' " $1.88 Ely along the S line of sd lot to the J. W. and A. B. Rockhill $11.65 z jjiock j 371.27 ft to place of beg, except ai S E cor thereof, th N 14 deg 1 min 1 to 8 inclusive. Block G Park Subdivision, $1.88, U, Lot 3, blk T E rcan brack 22 Block Grant Lot Snyder 50 wide of land ft 158.25 strip N 74 deB 8 min W 115 5 4 , E C. being 25 ft! tn V. J. Goodrich. Peter Burke, $ .44 plat C ' 88 on each side of the center lino! to the N W cor of sd lot, th Sly W. and A. B. Rockhill Lot 9 Block: wm'-- r Ercanbrack Lots Z, 4, b, ft Jennie Hales Bauer Beg at S E wide . Wm. f 1 and of Sarah Hepand Bell the Blue m Mclntyre r Eagle spur' i.,Q t Ua, i.nt i nwir t. i cor of sd lot 2, tb S 79 deg 25 min blk l track as now staked and. to be con- worth Lots 23 and 24 Block C Mrs. James Spence.'car j! B. wingi Wm. H. Mclntyre and Sarah Hep- W 75 ft, th N 11 deg 05 min W 100 structed Com 435.5" Mrs. Jessie Brydson across sd lot now In 4, th the; 87 ft E of the S W wor h. care Mrs. S. H. Corthey Lot 10 Block G Lot $11. "', ft. th N 79 deg 25 min E 75 ft, Lot blk 2, Dragon cor, & D. name R. of O. the Ry. Co., Lot: Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Hen- 2 Block L $ .37 Ella Rowland S 46 deg 6 ft. Lot ave, th N 135 ft, E 64 ft, S, 135 ft, S 11 deg 05 min E 100 ft to beg, . fl.53 worth . . . $ .94 $17.19 5 Block 2 Plat D and Sarah Hep- - 14 Block G Wm. Mclntyre 2 Block 2 Plat C Lotsl, 2 and 3 Block D $3.39 $ W 64 ft to beg. blk 1 V. Goodrich, et. al, care - John Grant Snyder Lot 4 Blk D $1.88 worth, careZ of Mrs. S. H Corthey Co. Lot 1, blk 2 Singleton Ferguson, care Z Soren P.!nt240- - .tn.nW ta Tt v. r Mng. Cleopatra IncHwiTe Blk L $11 31 Bush Lot 1 Block H $5.98 Piat v of rlot 6 thr s 100 ft. th "V $14.21 Mickelson Lot 4 Block Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Hep- - Los, 9 H. K50 ft,v,.th147 75 .. t . 'Mam ,. Jessie A. Hassell Lot 2 Block H ' T.nts 2 and Mclntyre and Sarah Hep- i .u r. ,n in N 100 ft. th W Krt ft tn ' nin..b . S. H. Corthey 10.93, c r fi worth, care of Mrs. 7 fi hiv 5 J6.66 r iM William H. Bacon Beg at a pt on iLot 5 Block 2 piat D n Block1 Edwin OUe, care rs. Jack Bad-- Com 327.50 ft ,'.' 'aiL".'.'. j i- i ail ik v.ia; n Mj 11 of lots 1 to 51 inclusive $22. Mrf). B. F.' Boyer vyi. ' u ti uu the W bdy line at S 6 deg bu mm e. Je8f)le G Preckleto care Ethel Lot rici Lot 3 Block H : I16;"9 e of S W cor of blk 2. N 138.53 ft. 11 Block D $11.31 Beg 340 ft S from N W f0m? . "ST ,,V?,I?f Freckleton Hans J. Hassell JTete' V r"iKe:!E 4525 ft, S 138.50 ft, W 45.25 ft ' " ' 7. Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Hep-- 1 01 . s l" 24 deg 56 min k W. A. B. nnd J rtocKiiiu l.UL 11111 ill 10 $8.91 to nt of bee. lot 3. blk 2 PL, in O IV UCft U tn Ey 50 . i N 24 deg 56 worth. care Robt. H. Towers Lol Y!y,h; CXT ? to 22 inclusive Block Block H all 12 I200 $ .75 Com zsz.su 11 12 Block D S to ot S line 101 s, in s s a $1 88 Finch Eufrene 1 M. Block Mrs. E. Lot Conroy Wm Mitlnlvrn - unit Surah Han-'- " from S W cor of sd blk 2, th n min W 130.8 ft to pt S W de 56 TOil W 100 ft. th Wly , 5. II $25.63 138.33 ft, th E 45.25 ft, th S 138.33 f, ,j24 C 1. n Til i th N. 6 deg 50 min W 68 F.7U.a rt twi.r ' I - 6 Block u rl 5 andcare Mallie Lots of Lot Hans Barrd J. 6, Hassell, "'" . $1.88iw 13 to'l7 inclusive, Block th E 45.25 ft, th S 138.33 ft, th place of beg, Lot 8 Block 2 Plat O'n Lot 3 Block I . . v $1.C9 ft, $12 82 W 45.25 ft to pt beg, lot 3, blk 2 Wm. Mclntyre $20.82 and Sarah Hep D Wm. Mclntvre 5 or Deiuan 5 Tomlinson of S Lot Part and Hansen Mrs. lot Sarah Mary $ 55 Eureka Land and Water Co., care Block 2 Plat D worth, care Mrs. S. H. Corthey All care Mrs. S. H. Corthev Block T $16.23 lots $2.45 Lot 5, blk 2 19 to 24 inclusive, except lot 23 C, F. Ercanbrack Mic'-ne- l Roy Myers All of sd lot 10, except Llllle 8 Block D care of H. 7 Has Ethel Petertion, care and J. Lots $2.