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Show S5K-' 'IT A 1 , r., Vines ore In there, iSJSd men. .Stillwater :Xd man vitb shifty, on- of bulldog tn - ,WrfuL But U was Lo-ffi Lo-ffi '.. I 'nMiffilve inan,licavy.ot 7 brutal in strength. .There .pread to his shoulder. Sciwi power to his every H had I square, heavy Ma, sneering mouth, t falcon :cktyestbat re"cold" tf Id deserted shaft . His j men dark, and his skin j'tbt Mexican strain In bis i ijort tbe others he towered, wsterfut jndI felt some-j some-j power that emanated froni Don't Care What the Devil Nam Is He Broke In Petti. k the brute force, the remorse- Irpose, p tte waiter returned with a drinks and the door was closed. f, jw've seen him now," sold ill "lour only plan. If you p -peak- to him, la to wait till a breaks up. By-by." Use weariness of that waiting 1 uie loans morn when the up. The luticr door ODened ack Jack appeared. anient I bad followed and ien him. locasto." pwd and gave me a stare from pLocasto'j mv name," ho ? artlessly. ped alongside him. - . Br. Isal.l, "my name's. Mel- Ataol Melflrum." I don't care whnt thA ilnvil broke In petulantly. puTjne jut now.- I'm tired, w want, u-m vi" ; . - f" I Mid, "I tut want a imin 'uon. I came Into the conn- ,1 . , - "!. W IUCIU '"Mjonmny bo nbls to toll mi 1 111 Ht '. n. I ti.1t HOW. HO f m round ami scrutinized me .aerate Intensity. Then, like p niq-n manner changed. r . uiuiiu. his voice smooth v ivunilTV e'n; aeenn to me I do f hr the " r me lire w-uii where. Was there " uiemr iJ.?'" ,'n2"rl-v. "n younu clrl- i -n.elyou. Iretnen,: rt '! ?OLPWty .on the way -lnr t L r?"!6 "'them I can't Thi ,' ws"t. or.good-morn. Hiv . 'iei. 10 m. in. : tli , wna or- i.:T! ,unv t6 sweetness: rJ 18 til kmLmt l MTalledTl A4. .forfo. The man bad 1 wu i - - 1,IeTcn I h,i w If U- Mi WW : Robert WServicei "sCITTiy Klvltia Liu. uiiluklinol uiy search. I5erna senw(l further away -j from tne than ever. Home I went, discouraged and despairful. , Then I tegan to argue with myself, lie must know where .they werey and -If Jia jallxliad jdcfilgosj on-tlie..glrl and was fcmIng her In biding tay In-tervlew In-tervlew with him would alarm him. lie would take the first opportunity of warning the Winklestelns. When would lie do III .That, very night lri all likelihood. ;, So I reasoned I; and 1 resolved to wnteh. . . I stationed myself In a saloon from where I could command, a view of .hit 1' hotel..and there 1 wulteO. . I was beginning be-ginning to Uiink he must have evaded me, when suddenly coming fortt alone from the hotel I saw my man. ,-. lie was walking swiftly and he took a path that skirted the swamp behind the town. ' I had no doubt of his mission. mis-sion. My heart began to beat, with excitement, I followed breathlessly. There were few cabins hereabouts; It was a lonely plat to be so near to town, very quiet and thickly screened from sight "Suddenly e seemedto disappear... and fearing, my pursuit .was going to be futile, I rushed tor-ward. tor-ward. I came to dead stop. There was no onetobeeen; llerhadvunlshed completely,- Blindly 1 blundered for ' ward. Then t came to a place where 'the trail forked, ranting for breath I hesitated which way to take, and it was In that moment of hesitation that a heavy hand was laid on my shoulder. "Whfite awuy. my young friend?" It was Locasto. Ills face wa9 Mephls-topliclian, Mephls-topliclian, his voice edged with irony.L. 1,. was.. startled. I admit, but I tried to put a good f ice on it "Hello," 1 said; ."I'm Just taking a stroll" , Ills black eyes pierced me, his black brows met savrr: 'y. The heavy Jnw shot forward. u:it for a moment the man, menacing und terrible, seemed to. tower above me. , "You lie!" like explosive steam came Iho words, and woif'llke his lips parted, showing his powerful teeth. Ton lie!" he reiterated, "lou followed fol-lowed me. Didn't I see you from the hotel I Didn't I determine to decoy you away. You would try to cross me, wouli you? You would champion damsels In distress? You pretty fool, you idmpletoiv you meddler" Suddenly, without warning, he struck me square on the face, a blinding, blind-ing, staggering blow that brought me to my.kuecs as falls a pole-axed