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Show Your Christmas PHOTOGRAPHS. Should Come From Amundsen's Salt Lake's Bett Photographer Betler Work' ty y became & "- fifer Equipment South Main St. - jjj- - Be Ready to Greet Them With a Home That Reflects Your Welcome TTUNDREDS of homes are looking forward to that day T behooves us all to make ready now for that eventful KM "when the boys com home." It wOl be a glorious day because we would not disappoint them. If is their j' occasion for, with victory behind them, our men will right and our privilege to have the home atmosphere re- I come, their 'hearts filled with the eager anticipations of fleet our joy at their safe return. Let us not delay for the j home comforts. day may not be far distant J HERE ARE SOME USEFUL ARTICLES .-Ji-dL Beautiful Living Room Suite V? left i 3"' s I : . ; i...i,M...ij.J0r.,?m , i 'I, - p OOTI out In the teeth of the tale! To breast the wind and buflet the storm, coxily hooded ' suidhelmeted in the Bradley Speedinaak that's tha Joy of a winter day! , What matter wind or weather? Chest, neck, chin, t . cheeks, ears and forehead are safely blanketed from the cold. Only the eyes and the nose are exposed. F : Knitted close and thick of warm, worsted yam r cap and muffler combined. Fits snugly under the t coat, snuggle around the neck, lies flat over tha ; .", chest a practical, sensible garment for winter wear. Farm. iniiinWrtiWrw iiigirtfWlMM. ' fomr Mw, mt Aw Brm4if fflm Mk. BRAOCEY KNITTING COMPANY . DiUni,WU. Mmkmt mt fraMtm !. wmmrn. !. m.mt mmttm lam ml trim, dmrmmUitw mmd j fll TVimtm handMin, living room fm momrn baautifully upholitrd in Blu, 1 )Tt 1 mi it 1 1 m Vlup or Mron and Gold, and would dd to tha inviting atmoaphvr -'H IV VrUIPC 1 i I JCy of tho room. Tk.y ara manufactured by tha famoua KARPEN VI UljlW tX J fACTORY, which i, a cuarantaa of aatiafaetion. Wo hava thasa Htl if r Thaao ara our floor Quoon Anno or William and Mary Pariod daaigna. G,t ona of thaao fino atandai I l aamplaa. and ara - ,.. '' ' "' O J L w' AT LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS .Sr. $2.50 .Aj? $ LmJ mi -------- il t --------------- 0 r-sr- ITWENTY DIFFEREHT STYLE ROCKERS WS p j- IK POPULAR WRAPPED FIBER Our Stock of These Popular Rockers is complete. We have them in twen- Vyl'V" 1 '"4j f l y different style similar to cut. Here are: . ' i -iJ 'fTF?Jfi REGULAR $27.50 WRAPPED FIBRE S12.75 SJm m REGULAR $22.50 WRAPPED FIBRE SI 0.25 i&lJ fJ REGULAR $28.75 ART REED $19.45 lk l REGULAR $33.50 ART REED .$21.95 Xi. f only j Ail of the above Rockers are elegantly upholstered in the celebrated English C 1 ft O K J I ri Tapestry and are sacrifice- as an extraordinary special to our customers. tp JL VJmmtd BLACKBOARD MECHANICAL TRAIN -BLOCKS r I.' " I Jm 5S Coal Car, V?" fuM OV I - ! EJdT CV Track , VX Ui dS chrisms WW N Jl :r 1 ffll STOCKGiGS crayon sets 1 S - -39 110- : ' taiaina T if.nt color. of doll that yau want and UJJ ITl'. a'1 mt, ttUftmir i cannot sot. Shown only at 7 li'vl.Jf '"-' . . TOOL CHEBTB Gl Frooda. Roulor orica K 7S. sJJ 7i.v-,',4 ? J Comploto with woUr colors 4gi rr. 79i rrv""' si-98 Wt 6p 16 nOT T C SHOOFLYS & Kgf I BOATS Biggest GO-CARTS JgL 1S inahoo wido, 12 inches V "' jm Wmf i . "I I I lon, pointad whKo and alaok. it' SiOCk j:-" ' T as-. IV nt :-. TOY FURNITURE NOVELTY TOYS m4 X I V 7 i 111 InR Cmolato in a o. Four too or wondorful di.pl.y jf 1 ruobor tira. I I Ul iilW atvloo to aiefc from. OQr novelty topa. includine chute mt fl I . j 1 I rj-Tal mVO tha ohuUa. rollor co..t.rc. I C1 1 OA II V 1 n oeiai aloctrio l.grrt.d aotomobtloa, li TSY I U 1 iVMl IfJ Uk' nit,, 1 1 and many a.har n.v.k.ac l K Ik I U 7 iU kjjy BOXING CLOVES . V C-LTA Y -PiC? . " Fear tM Iho aot Sort SUIT CASES IT - 1 C loatnor. Soocial CI QC A ar-cat bis suiteaoe. 6ia 1 pneo oS7i Sxlf inehoo. "IQr; V -'V"V Niooiy droaaod. wtth hat, 14 inehoa oa---a--------------B---' Spaeial pnea IWvl w,h WRIST WATCHES -JSSTVV m J .. A WHIRL-O-MOBILE f I A ' JZym TZL . . 5 i-"' 39 Jy hW7 t Vinol will Stop a Cough and Break Up a Cold A constitutional remedy that removes the cause by building up the system. These elements contained in Vinol Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron, Manganese Man-ganese and Glycerophosphates soon create an energy that throws off the cold and prevents its reoccurrence. It has given ninety per cent satisfaction satisfac-tion for sixteen years. HERE IS PROOFt , . . D-.N.C Ucmaro. N.C. "I aaffarad with a chrenie cold for "For -ears 1 suffered arlth fehrooie - four months, coughed da- and night, cough, ao 1 could not ale mights ard Had to keep on working- when I was continued to loop flesh, itj druorgut not able to. I saw Vinol advertised asked mo to tnr Vinol. It cared my and tried it. and I want to toil you it cough, I can sieep Bights and hava hist cored that cold in short time, earned twelve pounds. Vinol Is tre It maoe me cat and sleep well, better beat tonic and tissue builder I have o-er - eerywn-." J. C. Bagler, Dunn,N.C Ukoo." W. D. RtM, Larange.N.C. Far aji t mm S.nn. mmt ea4HI a. aa wi.ii, ai.i naifcad paaa. . I I. mtm pi.SU mmm dn.at. eans.ia, a nnff Hke mtmmt. DRUEHL A FRAN KEN, DRUGGISTS. AND DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. , I |