&3 MeAvov, $ .89 $188 lot Freckleton Part of Lot 5 Block 2 Block D that portion known as the E COWAX A DDITIOX sell N of lot 5 Block I .. $9.05 . cieopatra Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Hep-wor2 Block H East Park Subdivision Plat D . . i Mng. Co. Lots 15, 16. 3 T. Geo. Lot Sr. Block $7.C4 Wilde, 15 t 0I8 in$ S9 Lots MOSS ADDITIOX blk 2 Survey and lots 5 and 6 Block H exAuhrey F. Tolton. care William clusive Block 9,C 12, 13, $1.51 $3.93 A Cleopatra Mng. Co. Lots 1, 2. ?,3 Devid Depue Lots 1 to 9 inclu cepted and lot 10 of Sub of Block J H. Bacon Cora at cor No. 10 U. care Bsilev P. Cowan, Iillie Stele Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah also excepted, Lot 10 Block 2 Plat Lot 231, th N 5 deg 26 mln W 1019.-3- 4 sive. Block 1 $9.42 4, 6 ,and 8 to 14 inclusive, block All Jr. Lots 30 and 31 Block B $29.22 Mrs. S. H. Corthey .. $3.99 C $16.23 Denue Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Psvld ft to pt on Intersection of E lino lots 1 care 9 N. of all and Hansen Part J. 5 to 19 Inclusive, except 4, Albert Lvnn Lot 5, blk 3 $ .89 Robert T. Burton Beg at a pt sd lot 231, and N line of Main St., $1.51 C 9 . $2.20 7, 12. 13, 16, 17 Block 2 10 Block Lots of an''. 10, Block E . . . , $9.42 Adams & Sons Co. Lot7, blk 3 79 ft N 77 deg 21 mln E from S W th S 62 David Depue Lots 3, 8. 9, ID, 20 mln W 103 th S andJ. 17, H. S. Harriman, care Leo Harri-ma- n 4 Blk E $1.13 $ .89 B. Roberts Lot .cor lot 11, N 20 deg 18 min W 97 59 deg 41degmin W 77.8 ft to ft, 33 18 to Block 14, 11, 15, inclusive, S E cor Lot 14 Block C $15.0S 2 J. B. Roberts Lot 5 Blk E $1.13 fCTN'65 deg E 35 ft N 75 deg E 36 of the land herein described, th N George Y. Wallace. Jr Lot 1, blk $1.88 care et. Georse John al, Cowen, $ 89 Wm. Mclntyre 4 and Sarah HepDavid Mikesell, care B. Bradley ft S 20 deg 18 min E 108 ft, S 74 29 deg 35 min W 82.95 ft, th S 56 Lots 9 and 10 Block D Mn". Co. Lots 2 to 19 3 ft on W side of lot 34 Cleopatra Lots and deg 05 min W 72 deg to beg. Lot 11 deg 15 min W 32.29 ft, th S 40 de worth, care Edmond Hanson Lot 17 Forsey $22.62 $6.22 Block 2 Plat C $52.52 55 min W 11.3 ft. th S 35 deg 16 Block E J14.32 Inc. and 21 to 28. blk 4 . . .. . S3. 994 Thos. Gillmore, care Margar- 36. Block 2 N Lot 20 Blk et Mrs. Chas. H. Evans Lot 20, blk Arland Udall Beg nt a pt which min E 77.7 ft, th N 59 deg 41 35 Lots Soren Mickelsen P. and D . min E August I'oulson . . Brown Lot 13 Block $7.54 $ .89 $9.05 3 6 except 3 ft on W side of lot is S 24 deg 56 min E 100.65 ft from E 35.7 ft to S E cor, the of ill of Sadie Nesbit, care John Nesbit Co , care Utah C. O. Saunders, care Arthur Noon Girl Mne. Yankee N E cor of lot 1, th S 24 deg 56 min beg, Lots 3 and 4 Block 1 place 2 Block $1.13 3 D Plat E, Block $6.59 S Mt Lot 20 Block E $2.26 All lots 1, 2, National Bank, S. L. C. Lots E 100.96 ft, th S 71 deg 20 min W David Depue Lots 1 to 7 inclu- - State $194.44 1 to 4 lot 21, Al ;o W. J. Adams N 106.61 ft, th N 14 deg 41 min W inclusive, also lots 6 to 1 3 in 17 Block and MIDDLE 13. 1 TOWX 16, 48, ive, 12, 22 Woolf Lot Block Marks, 4.14 of 22, Lots 22 and 21 W of N blk 5 3 101.56 ft, th N 71 deg 39 min E Plat clusive, $1.88 $ .95 E in 1. lot Hassell Hans J. int E $10. 