stc-er. I-was stunned, swaying weakly,' trying vainly to get on my feet. Then he "struck me agalnTa b!tler7felllng trtow: I was-completely at his mercy now and he showed me none. He was like a fiend, Kage seemed to rend him. Time and again be kicked me, brutal-; ly, relentlessly, on the ribs, on the chest, on the head. Was the man going go-ing to do me to death? I shielded my head. I moaned in agony. Would he nerer -stop? Then -I became unconscious, uncon-scious, knowing that he was still kicking kick-ing me, and wondering If I would ever open my eyes again.: . "Long live the cold-feet tribe 1 Long live the soreheads !" It was the Prodigal who spoke.. "This outfit buying's got gold' mining beaten to a standstill. Here I've been three weeks in the burg and got over ten thousand dollars' worth of grub cached away. Every pound of lt wIU net me 100 per cent profit" i; lie. was very, sprightly and elate, but I was In no sort of mood to share in . his. bouyancy. . Physically I had fully recovered from my terrible manhandling, man-handling, but in spirit I still writhed at the outrage of It And the worst was I could jdo nothing. The law could not help me, for there were no wlt-nMisei wlt-nMisei to the assault I could never . cone with this man in bodily strength. Yet how bitterly I Drooueu over uw hnslneM. At times there was even block murder In my heart I planned schemes of revenge, grinding my teetn In Impotent rage tho while; and my feelings were complicated by that wful cnawins hunger for flerna that never left me. It seemed to me as If I saw all the world through the medium me-dium of my love for her, and that all beauty, all truth, all good was ,but a wttlnir for this tfr of m - "Come onr" said Jim;. "let's go for a wnllr In the town. tti " nf fitm Cornorrah" he called It, and he was never tired of expatiat ing nn tti inlQUltV. w. wt tin Jam-Wagon. lie had mushed In from the creeks that, very phvica'.lT ha looked supreme. Ha war berry-brown, lean, muscular mnA mm full of mDnresscd energy as an unsprung bear trap. Financially he win well bnllasted. Mentally- morallv he was in the state of a .l.nn KofnrA mtk erUDtlOtt. 1 YOU could see In the Quick breath-tng. breath-tng. In the restlessness of this manri tin.n nsrfT thlt clamored to ex haust Itself In violence and debauch. - AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN " " ' 'Ills fierce blue eyes were wild and roving, his Hps twitched nervously Ie was an atavism; of the race of those ; white-bodied, ferocious sea kings that drank deep and died In the din of , buttle.- v. . , ;. As we walked along, Jim did most of the talking In his favorite morality ;veln. The Jum-wagon puffed sltently , at his briar pipe, while I, very listless .and downhearted, thought! largely of ; my own troubles. Then, In the middle j of the block, where most of the music j halls were slto.atedrauddenIy .we met Locasto. j. . , - - I had thought'.much over this meet-J,lng, meet-J,lng, Rnd.had dreaded it There are things which no, man can overlook, and, if it meant "death to me, I must 'againtry conclusions with the brute. " He was accompanied by a little t bald-headed Jew named Spltzsteln, and ; wewere aliiiost abreast of them when I stepped forward and arrested them. rMy4eetltwere - - clenchedTI wos"alt ! a-qulver with passion ; my.Jheart beat violently. . v j' He was dressed in that miner's cos-Iturae cos-Iturae In which he alwars looked so fjstriklngr iIts-Tnouthwai"grlraast ji granite, and his black eyes hard and repellent as those of a toad. ' ; "Oh, you coward I" I cried. "Ton vile, filthy coward r n " "Get out of my way," he snarled; "I've got to teach you a lesson." v. Once more before I could guard he landed on, me with that terrible rightv arm swing, atfd down I went as if a Sledge" liammer" had struck me. But instantly I was on my feet, a thing of blind passion, of desperate fight 1 1 made one rush to throw myself on 'this human tower of brawn and muscle, mus-cle, when some one pinioned me from 'behind. It was Jim. , - "Easy, boy," he was saying; "you .'can't fight this-big fallow." ' Spltzsteln was looking on curiously. (There was a breathless pause, then. wagon intervened. -- Tbe smoldering fife