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Show ' M..I.!. .111 III ! II IT I m s a - I " l " "1? 1 THAT , I Delicious Cranberry Flavor It's just that "Kttle something " about foods f s . ; ' the indefinite, elusive Flavor that draws, f 3 r or repels youl ' t S And there is no Flavor just like the taste, and l $ ) I tasty tang, of the American Cranberry. I I Eatmor Cranberries without much sugar r Try thim mugmr-BMrini raepa: . ' , I CRANBERRY PIE f ' tf Short rtrr ma da wdth barley flour, torn rVor, or r I w4 wrae g flour, and aliorten4 with butter or butter auhttitute. Dna quart cranberries. I pint wotor, H laval teaspoon salt, k y Sugar, i K Q Brtog tha wator and It together to o ttofUng fntlnt. Pteo ree D & and waah the erenlrriea, put ttom Into the pint of hotling ? v B itr and eoofc rapidly for 5 minute, or iintil tlt sslm uf g J? h berries havt broken. Cool MeMI?. ld the uar. hrlrtg 2 B le botHn rwnt.rd cook alowlr for additional ftva rninnie F f llava ready a pa-tlv baaed pastry shell: pour in filling whtp ,t B i reld: pot atrlpoof pastry a vet lop and finish baaing in a 3 mod rr at a om. J i Cook cranberries is porcelain lined, ooameled - P ar aluminum vmmIi only. & Alway specify J f 1 Eatmor Cranberries I I TRADK-MARK S i a selection of the choicest cultivated varieties 3 ' E packed exclusively for f . & AMERICAN CRANBERRY pXCHANGE -..,.,... i -J I Chicago N.w York J 1 ' 1 !' " ' - ""L"-'-'""-'-" " -T) ' T4Md Mervous Mothers IJir; . , Should Profit by the Experience I Iff '' - of These Two Women ; fiT t iTmf Buffalo, X. Y. "J am the molher of four childrpn, and for I ' j I f iff &'r nearly three years I suffered from a female troublo with pauw j j E " '?f T. in mT back and side, and a fti-neral weaktit'ss. I hud pro- I S e 1 'yjV eM'ona' attendance most of Umt time but did not seem to ' i ?'TA'V!J''i' Wk B!t welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. I TT jil 'lit v5Scjfii Ky Ilnkham's Vegetable Compound which 'I had seen ' 'i. Vi4lvVvjri. i advertltied in the newspa)crs, and in two weeks noticed Si l VA'y yv v marked improvement. I vntiiim'd it - il- and am t 1 V& Viff J 'Sm now 're from piiin and a!le to do all my hmisn- "r'rfalA'MI IPP7i vA work." Mrs. B. to. Zieunska, 20J WeibS Street, J-J s Vjf !fc Portland, Ind.T h.vl a displaeoment and snffetTfl , & ?SlSf .J, had'y from it at times I could not lie on my feet I j 0m? t JSvji OCA. t 1L I was all run down ami no weak I muld not 1 1 i-f I 4 wVJkuJ' aV mf no,18eworlc. nervous ami could tint, lia I J-Lf iljMi rS . down at nitfht. I took treatments from a physician 9 3ts x I I 1 but they did not help nin. Mv Aunt, recommended (ShX J VJ XLydiatPinkham'sVeCTlahleComiximid. 1 tried I j 3rlJ 1' I I an now ' am s,ronR ai"l well a?ain and do I I 0rt-2rvl IrT ti m own work and I give I.ydia K I'inkham's J I 1 Compound the credit." Mrs. .1 ok k p ri i n 'j''f.t'jt'' 'Kimble, fl.".5 West lJace Street, 1'ortland, lud. ' VTtf Every-Siclc-Womat- Shotild -Try -Jp DTDIA E.PINKHAMS ; JUGEmBLE COMPOUND- - LYDIA t.PWKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYWW.MAtS. J J Viiujw n i inn ti a iaj aj paaaaawjpawoyoaaaw-aW'aoWFW nij i WW w w w lrJ W. ,w . , . .. , , m, ,rT .. . - -f...Ma.- v - ' i aaw- BEECHAM'S FILLS auickly help to strengthen . the diction, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and improve the health by working 7ith nature. Larweet Solo f Any MeoWiwo t tho WorlaL SoJo aworyw-koro. fa bytoa. 