93 Lot 1 Block A David Ertckson Lot 5, blk 5 88.75 ft to place of beg, Lot 1 Block David Depue Lots 8 to 11 incl'i-ivT. Baxter Lot 30 Block 1 Plat Block 37 Miners Supply Co., care tf Ray $. 89 3 Plat C $1.91 E 14. 15, 18 to 38 inclusive, and $ .95 Mrs. Janet Smith 40 and Thos. Hillman Bianch St. Clare Lot 14, blk 5 Lota 1 and 2 Blk F . $5.65 41 42. Also and lots George A. Sylvester Beg 105.45 47, 15 Block 3 Jones Natale Ferrando Lot All lot 3' Block A $2.82 Block 3 Wm. Mclntyre $ .S9 and Sarah . .. ft N 71 deg 39 min E from N W cor Plat E , $1.88 $1.53 All care Mrs. S. H. Corthey James Swenson All of Lot n of lot 2, th N 71 deg 39 mln E David Depue, care Andrew Yankee Girl Mn". Co . care Utah P. Pederson Lots 22 and 23 lots 3 to J. 10 inclu. Block F .. $3.77 Block A $12.25 52.72 ft S 15 deg 9 mln E 172.28 Block 2 Plat E 7.1F State Nstional Bank, S. L. C. Lots Lot 43 Block 3 $2.36 h Wm. Mclntyre W. Goodrich. Peter C. Burke, J and Sarah ft S 71 deg 20 min W 61.11 ft, N Lot 2 Block 1 to 20 inclusive, blk 6 Hart J. $11.10 care Hyrum and Fitzgerald Herbert Hopes, All Lot 7 4 15 deg 37 min W 172.5 ft to beg Wm. . . S12.82 Lots 24 and 25, except, Block F All lots 13 to 20, inclusive, W andA A. B. Rockhill Yankee Girl Mnr. Co., care Utah King $3.77 Block $2.82 Lot 2 Block 3 Plat C Lots David Depue $33.42 part belonging to Natale Ferrando. 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, National Bank, S. L. C. Lots Lizzie A. Hutchison Lot 1 Block W. Goodrich, Peter C. Burke, J 16, 17, 18, 21 to 40 inclusive. 41. State Ella J. Kelly, care H. M. Royle 1 to 3 inclusive, blk 7 Block 2 Plat E $21.01 G $2.00 8 42. W. All B. A. Rockhill Lot $1.51 and 4 From N W cor of lot. 2, N 71 deg 39 .. 46 Block 47. 43. and $2.83 Angellne Scappatore, care of Mrs D. C. Wheeler Lot 4. blk 7 $ .89 M. Donohue All A. A lo's Elizabeth Block $2.82 min E 105.45 ft, th S 15 deg 37 mln Bell B1k 20 19 Lots E. and J. Berry Aultman Lot S Block 3 Tlut 2 to 9 inclusive Block G . . . . $5.28 Yankee Girl Mng. Co. Lots 5 to Wm. L. Conover All of lot 2 and 4 E 172.5 ft to N W cor of land here E $9.42 17 inclusive, blk $19.10 7 $9.10 A'l 2 and 3 Block M. Donohue A. E Elizabeth Lots ft of lot 3, Aikencare David James in, th N 71 deg 20 min E 61.11 ft. Depue, Isabella Mcunrystal Beg at cor that part of sd lots lying within the B care Girl Yankee Co., Mng. Harry , S 15 deg 9 min E 30 ft, S 71 deg "i0 No. 10 IT. S. $1.51 4 44 45 Lots Block and 5 $5.28 Lot deK th N Lots 1, 2, 5, blk 8 . $14.87 Hans J Hassell. Peter C. Burke mln W 51.11 ft, N 15 deg 37 min W 26 min W 705.52 ft,231, Frank D. Kimball Following des- Elmer S 56 deg 31 min boundaries of the Buckeye Mining Yankee Girl Mng. Co., care Hora-tio- n of lots Lot All Part Claim. 10, W. B. A. J. and Rockhill It 3232, lots 30 ft to beg, Lot 2 Block 3 Plat C W 4.8 as cribed of known tract the land, N W 31 83.8 deg 26 min ft, $2.82 4 and 5 Block B Page Lots 3 and 6, blk 8 $1.66 $4.71 Farrel Mil! Plat, Robinson Townsito, $1.91 ft, N 18 deg 34 min W 50 9 ft, N 30 and 12 Block G Yankee Girl Mng. Co. Lot 4, blk Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Mrs. R. E. Carpenter Lot 6 Blk Juab County, Utah, being a part of Ellen Thompson, care Robert L deg 39 min W 28 ft to cor of lan.i care Mrs. S. H. Corthey B $34 87 Normon and Buckeye Mining Claim:. 