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Show CLASSIFYING CONTINUES Questionnaires Should - Be-Returned - Blank- If Registrant Is Over Age Named in the Order LL registrant who had at t tained their thirty-seventy '. birthday anniversary befTe ths registration of September 12, and who have received questionnaires, need not fill out the questionnaires, but must return such docunVnts to their local boards, nccordln to sit order received this mornln by Captain Gordon Snow. Utah draft executive, from General Crowder. The order Is' Issued by General Crowder upon In. tractions from President Wilson. NO DELINQUENCY CHARGE. f No charge of delinquency will he entered en-tered agslnst any such registrant his failure to fill out and return- his quest Innns'.re, even though the time A set for return Is passed, and alt charges of delinquency heretofore entered en-tered against such registrants of such ages who have fulled to return their questionnaires within the time limit set therefor, will be canceled and made, of no effect. T CANCEL ENTRIES. "As to all such registrants to whom lussllpnnslres have eitii sens,11 the order directs, "whether or not such ' questionnaires have been returned, local boards shall cancel all entries heretofore msde In ths boards' records rec-ords In relstlon to the Issuance of such questionnaires by drawing a red Ink line through each end every such entry on the rlsesiflcstion list from ths entry of the dste of lesusnee for-wsrd. for-wsrd. and will make no further entries en-tries In respect thereto except to enter on the sppropriste line of the classification classifi-cation list opposite the nsme of each such registrants, the words "counter-msnded "counter-msnded end canceled. vw" RETURN BY LOCAL BOARDS. "All questlonnsires heretofore or heresfter returned to local boards by registrants of such sges will be filed , by.euch local boards without further action than that already taken In respect re-spect thereof, and that directed to he In this telegrsm. - The district board will' make like cancellation of all en- i tries In their records concerning registrants regis-trants of such ages and Immdeiately return such questlonnsires to the proper Iocs I boards, who will file the questionnaires in the usual manner. : REGISTRANTS OF 1. J "lnlevs In pursuance to the author!- ty granted by my telegram dsted Oc- tuber K. questionnaires have been mailed to all registrants who were It years .of sge at the time of registration registra-tion local bosrds should forthwith nis II . questionnaires to all reglstranta of the class of September 12, :r.i. who were II years of age at the time of regis, tration in order the! the classifies.- ' tlou of reglstranta of thla age may be promptly concluded. . SPEED IS URGED. "All local bnerds of ' I'tah hava mailed questionnaires to all such reglstranta reg-lstranta and specified In this tele-grsra." tele-grsra." Captain Snow recites In a bul- t Mln to all local boards, "and most of them have completed classification lof such. It should be easy for 1'lah i to report to the Provost Marshal Gen-'eral Gen-'eral within the next few dtya tha. completion f-f all such clsssiflcatlons. V t Such a report would be tantamount ' jto the winning of first place In the. J national progress chart race, aecond series, snd would be a final proof of Irian's leadership in the .selective jnrsfl " |