in his eye had .brightened into a fierce joy ; his twitch-jlng twitch-jlng mouth was now grim and stern as a prison door. For days he bad been "fighting a dim Intangible foe. Here at last was something human and definite. He advanced to Locasto. "Why don't you strike some one nearer your own size?" he demanded. "You're a brute, a cowardly brute." Black Jack's face grew dark and terrible. His eyes glinted sparks of fire. ' - - "See here, Englishman," he said, "this isn't your scrap. What are you butting In cbout?" ; , "It Isn't," said the Jam-wagon, and ,1 could see the flame of fight brighten Joyously In him. "It isn't but 111 soon akelt minel" T Quick as a flash he dealt the other a blow on the cheek, an open-handed blow that stung a like a whiplash. "Now, fight me, you coward There and then Loeast seemed about to spring on his challenger. With hands clenched and teeth bared, he half bent as If for a charge. Then, suddenly, lie straightened up. "All right," he said softly; "Spitz-stein, "Spitz-stein, can we have the opera house?" "Yes, 1 guess so. We can clear away the benches." "Then "tell the crowd to come along ; we'll give them a free show." '. I think there must .have, been five hundred men around that ring. A big . Australiun. pugilist. was umpire. . iSi'me. one suggested gloves, but Locasto would not hear of It "No," he said, "I want to mark the son of a dog so his mother will never know him again." , He had become frankly brutal, and prepared for the fray exultantly. Both men fought in their underclothing. .Strlrei Jo.WTU.the . Jam-wagon was seen to be much the smaller man, not only in height, but in breadth and weight - Yet he was a beautiful figure L of a fighter, clean, well-poised, free-limbed, free-limbed, with a body ' that seemed to taper from the shoulders down. ' Locasto looked almost too massive. His muscles bulged out The veins In his forearms were cordlike. His great . chest seemed ns broad as n door. His legs were statuesque In their size and strength. In that camp of strong men probably he wns the most powerful. And nowhere in the world could a -fight imTe been awaited -with greater zest These men, miners, gamblers, -adventurersof all kludav- pushed aud, struggled for a place., A great J"y surged through them at the thought of the approaching combat Keen-eyed, Keen-eyed, hard-breathing, a-tbritl with' ex-pectatlon. ex-pectatlon. tlw crowd packed closer and closer. As the two men stood up It was like the lithe Creek athlete compared with tbe brawny Itoman gladiator. "Three to one on Locasto." some one shouted Then a great hush enme over the house, so that It might have been empty and deserted. Time wa called. The fight began. 1 With one tiger rush Locasto threw himself ou his man.. Right and left he struck with mighty swings that would have felled an ox, but the Jam-"wigonanoonralclr Jam-"wigonanoonralclr for tint-Twice he ducked In-time -to oid a furious .blowand, Jefore Locasto cover, he had hopped out .Of reach. The big man's fist swished through the emDtj air. - He almost overbalanced with the force of his. effort, but be iawung round quickly, and there, was the Jam-wagon, cool and watchful, 'awaiting his next attack. . Locasto'S face grew fiendish In Its i .mister wrath; he ahot forth a fou ' imprecation, and once more he hurled Self reslstlessly on Ms foe. This itlme I thought" my champion mus go :?owVbnt nol.JYltha dexterity that Wed marvelons. be dodgedrducted ,nd side-stepped; and once more Lo-casto Lo-casto blows went wide and short brwuglit tyts right up to the other's chin, Luvustu swung a deadly knockout knock-out blow nt tlm Jani-wugon, which JiM Urhwil his Jaw, and the Jam -wsri.ii' MaHtrtcd-wI.rrrrtwo-llghtnlng-rl?tits' iind a nervous left, all on the btg ,'inu'8 face.. : "','''.'. v Tht n he (tprnng back, for hd wiih esciiwl now, In and. out. he wove, tmee more lie landed a hard left on Locjisto's heaving stomach, "und then, rushing In, he ruined blow after blw on his flnirtgonrMt -Tliey--tame 1fiii n clinch, hut this time the Jum-wagon broke away, giving the deadly kldnej blow tig they parted. When time was called, both men were panting hard, bruLsed and covered with blood. I'otind six. Locasto sprang into the center of the ring. His face was hideously hid-eously disfigured." Only ' in that bat-. bat-. tered, biood-stkined niank could I rec orhIzo the black eyes gleaming deadly -4tr---ftimWnVfr-the- Jam- wagon; ho hurled him across the ring. Again charging, he overbore him to the floor, but failed to hold him. .. ." - Then in the ' Jani-wagon Ihere awoke flt-ttrfrit-cf-the-Berserkef.