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Show ' 'AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN tttt iY 20. ... : ; . n i v . o - 1 ' - r -H BATUEDAY. JULY 0, 1C23 IDPEXinr 1" I 5 1 i r . i 1 S A Y vs - AJ&Jin Yrsrr - . ttn - v , rj r A eat .1 mm Commencing.Saturday, July 20th, we will Celebrate the Inaugeration of M MM' Gireeii :WE GIVE THE STAMPS-YOIT GET THE SAVING : - Ttvpiiinvp -vftii one R & H. Green Stanm with faoh 10r iH. Green Stamps at onccrYou can place all of yourS. & H. Green' Stamps in one book.'.- It ia 'starprising JowjquictLyou can fill a.book.iL,you;wffl- do lyoua: fi XrTTrGreeri Stamm ur premiums from the large catalogue on display at the American Fork Co-op Inst. Remember it pays t o save the S. & H. Green Stamp way. Start your book V and get in on this thrift circle. Buy where you get S. & H. Green Stamps and save as you spend. . , Free Souvenirs Free Catalogues Free Stamp Bookto all Visitors Saturday, July 20th American! Fork Co-operative fasfii Wdoirii : THE PEOPLE'S STORE . SPECIALS FOR THIS EVENT AT CO-OP. Saturday; Monday and Tuesday DRY GOODS ards Pongee $1.00 Z Tarda Devoiwhire $1.00 kfLOO Box Boyer's Powder, One 25c Box Boyer'a Powder md One 15c Puff. All for " J " " 1 L-l.W Style Heel Strutwear Chiffon Hose 81.00 Pair , All the Latest Color. -adie Bonnet, Price $155 Sale $1.00 fur Towels, 17x40 $1.00 11 Towels, 15x22 $1.00 ;51 Luncheon H"tB ' ' - , $1.00 aile Bed Spreads, Large Size Each $1.00 Jcy Eabber Aprona Each J Infanta Organdie Bonnet " Redaced 25 31 Ponge,e Regular 79c Value Special- L 9o Yard ?uwe Cretonne, Fast Color, Regular 40c, Sjje Price 23c yd. iieaj" Eivon Rlnnmprm OnW 49o Pair a Bert In Hosiery79o For Our Eegnlar $1.00 Grade iia'and Children Cotton Hose (All Colore) 4 pair lor 89o jmsacn 43.85 .30 House Frocks. All New Stvlea and Colora id' Silk TVppsBoa " - : pese dresses were formerly marked to fell from $7.95 to I $10.75 each. " : . p Pan Prints Sfla Yard lire now agents for the Ansco Kodak. Let us furnish you fK with films for your vacation. . i : jfteces of Summer "Wpol Goods, Values selling from c to $1.35 YardMJoing for 29o Yard pfgette CreDe - 49e Yard. tot! Ladies': and Children's Hose Qi Rvnn P,v.:.: - : -i vumuiuaiiUUS. LIEN'S SHOES and FUBHISHINGS Florsheim Oxfords (New Styles, "Wonderful Values) For This Sale Only ; $7.85 Ladies' Dress Slippers ; $1-65, $1.95, $2.49, $3.95 Kiddies' White Kid SliiTpers -79o Children's Shoes, Limited Amount. Boys' Gym. Shoes, While They Last. Shinola - - .,. ' 41.00 75c Pair 5c Tin Children's Play Suits . . 85c, $110, $1.69 While They Last Athletic Underwear For Men .,49o and 89c Suit Men's Garments , , . - ' ' "- : J.0 Off Men's Caps, Valued te $2.95-Special . -.$1.49 Boys' Cans. Valued to $1.95 Special S8o Boys' Knit Unions Ladies' Tweed and Khaki Hiking Breech Straw Hats Whats left at .25o Pair 0 Discount HALT PRICE 65C Boxed Stationery Specials oi -Ladies' L. D. S. Garments. 10c Pair 98c alSale Or, T,o 50 Value for ; 29c Each 69o Pair Men's 'Fall Hats, felt, just received J20 Discount llrnggyg" - 20. - Radnction Men' SoxiAUEeduced All Bathing Rnitt Reduction, A Pine Bargain Boys' Dress Shirts, Valued to $1.25: 75c On This Sale Men's Dress Shirts, Fast Colons u 98c and $1.15 We have a few nice shirts without collars for men and boys while they last Men's Belts, valued to $1.00, Sale- 25c Each 75c Each Ties For Men Entire1 Stock, values to $1.50-1Now75c Each Ties For Men Bargains .-.-.-,85o Each Hollars For Men J - - 10o Each Children's Koveralls To" Close Out atl -Corduroys For Men. -- Moleskin Pan ta Dress Pants For Men and Boys..- ' SDort Suscenders 75c Sweaters,. -69c Pair .$2.49 Pair Ovpmicht Bass While They Last- Men's and Boys' Suits Reduced To Sell Vi Reduction 33 1-3 Reduction : 79c Each HABDWABE Roasters No. 6 Sauce Pans, Handle or PaiL Grey Enamel Sauce Pans - Mixing Bowls. 41.00 41.00 -25c 0s Glass Mixing Bowls .Coffee Pots : Perculators L. Aluminum Double Cookers Large Vhite Dish Pans -Kitchen Step Ladders. Jtet of 2 25c 75c ,75c $1.00 - $1.C0 75c 50c Hour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Kitchen Sets Egg Beater Bowl fimnhinatir ii m Electric Cooking Units 75c Each, Value $5.00 Hand Mop Thisfpra ? Cake Covers r - - - - - Sprinkling Cans Ice Cream Freezers, While They Last .Jieading Lamp Stand Berry Sets Smoking Sets : Sugar and Creamer In Colors. 41.00 4L00 41.00 75c 75c 50c e Merchants Listed Below Give The cQtH Green Stamps to You Gladly, they are your fed discount. When you get a Green Stamp Premium you have saved the money the fw-ic WOU1U Of COS you lldU ywu I Itti M..AKi..T.nnTT-T.. 1 - I . ' WM; THORNTON DRUG No. 2 ELEVEN BUST STORES . i Prescriptions "a p, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Fountain Service, Ice Cream, Candy and rirrrl Tmfr fin. Products. S gLiSSERVICEl ST ATIQN: Independent Gas and Oil, , Genuine. Alemite .Greasing, Tires- and -Accessories American Fork, Utah Phone 177 AMERICAN FORK CO-OR INST. The People's Store American Fork, Utah Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Footwear, Crockery, Hardware, Farm Imple menta- Var TiezMn t and T rtTT Sea the Beautiful Display of S. & II. Green Stamp Premiums In The yindov of American Fork Co-op. "1 imriTTY4vn r HI r |