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Show llOO HUM OFFICERS AMONG VICTIMS OF BRUSSELS REVOLT By Associatsd Press. LONDON, Not. 15. The crew of German U-boats, at a mas meeting at Brunsbuttcl, according to a Copenhagen dupatck ' io the Daily Express, reaoived to oppose the revolution and reinstate the, officers. They decided to fly the national flag instead of the red flag. ' By Associated Presa. LONDON. Nov. 15. More than too men, mostly German officers, have been killed in disorders in Brussels, and soldiers' councils have been formed in that city and at Antwerp, according: !o an Amsterdam dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company: quoting the Telegraaf. By Associated Press. PARIS, Nov. t S. Socialists stormed the Austrian parliament building in Vienna Wednesday and tried to enter the chamber where the new state council was in session. Shoes were fired before 'order could be restored and twenty persons in the crush outside the. ' diapatrhe reachlnjt here. !:. A party of Poeialiata occupied the offlrea of Neue Krele Traae and brouicht out apecial edition advorat-ina: advorat-ina: the eatahllfthment of a Socfaiint republic aa la Germany. 'peasants ORGANIZE. By Aaaactatad Prtsa. j AMSTKRDA M. Nor. li. The new' t German government has Inaned an I appeal to the peasant ppu'anon .auk - J iCoDtiaued on paa &j J 4 100 HUN OFFICERS (Continued from page 1.) lng for the formation of peasants' councils for the purpose of organising organis-ing food supply. The appeal says that aurh voluntary self-determination In bettor than bureaucratic organization organiza-tion and will avert recourse to com pulsory measures. SPARE OFFICERS, PLEA. j The new soldiers council In Bms-! sets, the Nlewe Courant T Rotterdam! say a haa published a number of proclamations proc-lamations arranging for the ord-tly withdrawal of German troops, appealing appeal-ing to the soldiers not to Hit real tl.rir officers and sending a "brothrri greeting" to the Belgian population. DISSOLVE RED GUARDS. ) By Associated Press. LONDON, Not. 15. The Berlin o-dlere' o-dlere' and; workers' council haa decided decid-ed to dissolve the Red guards, accord - lng to an KxHhange Telegraph dls- V patch from" Copenhagen. Captain Von Heerfeld, the leader of the Red gaards, has been dismissed for making revo-Hitlonary revo-Hitlonary plana MACKENSEN'8 ARMY JOINS. By Associated Press. TXWnON, Nov. 1 6. The greater p;irt of the forces under Field Marshal Mar-shal vnn .Mac ken sen (In command In Uumania) has joined the revolution, the Budapest Axest saya, according to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Ex-rhanir Ex-rhanir Tlgraph company. I |