8 Thompson Beg at N EL cor of lot herein, th N 30 deg 39 min W 76 ft. All that Picnic Mng. Co. All lots 1 to 4 Hans J. Hassell, Peter C. Burke, being a part of Normon Survev No. 10, th S 24 deg 56 mln E 42.15 ft N 63 49 min E 2 ft, S 30 deut Part lots 10, 11 and 12, $4.22 S 68 deg 57 min W 100 ft, S 24 deg 39 mindeg with all buildings Inclusive, also lot. 6, block 9 .Heffer-na3232, E 76 ft, S 60 deg 49 min W part of sd lots lying within the boun J. W. Rockhill and A. B. Rockhill together n of the Cross Key and Belle of All lots 7 to 15 inclusive, Lots 7 to situated thereon, and all water right Anthon J. Pederson, care 56 min E 42.15 ft, N 68 deg 57 min 2 ft to dary 18 3 E Lot Block Plat beg. "E 100 ft, S 24 lode. Lot 3232, Block G 15 Block B $5 65 In connection therewith, and a more Thompson Co All lot 6, blk 4 deg 56 min E 84.37 $ .19 Memphis $ .89 $2 82 Lars Olsen. care Mrs. Roy Purcell particular description is as follows: ft, S 69 deg 10 min W U31.71 ft, S W. H. Garbett Lot 7 Block 4 E. J. bris'c'oil Lot 2 Blk H $226 Georee A. Paxman, care Mrs. All lot 16 Block B 68 deg 43 min W 194.81 ft, N 26 deg Plat E $11.87 Com at a pt on the S side of Sioux $9.55 I. E. Diehl Lot 3 Block H $9.23 Lots 1 to 4 inD. C. Forsey. care George Forsev Ave, situated S 1 deg 12 min W Elizabeth Miller 10 min W 169.8 ft, N 68 deg 57 min John Simpson, care Mrs. William . . . Pearl M. Jones, care J. H. Whit-loc- k All Lot 20 Block B $14.43 E 530.43 ft to beg, Lot 10 Block 3 King Lot $1.88 172 4 ft from N E cor of the Buck clusive, blk 10 8 Block 4 Plat E $40.11 Picnic Mng. Co. All lot 5, blk 10 Lots 4 and 5 Block H $36.71 All lot 21 Blok eye Lode Survey No. 3232, a post C. A. Conklin Plat C $5.73 A. Mikesell Lot 10 Block Edna $ .89 John Williams Lot 6 Block H B $1.88 4 in by 4 in by 4 ft long, marked Ralph Hopes, care V. H. McBeth 4 Plat E $1.91 C. F. Ercanbrack and Co. All lot $1.88 Marcaret A. Browne All lot 24 8 from- which point runs S Part of Lot 24 Block 3 Plat C care Wm. John Simpson, King $ .89 11-Mary Ann Markham Estate, care Block B $1.51 1 deg 12 min W 803.3 ft, th S 80 6, blk 10 : $1.91 Heber ,Lot 13 Block 4 Plat E V 'A H. McGlynn All lot 7. blk 10 Jex Lot 16 Block H . $1.51 Albert Haen, care A. T. Strum G. V; Mrs. J. mm E.Z14.S ft. th s 10 in Freckleton, care Ethel deg Rocco, care Iliff Stephen 0 Block B $14.32 42 min E 541 5 ft. th N 80 deg ' Mary Ann Markham Estate, care All lots ' Beg at the center of Sec Beg N 16 deg 57 min E 632 9 ft Henry' M." Nay'lor All" lot 8. blk Heber Jex Lots 14 and 15 and S Hans J. Hassell. Peter C. Burke, min W 594.1 ft, th N 0 deg 54 min E i.? 7An P 2 W, th 49 deg 51 min from discovery monument of N, Ext. 20 $ .89 All lots 255 ft. th N 80 deg 29 min W 606.7 10 ft of Lot 17 Block H $4.14 J. W. and A. B. Rockhill N 69 deg 10 rain K h 51 deg 10 min E 42.4 ft N L1?6;96 V-'Mrs. Fred C. Gundry All lot . J. B. Roberts N 20 ft of Lot 17 1 and 2 Block C $ .94 ft. th N 0 deg 54 min E 340 ft, th N 149.8 ft, th S 24 deg 56 min E 149 Zul. deK E 74 6 ft N 74 deg 31 min Block t H $ .89 Hans J. Hassell. Peter C. Burke. 73 deg 50 min E 174.6 ft, th N 16 bik 10 $1.51 ft, th N 89 deg 45 min W 106.1 ft to w 17.4 ftt n 56 deg 40 min W 14 2 Picnic Mng. Co. Lot 10, blk 10 All lots deg 10 min W 107.9 ft. h N 59 deg George Hales Lots 18 and 19 J. W. and A. B. Rockhill place of beg, unsurveyed portion on ft s 64 Ae 21 min W 15.8 ft, S 3 Block H 26 5 to 9 Inclusive Block C $ 89 $2 E side lot 20 Block 3 Plat C . $6.68 deK 31 min w 42.3 rt. S 9 deg U $2.83 20 min E 88.3 ft, th N 20 dog 43 Yankee Girl Mng. Co., care J. G. Wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Lot 14 Block C mtn W RO 4 ft th M 71 Ella Rowland 5rt in J. A. Green, care Mrs. Cloye Beat- - mln E 65 0 ft to beg. Lot 14 Block 4 care Mrs. S. H. Corthey Lots $ .89 Lot 3, blk 11 on Part of Block 1 Plat D $20.05 Plat E $1.8S E 40 ft. th N 20 deg 36 "min W 7.1 Westberg 16 