- He care no more for punishment He was insensible to pain. lie was the sea-pirate again, mad with the lust of battle. Like a fiend be tore himself Joose, and went after his man, rushing him with a swift, battering halt of blows around the ring. , Now they were In a furious mix-up, and suddenly Locasto, seizing him aav-'a'gcTyy aav-'a'gcTyy IrTetf'to'wh'Ip '"Mm smashing to the floor. Then the wonderful sgllity of the Englishman was displayed- In a distance of less than a two-foot" drop he turned completely-like a cat Leaping Leap-ing up, he was free, and, getting a iwnlsthold with a Cornish heave, he bore Locasto to the floor. Quickly he changed to a crotch-lock, and, lastly, holding Locasto's legs, he brought Mm to a bridge and worked Ms weight up ei ttfst kAi1 broke away, and again regained his feet This seemed to enrage the Jam-wagon Jam-wagon the more, for be tore after hit man like a maddened bull. Getting a hold with incredible strength, he lifted Mm straight up In the air and hurled Mm to the ground with sickening force. Locasto lay there. Bis eyes were closed. He did not move. Several (men rushed forward. "He's all right," 'said a medical . looking , individual ; r"Just stunned. I guess you can call the fight over." . c ". The Jam-wagon slowly put on Ms clofhes. He was badly bruised about the body, but not seriously hurt in any way. Shudderingly I looked down at Locasto's face, beaten to a pulp, his body livid from head to foot And then, as they bore him off to the hos-"pltal, hos-"pltal, I realized I was revenged. - - To Be -Continued) American Fork Locals f Mr. and Mrs. L. A Adamson andlington Park, California, arrived here family enjoyed picnic supper at Saratoga Sara-toga resort Wednesday evening. Miss Faye Tanner returned home( bunaay irom uuvtuo, at', minus two weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cheever. . Dr7 and Mis." James M.- Grant : and family are leaving today (Saturday) for Yellowstone Park, where they will enjoy a week's vacation. - :. Mrs.. Sarah Lloyd and daughters, Beth and Josephine, and J. William Harrison of SprlngYille, were Sun-rMy Sun-rMy vrsltors at the home ftrMrf.-Saf; ah Jones. Mr. and Mrs. U A Adamson and daughters, Dorothy, Rose and Helen, left Friday for Strawberry valley, where they will spend the week-end at the Adamson sheep camp. Clyde Wagstaff, who is with the U. S. Navy, arrived here Thursday from San Diego, California, for a ten days furlough. He is at the home of Ms parents, - Mrr and Mrs. Robert Wag-staff. Wag-staff. . San Diego is the fleet air base center. " " - Miss Mayme Wing returned home Tuesday from Salt Lake City, where she has been visiting the past two weeks with friends and relatives. During her stay In the cltf, she was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosell. ' Among those attending the Adams reunion held at ' Sandy Wednesday were: -Mrs. Emily Kelly, Mr, - and Mrs. William Elsmore, Miss Guelda Elsmore of this city, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kelly and cMldren, Bessie, Hannah a4 -'-Earlw- Mr andMrs. GeorgaAdanu wdMlssJEhrelynKelli of Provo.' " - - ' ' 1 :" """.;' '-..;; ; '"' The Seagull Girls of the TMrd ward under the direction of William Elsmore and Mise Guelda Elsmore hiketf to Deer Creek canyon Saturday morning, and cooked breakfast Hiking Hik-ing and games were enjoyed . until noon, at which! time a' delicious two course luncheon was served. Those participating were: Ruth Birk, June Holmstead, Bonna Aahby, Eda Eahby, Edith-Preaioar-Ellen.