10c, 2s. A Wc make a .specialty of catering to the slite wants if- "children. We select cur splendid stock of children's shoes with the thought of jut the things that count with the growing boy and girl sturdiness beauty of line adaptability to the healthy development of the foot. Bring your children in and have them fitted with a pair of .slme's (mm these extraordinary values ' j SPECIAL NO. 1 1 r SPECIAL 'NO. 2 , I ace port Hoots for Children Boys' Shoes made on the Mun- and Misses. Ciray kid and brown son last. Duplicates of re-ular calf vamps with harmonizing fab- U. S. armv shoe. I 'ppers.ofpe- ric tops black calf with mat goat cial grade Viscalized leatb.er. Soles I top. Made over the newest L'n- made with rawhide filler water- II -luaiuxlelsvlie-HHtssesi-mrr; pwnf Mhe-hfie-forTuiiTL-r 1 1 Nature toe shape in the smaller Will wear twice as lotv III 1 1 e. Lose Your Fat j Keep Ycur Health S'ifrerfluons fte-h is not hraMhy. neither Is it heal I hy to diet or e iercle too much f.w Ita rrmoxal. The simpteitt method known for reducing the overfst i Inaiy two. ihreo or four ptunda a week : Is th Marmots Method, tried and In- 1 doraed b thousands. Murmoia lrescrtp- ' lion Twblela. coitaining exact ilortea of t ho famous pieecripl ion. are sold b , d'UgrisIs at i!i cenle for a large rn, or: if u prefer oti can b ain them by send:ng direct lo the Marmolii lompanv, 4 Vodsrd Ave. letioit. Mn-h. They ;re harmleaa and leave no wrinkles or , flahbineas. They are popular, la-Cause ef ' fectlve snd convenienl. lAdv.) j DON'T FUSS WITH ! THE SUCCESSOR TO BUTTER I . Solves", your biggeat problem gives you the quality of texture . and flavor only found in the j . finest table product, at a saving of from 1 5 to 20 cents a pound. Churned from the white meat of coconuts and pasteurized milk j no animal fats. Made in spotless plants by an exclusive process. Order Troco from yoxzr dealer V - 1 ' " : - A j. MUSTARDPLASTERS! j Musterole Works Without the i Blister Easier. Quicker ! There's no sense) in mixing a tneti ' ' cf mustard, flour and water when you can easily relieve piia,aorenrssorti8. 1 nejs with a little clean, white Muaterole: Musterde h tr.zie of pure oil of I mustard and other helpful inedients, ' combuied in tha form of the present i white ointment. It tzhr the place of '. mustard plasters, and will not blister. ! MusterolctisuiTv rives rroript relief ; i from sore throat, bTonchiLis, tonsiliti ! croon, s5 neck, asthma, neuralpia. j j headache, concection, plcurisv.rheum i tism, lumbar pcins and aches of the i back or Jc-nta, sprains, sore rmwJcs, I bruises, chilblains, frosted feccolds of the chest (it of tc n prevent, pneumonia . J 30c and 60c jars; hocpital size tlSQ. ' irun. -; ordinary hoe. Sizes 8i'to 11 S3.35 Small boys' sizes. . .53.35 Misses' sizes .... S3.85 Larger boys' sizes . $3.85 tf1 . A" n extra .ecil n'ar. nfnnf: in 4 t s I'lll RILa It patent vamp ho-, with turn ..Ih -cj, q - QO - I 4 III iSlSKtr ll Ivory or black cloti to,aa!.. dull mat tr... j,r 0 6oorJ is w f' h,,v ' rom"""' ' of -.r,t.rui v,i,v ft f Hi bnri "" ch,l,r"1 ''rnl,m-,lln ., OBr.lon Jg effrcia. at exceptionally low inr Our SHo Rapairiag Da jflTTIp partmant is eauippad to t " 'X tci i, 1 I 1 " sarvica. SKoaa rpard V r t VS . 'Adl J 39 East Broadwav repaired witl tnuil skill. gfWS ' J aastafCsVSpTaTaasV |