04 20 23 Block H care 2 Block D ft. W 107.7 u. v. end Lot Conover William i Elizabeth McNiel Mn?. $3.77 uiri "nitee N 'caVe to., bV 75 17 Johnson! mln th Beg at a pt 60 E' ft, deg of John Squ're $ 81 Mary A and Jas E. Lunt, care of $1.51 548.9 ft, along S side of Sioux Ave ""ris Lot 4. blk 11 15 Block 4 Plat E lt, N 8irdeg 00 min E of SnV cor Brooks Lot Yankee Girl Mng. Cc Lot 5. blk Christine Christensen Lots 25 and Zella Thomas, care Fred Olsen- -- to place of beg, containing 20.34 sd lot, N 84 deg 00 min E 50 ft, th $15 28 I- - S9 $19.79 Lot 3 Block D . . in Nly direction to a pt 104 ft N 73 $15.64 Marion' H." WilVon'. "pare' 'of Marie 26 Block H S45 24 11 n A. L. Rose, care Peter Christenmi!K- - tu., care J. ivi . Edward Lemenar. care Lafe luiinee uiri aeg jo min c 01 in w cor Ba lor. s Mlllnn Lot 16 Rlock 4 Plat E , TIXTIC MIXING DISTRICT sen Lot 27 Block H Lots 1 to 3 inclusive, blk 12 Lots 6 Block D . $11.31 $1.SS 73 deg 36 min W 47 ft, th in Sly $37.24 Fraud B. Travis Phebe Shuler, Taylor L. St. Clair Lot 30 Block s Grace Forsey, care George Forsev $1.66 Lucy direction to place of beg, Lot 16 4 22 Lot Block Plat Pat Vt Murphy Int, Lot 3368, acreage 2.279 H Shea Bacqueraz Co., caie J. W. I ot 7 Block D Block 1 Plat D $1.88 $9.42 $10.23 E $1.53 $ .56 Taylor 5 12 Lot $ .89 G. blk Lot Block C. 4, Allred Hans Peter Mrs. N. E. Whitmore Beg at a pt J. Burke, . Hassell, Timothy Downey Lot 24 Block 1 I Eugenia Opohongo Mng. Co. Shearer Lot A. F. Baxter, care L. E. Riter 127 ft N 72 deg 35 min E from the piat $14.65 J W. Rockhill and A. B. Rockhill y $7 6t No. 0.858, Missing Lot 6. blk 12 $10.88 George Jones Lots 6 and 7 Blk All lots 10 to 14 inclusive. Lots 10 Link 4573 acreage 72 deK Lot" "29" Block 1 th A. Ro'seniun'd Lot No. 4572 acreage 2.403, Yankee Girl Mng. Co., care C. E. 35 W,Cor,8.d $2.20 to 14 Block D min E 57 ft, th I?' $1.32 Sly a distance of pjat p 99 I A--. $12 $' ' .56 Lot 7, blk 12 . . . . $12.78 H. Sorensen W. Goodrich. Peter C. Burke, J. Part of lot 8 130 ft m or to a pt on the S bdy! i interest Edward W.' Packard James Shearer and Ophango Min- Simpson L. E. Riter Lot 8, blk 12 $ .89 I All $1.51 W. Jlockhill and A. B. Rockhill fBd. loti8, whl.ch 8d pt 18 82 n Three Ply Lot No. 95. Zulu Lot Block i11Dto --13 Co. acreNo. Lot 167 Yankee Girl Mng. Co., care Mrs. Ophango Wm. Morton.care J. J. Jordan tot 1 Block D $1.51 ing aes 00 mm w 01 me s iu No. 09. Vallev Lot No. 100 . t .95 $ .75 Miimie Gourley Lot 9, blk 12 $ .81 Part of lots 8 and 9 Block I . $1.88 Hans J. Hassell, Peter C. Burke. age 4.67 cor of sd lot, th S 73 deg 36 min W Victor Gold and Co. Silver L. E. Riter & Co., care I. C. WalMining Steele Bailey. Sr., care William T. W. and A. B. Rockhill Lots 18 59 ft, th Nly 130 rt m or 1 to the PERSOVAL IMPROVKMKNTS IX 238 Lot acreage 3.68X, lace Lot 10, blk 12 . . Victory $ .89 Hou?hton Part of Lot 11. Also E to 21 inclusive Block D $1.51 place ot beg. Lot 18 Block 1 Plat Di Kl'RKKA CITY - $ .75 Yankee Girl Mng. Co. Part oI of lot 11 and all of lot 12 block Harold Clayson All lot 23 Block $9.17 ' W. J. Vivian, care John J. JohnGold Victor Co. Silver and lot Mining 11, also lots 12 to 23 Inclusive, $16.21 D $8 10 John O. Freckleton, cars Chas. son 1 house in Dutchtown $5.73 I Victory Lot No. 238 acres 3.688 blk 12 Mammoth Merc. Co. All of Lot I. E. Dlehl Lots 25 and 27 Block $9.32 Crispi Beg at a pt on the N line of on Nesbit R. Cabin Chief Fred .75 $ I Yankee Girl Mng Co. Lots 1, 2, 13. Block . : $ .75 D sd lot 19. which bears S 68 deg 17' Con. $9.0r David $12.41 Roe 5 and Patrick ground to 10 B. 12 to 26 inclusive Phillips Roberts J. Part of Lot 20 Blk inclusive, Wm. Gillispie, care Mrs. Ethel min W 117.63 ft from the N E cor John M. Bergerson Improve I int Lot No. 4679 and 33 and 34, also part or lot 3, blk $ .75 Smith Lot 26 Block D of lot 19. th alone S line of R. G. W ments $9.05 American Eagle and American $24.83 personals int 13 .152, acreage B. Eagle Roberts J. R. R. R. T. of Way S 58 deg 17 min lots 14, 15, 18 Lela Braun. care James Steed man Lot No. 4679 acreage .457 . $ .19 $8.77 . ...... 