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Show i OHIO MAKES STRIKE . JN FIELD NEAR THERMS Oil Body U Found at Depth of -About 400 Feet in New District. I ftpacial Dispatch. A THrRMOIHUJS, Wfo., Nov. 1 -The oport that tha Ohio OH company has mad a atrtka in a wall on Klrby creak, near tha mouth of Alkali, has aroimad a good deal of lnteraat for tha past few day a. Tha alta whara tha oil Is said to Hav boan found la about fifteen miles from ThermopoUa, across tha hllla, but aomowhat farther by tha aa;on road. Tha company began drllllna; there re-cantly re-cantly with a rig that had baen UHed t Zimmerman Btitte. A day or two ago a body of oil waa found at a depth of soma thing more thaa 400 feat. That oil was discovered seama to be a certainty, cer-tainty, but the volutin of tha find Is entirely a secret as far aa tha publtc is concerned. Homo well Informed men rlalm It Is commercial wall, even at that shallow level, and hold tha belief that It haa opened up an entirely new field. It appears that a flow of water was encountered first and tha otl found below the water aand. That particular i part of Klrby creek field haa been pro- j noil need by geologists to bo a shallow ! drilling proposition, which coincides with tha Ohio's find. Even ehallow wells at this depth are considered good payers. What will be found farther down Is, of 4 .-ourae, a matter of speculation and nothing noth-ing mora. Homo of tha oil haa been brtmrht to town and a comparison shows It to be ihout tho same . quality aa that from Jraaa creek. The alta of tho strike is Just outside Of the government wlthdrawala, so that the development of the ground can be carried on In only one direction. In that direction, however, there Is said to be a 'ot of ground equally aa good aa that on which the strike was made. Further developments de-velopments are being watched closely and there Is a great deal of Interest ma nice ni-ce ted In tha strike made by tha Ohio. |