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Show CASUALTY LISTS C0N1UEJ0 COME Eight Utah Men Named; 3 Are Dead and 5 Wounded. Although fighting h ceai casualty casual-ty list ax yet arriving from oversea. over-sea. Three more Utah boy a are reported re-ported da d a ml f 1 ve wo u n deda The dead are: Thejas Kechepaloa, Garfield, Gar-field, killed In action: William R. SteglUh. Knit lake, who died of pneumonia, pneu-monia, and Gilbert I pm-tith, Randolph, Ran-dolph, killed In action. Private Kechepaloa a born In Greece thirty-one years hru, He is aur ived by his broi hers. Georce ami John Kechepaloa. bnth . of (Jar-field, and his parents In Greece. Jle wiii a member of the Three Hundred Sixty-second Sixty-second infantry and hsd been In t-Vanre about nine month. Private Rteglish was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steclish, 103 Klrsl avenue. He died from pneumonia loher 1 1, while In France with the One Hundred Korty-fifth field artillery. artil-lery. He was 21 years of ais Private Pmlth was killed In art ion July 29. accordion to word received li Ms pwiemp. VT Knn Mth. I..rne A. Smith. Randolph. He unlisted with h Third Wvominc infsntrv ni Jub. 1917 .- - - .- Private Msrceltus Rills, son of parley par-ley Rills, 1132 South Ktevenlh Went street, wsa wounded In action Ootnhrr 1 lrt, while fight innr with the Heyen-erilh Heyen-erilh tieM Hillary. After hniiR wounded. It was three days before he could be taken to a hospital, the fight- . In was so intense, he says. He enlisted en-listed In October. 1917, and trained at Gamp Kaerny with the One Hundred Korty-fttth field artillery, and went overseaa isith the June replacement dra ft. Vao Schofield, son of Joseph Scho-j Scho-j field of Spring f'ity, waa wounded September He left for France ; last July, after training for two months at Camp Lewis. Corporal Roswell Howell, son of Mrs Hattte Howell of Tooele, was wounded ; October 8. His uncle. Jnmea Krvln Howell, was killed some time ago. j Vern Alsop of Tooele has been ! wounded, according to Information ' given out by Corporal Howell. Sergeant Clarence K. Purdue, for- mer manager of The Tax Ira b company ; In- Salt Lake, waa wounded Septem- ; ber 28. A shell exploded In the center ' of a rock barn, according to his letter. |