1 IT....1.-..An , v. : ,. John Lyshon, care Andrew Baxand 19 Block I Lot 28 Block D W 102.37 ft, th along N line of Co. Con- - KTOUnd $2.26 $11.31 R. S Wavland $118.42 of or M. ter Wlghtman 13 Part N blk Pearl 16 lot 17 25 ft of lot Jones Lots 3, N 71 deg ifi min $ .4 4 and Nelson J. Hansen road l: . .ft ih Joseph Tlbbs. care of Leo Mal- - Block I XT Sec 35 T 10 S R 3 W $9.05 10 John Lyshon, care Andrew Bain . m 0 lo 33 and balance of lots 31, B, and 32. N W $1.S8 00 come House west of Rosenlond ,oBSi"b , t wm. Mclntyre and Sarah Hep B, Block D $2.83 PERNOXAL AXD IMPRIVEMKXTS xterLot 4, blk 13 $1.11 $5.73 worth, care Yankee Girl Mng. Co., care L. A. Mrs. S. H. Corthey A. N. Wallace Hans J. Hassell. Peter C. Burke, Com at the N W IX MAMMOTH. M. F. Pomel, care Frank E. Riter I of 44x165 Lot lot 20 Lot Part B. 34 Lots Blk A. Rockhill W. blk 13 cor S 27 deg 24 min E 72.15 ft. th rt, 11, 20, Mrs. Maggie Barker, care and $1.89 J. Berk 1 house in Dutchtown Miners Supply Co.. care Roy Fere- - and 35 and lot 33. except the N 25 Ekker Imp N 71 deg E 14.07 ft, th N 30 deg $11.99 $5.65 9.65 day Lot 22 Block I Theresa Moon, care V. G. Howells $2 iH 21 mln W 71.38 ft. th S 56 deg 30 O. S. Markham Imp $7.54 ft. Block D $5.20 1 A. C. Jensen, care Erlck Hore Lot 27, blk 13 Miners Supply Co.. care J. X, Fer Wm. Gillispie. care Mrs. Ethol H. E. Bannister, care Lavell Chat-wi- n rain W to place of beg. lot 22 Block house $5.J3 in Dutchtown $7.64 guson J. M. Wheeler, care Ben F. Bo'-c- r Lots 23 and 24 Block I $2.82 Smith Lot 36 Block D 1 Plat D $1.61 $ .95 Imp on Tenn. Rebel Mining 1 house ln Dutch-tow- n Mrs. Peart Joe Lot 13 M. blk 28, Elizabeth C. Co W. Thos Peter J. and R. Clemraons. care Chofje Mailln Goodrich, $6.10 Burke, Ray $7.54 $3.82 J. Chope, care T. J. Chope Lot 25 W Rockhill Thos.Southerland, care Lewis S. and A. B. Rockhill. J. W. Lewis, care Walt Webb Horton Beg at N E cor lot 15 Blk Albert J. Whitehead, Sr. I house Block or Cox I D Part 1 Plat D, th N 79 blk 37 lot 13 .. Lot $ .89 Block Wm. care 29, 13 min E $1.88 on 60x125 120 Tenn. ft Rebel Forsey deg Minfng on Chief Con. ground, below R. O. Thos. J. Chope Lot 26 Block I $1.51 Co ft, th S 6 deg 56 rain K 48 ft m or I, Depot $21.67 13 L. E. Riter Lots 31 and 32. bU $9.ri5 M. A. Brown, care Ray Laver Hans J. Hassell, Peter C. Burke. th S 58 deg 17 mln W 147 ft. th N $1.88 $2.55 Ed. Ostler 1 dwelling house on C. V. Wheeler, care Mrs. Wm. Fillmore All lot 38 Imp on Opex ground C. V. Lots 27 and 29 J. W. and A. B. Rockhill 5 deg 56 min W 86.26 ft to beg. Bin $21.67 Con. Chief $19.10 ground 1 Plat D Block I Alex McDonald, care J. R. Naylor Wheeler Beg at the 8 W cor sd lot , $1.51 $2.82 Block D $13.37 Bert Garbelt 1 cabin on Chief Chas. J. Wetterstrom and John Lola Williams, care James Nay-lo- r R. L. Thompson, care of Lynn Con. deg 04 min E 190 rt to a Imp on Tenn. Rebel Mining Co. 3, thth N8 17 $2.83 7 deg 06 mln E 172.26 rt to ground All lot 40 Block D .. $15.64 Johnson, care Chas. J. Wetterstrom Thompson Com at S W cor lot 4. $46.18 apt. A DDITIOX A I, A SSKSSM KXTS. Lot 28 Block I pt. Ih S 82 deg 06 mln W 77.79 rt John Mordue. care Mrs. Bvron th N 22 mln W 145 ft. th N 71 deg Jas. II. Whitlock $3.77 House In Upper Eureka Mines Co., care L. A. tt Con Anderson beg. lot 1 and 3, blk 14 Lot 31 Block I Wheelock. Lot 42 Block D .. $8 10 Mammoth K 100 ft, th N 24 deg 66 min W 100 $1.00 $3.77 to James 4 and 6 Block Co Lota L. R. S. R. Warburton Beg at the N Mrs. Jack Bard Hans J. Hassell, care Mrs. Hans $1 88 House west ft, th S 71 deg W about 58 ft to W 2 Plat E nf $4.97 or E cor sd blk 14, th S 7 deg 03 $10.93 Pool Hall in Uppertown Roxey Rolfe Lot 32 Blk I $1.51 Heena Lot 43 Block D side line of lot 4, th N 22 deg W 40 $5.65 Hazel Itolf. care W. H. Ewell--L- ot Hans J. Hassell. Peter C. Burke. Gus Peterson House in Upper-tow- n tain E 169 3 rt to the 8 E cor, lot ft, th N 68 deg 49 mln E 90 ft. th S MAMMOTH CITY 1, 4 8 th 82 4 I 33 Block Lots '. deg 06 min W 108.7 ft 27 deg 07 mln E 239 U to S line of $8.67 J. W. nnd A. B. Rockhill $5.65 to a ItohiriMon Townnite Jesse Rarker. care Horatio Page and 45 Block D pt. th N 7 deg 06 min W 172.20 W. E. Loyd. House $1 81 lot 4, S 58 deg 17 min W 218 ft to In Upper-tow- n HOOK D 2 All lots 34, 35. 36 and 37, Block Hans J. Hassell, Peter C. Burke. place of beg. $4.71 " fo a pt, th N 83 deg 23 min E All lot 14 blk Lot 3 Blk I Com at 8 K cor lot 4, th N 37 de-James Emmons House In Unper-tow- n 108.7 rt lo beg. lot $7.16 .1. W. and A. B. Rockhill George A. Robertson Jewse Barker, care Morris Berrv $ .75 $ .75 51 mln W 113.89 ft. S 21 deg 8 min 47 Block D $13.87 $20.73 Silver N Hill M. 1,4 2 Co. Also L. All 48 lot Block m care A. of W 183 ft I,ot or 1, N 58 deg 17 rojn E lots 38. 39 and 40. Geo. Gaisford Sr. Imp .. $1.88 Mng. Wetterstrom. Edwin Simpson and S. Aug. 9 05 D $ .89 156 ftm or 1 to beg. Lot 4 Block 2 Stewart Lot 4 Blorck A .. $ 1 5.0 Block I $36.38 Arnold Fatherlngham, care Heber blk 14 Silver Hill Mng. Co., care Georse Ernest Hil- l- 8 of Lot 38. Lot Hans J. Hassell, Peter C. Burke. L. Ashly Imp Elizabeth A. M. Dnnohr.e, care 01 Plat D $1.91 $15.08 1 A I 38 Part of lot Block to B. Rockhill Lots 6 L. W. 14 A. Block blk Lot Pyper 4, care and $ .es Robert J. $2.4 Iawrence Stapley Imp ; $13.19 Lynn George Richards Thompson, Katie Burns Beg at a pi 8 82 Olaf II. Anderson Lot 3 Block 9 Inclusive Block E $L88 Lavel Kelly Imp $16 Thompson Beg at S W cor of lot $18.85 06 min W 162.6 ft from the 8 V Elizabeth A. Champion, rare T. W. J 5, th N 89 deg 45 min K 324.58 ft. M1 W. Goodrich. Peter C. Burke, J. Fred Samuels Imp In Upper-tow- n deg E cor lot 8. N 7 deg 06 min W 80 h N 70 deg 54 mtn K 711.17 ft, th Naylor The S 95 rt or sd lot. Lot 4i Mrs. Janet Smith, care Wilfnrd W. and" A. B. Rockhill Lots 10 and $1319 3 82 deg 06 min W 30 ft lo Lot 7 Block J .. $1.88 11 Block E $ .94 N 13 mln W 303.23 ft." th N 37 d(t Block B $34.87 Schofield Harry Hagan, care Leo Harriman ft toN pt, 7 deg 06 min E 80 ft to Mrs. Etta Cowsn. care Spencer 51 mln W 94.61 ft. th S 68 deg 17 pt. Thos. E. Reld The S 5 rt or sd Hans J. Hassell. Peter C. Burke. House on Opex Mining ground pt. N 82 deg 06 min E 30 ft to beg. lot 8 Block J Lots 12 f. $38.64 Peterson-L- ot mln W about 156 ft, th S 21 deg 08 lot. Lot 6 Block B $3.39 J. W. and A. B. Rockhill ?6 blk $11. 14 Frank Peterson, rare Deliah Steph- to 16 Block E 1 ,44' Elizabeth A. M. Donohue, rare of mln W about 105 ft. th S 30 deg 17 $1.88 Steve Knotts, care Lavel Kelly L. E. Riter. Isabella C. Riter, mln W 282.7'ft, th N 27 deg 7 mln John Pearce S H Lot 6 Block II ens Lot 9 Block J Chas. J. llepworth Lot 1 Block House In Upper Mammoth ., $3.77 $9.42 W about 194 5 ft. th S 68 deg 17 Jesse Brker Lot 10 Blk J $5.28 F K. R. Hlgglnson, care R. C. Rick Lynville C. Riter and Inez C. Wal$1.88 $16.21 Part of lot 6, blk 14 .. $ .44 Miners Supply Co., cnre J. X. FerLot 2 Blo.-Chas. J. Hepworth mln W about 218 ft, th N 22 rein W Elmer, Sarah B. All or Lot 7. AlImp $49.95 lace Geo. Jones Part of lot 6, blk 14 about 145 rt, th N 24 deg 66 mln W so W V4 of Lots 7 and 8 Block H guson Lots 11, 12 and 13 Block F $1.13 Demetlro Jimenes Building In N. J. Hansen, care John Davis $6.5" 1 100 ft, th N 71 deg 42 mln E 42 rt " Lower Town $10.36 $8.43 L. E. lilter, Isabella m or 1, th N 22 min W 40 rt, th S Fenton Boyack-L- ot 17 Block J Lots 3 and 4 Block F C. Elizabeth A. M. Donohue Lot 11 $10.37 Riter Roy Fereday One House $22.62 W. Goodrich, care Byron Whee71 deg W about 60 rt. th N 24 deg Block B $1.88 Elizabeth Stokes, care Bert Ek- Lynville C. Riter and Inez C. Wal$1.88 All of lots 7 and 8, blk 14 C. F. Wallberg Lot 12 66 min W 200 ft, th S 71 deg V Mrs. E. A. M. Donohue Lot 29 Block J lock Lot 7 block F $7.16 ker House West or R. O. W. Depot lace $ .94 W. Goodrich, Peter C. Burke. J. $ .94 $ .66 about 30 rt, th B 24 deg 56 min K Block B $3.77 Picnic Mng. Co., care Tony Ornlck All except Don Carlos Williams Lot 33 Blk W. and A. B. Rockhill 200 rt, th S 71 deg W 200 rt. th N James Hutchinson Lot 17 Block Jessie A. Hassell House In UpLot 16 1, blk 24 deg 66 mln W 100 rt. th S 71 aK B $1.88 J 1 .8, $5. 65'22 ft in width 120 rt deep on lots 10 per Msmmnth 07 Blo-- k 19 11 Block F Leo R. Freshwater. cnre 39 min W 100 ft. th N 24 deg 63 Thos. J. Chope Lot $1.13 Oeore McDonald Part of Siir. 2. Ctillen Ice & Beverage Co Lot All blk lot 16 7 12 82 12 BIock face of lower It. K. Jermaln al'her Lo's 6 and Block I mln W 100 rt. th S 71 deg 39 mln W B t Mammo'h Mining Picnic Mining Co. Lots 3, 4 and 14 in 50 rt. th 8 24 deg Sfi min E 200 ft. Elizabeth A. M. Donohue $l.'.t Claim U. 8 I ot No. 3221. Com at a $5.65 F n.1. 16 43 blk The Wlv E lot. P Lot K. O. 7V4 ft K of sd of 1 pt which Is located th S 71 deg 39 min W 100 ft. th S terest of the deg nt 132 rt JprmslStewsrt, cure Mrs. J. L. Stew$11.43 . Aft J $ .37 (1 $ .! Picnic Mining Co., care Wm, E art Lot 8 Block K 24 deg 58 min E 40 ft. th N 71 deg 20 Block n $I S8 4 ft of lot 1 Block V . min 11,y nn u rrom cor tt it In16 M Lot A. blk nun rnr S K 300 ft. th S 24 deg 56 mln K 100 .narun 6, nt Fenton W Donohue i survev No. 3221 the Elizabeth Boynck Beg jno. i ,j(9 th V 80 Buys irnn. $ 05 rt 8 50 ft W 80 rt rrom cor No 1 Picnic Mining Co., cure Wm. E ft, th 8 71 deg W 60 ft. th N 24 de terest of the K 7V4 ft of sd lot. Lot cor of sd lot 1, th Elv on the 8 r All of lot 13 Block F C. 16 BuvsLot N 40 blk H $ J. Goodrich. of lot Peter W. N 7, sd th ft. sd Wlv No. to 39 K 71 Burke. W 20 Block the .lx 3221. th fin tt'a'an min 56 mln W 100 ft, 8 1 77 survey deg r.. 11. niginson, io? 6 arid ? Elizabeth A. M. Donohue Block cor of sd lot. th S 14 dog 1 min W W nnd A. B. Rockhill All of lot 1 4 f t W 80 ft N 60 fi to place of h... W BO rt, th S 24 deg 56 mln E 100 1 17 blk Lot B to .76 2 L Block I Block F W 4000 85 $2.82 beg, $1.8.8 square ft U.CI ft, th ft, tb 8 71 dec 69 min $7.64 . v.. -- 11 .... r i)i il ? . t ;,.'"".':." ...... 1 A '',2 'vlC r,cr. 7, , . He,-wort- h, th . Hep-wort- . ... 1- -3 e. i -- ' Hep-wort- h, ." , Rnn-olfso- Hep-wort- 5 Hej)-worl- h. ,........$.22 1 . - 25-2- .... Hep-wort- I ....... - I Pat-erso- 1 1- -3 1- -6 I i 1 1 " .,! T Y. ' 1 I 1 Auf-temar- te ... ... .... 3, ? " 5- - ... k Ax-l'an- d ,9 1 ( . ( . |