-Walker, VMan Lee, Sarah Shelley, Helen Devey and Emily Currie. ri these ?Vv--4 UJ.. - I? (.7 Furuished Apartmon't For Rent - Inquire Mrs.'J. E. Butkwalter, Ameri can Fork.1 Phone 124-J. 7-20-H NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF rLEASANT GROVE CANNING COMPANY, Notice is hereby given that pur suant to and under authority of a resolution -of rtheBoaT;of '-Wrcrtor$ ' of the Pleasant, Grove Canning Conw lnT,-tr-Utan-Twrpurattoirra---spertat-lw' meeting 01 mo siocunomers 01 sam Company will bo held at Thornton's HalWocated above the Thornton Drug Store ln "" Pleasant' Grove, 7 Utah CmntfrtaboiUlheLl5Lb.day.--of August, 1329. at 8 o'clock P. M. of that day, for the following purpose:. L To vote - for or , agaiust the recommendation made by tbe Board of Directors of 1 that ' Company to amend article number of Us articles of incorporation so that as and when amended the same shall read, as fol lows: --.- "' ; .'ARTICLE NUMBER 6 rrTlriuermoHrat''"'iJfthe'-'capital stock of .tbls corooratlon shall be $100,000.00 which shall be divided In to 100,000 shares of common stock of the face or par value of 1.00 per share.-'- "'-'. '- -' "1- -. - .''.-' 1 ( Z. To adopt resolutions and trans act any and all other business neces sary to effectuate the objects of the W. a CinpMAM, President C. ' Tu WRIGHT, Secretary. First Publication July 20, 1929. Last PubllcatioirrAugust-10rl92'J. e Miss Evelyn. Kelly of Provo, spent Wednesday and Thursday in American Ameri-can Fork with Mlsa. Ouelda. Elsmore and Mra Emily Kelly. : .r.r . Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Kelly and fam ily, Mrs. Emily Kelly an Mlsa Emily Currie motored to Brlgham City Sun' day, where they visited with. Mrs. Lloyd Vnrney. Miss Currie remained for an indefinite stay. , - Kay Beck and his friendLee LaV in, of Mountain, Nevada, . returned home the latter part of last week from Brycee canyon, where they en Joyed a ten day racatlon. ' Mr. and Mrs.- L. A. Adamson and family motored to the Timpanogos Cave Camp In American Tbrk canyon Tuesday, where plcnio dinner was enjoyed, after which! a motor trip was made over the scenic loop road. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Piersen and children, W. A. and Helen, of Hunt- Monday for relatives'. a two weeks visit with Miss Edith Fox resumed her work at the Peoples State Bank Thursday, after enjoying a ten days Taxation. She and her husband visited Zions and Bryces canyons and other southern south-ern Utah beauty spots, o Swimming, i. followed , by picnic j lunch were enjoyed by the following at Geneva resort Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gaisford, Jr.,J Mr.; and Mrs.;:L,':; B Adamson, Dr. and Mrs. G S. Rich ards and Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Jones. Mrs. John TL , Bromley of Van Nuys, California, ; left Sunday , for Bingham Canyon, After a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Niels " Nelson and family. Mrs. Bromley will remain In Bingham for the remainder of the summer months as -the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William T. Allmark. new uwiut rw niunT FLYERS Oakland," Calif. R. Clay " Jackson, of Oakland, California, demonstrating his new device to' guide nlghrflyers approachlng- an' airport' In the center of ...the airport Jackson plans - to - lay eight trenches like the spokes of a wheel, each faced with heavy plate glass capable of sustaining the weight of an airplane or other vehicles. The Individual' trenches are wired separ ately to a, rotary switch or commutator, commu-tator, driven by wind-van located on the landing; field. , As ths wind- vane revolves it a witches current jni light into the trench which lies Into the wind, .illuminating , it and. notify ing the night flyer of the wind's direction. rr i - i ' " ' ' j I . . ' : Y.. " ' ' SATURDAY, JULY 20,' 1929 ; Maytag Sales and Draper, Phone '43-W. Home For Sale. , One block south of Clilpman Mercantile.-. Inquire Jas. T. Gardner, American Fork. 4-27-tf AGENTS .WANTED . Thrm In m one v in selilni! maenzluea -,they f vr pwtllmeT: We have a .,.,.., . 1n,M- Vrt . " c.-" nvii.. . Box 1141, Salt Lake City, Utah , Used Car Bargains 1927 Chevrolet Ton Truck, Cab, Stake Body. . -, 1925 Chevrolet Touring. r 1924:hevrolet Sedan. . Ford Sedan. . ' , J927.xFord Coach.-. . . - 1924 Dodga. Sedan, ' 1924 Buick Sedan. 11 ' ' " 1924 Ford Coupe. ' . . 1923 Dodge Screen Truck-. 1925 Chevrolet Ton Truck. $150 ,150 1 Ford Ton Truck Stake Body.. -130 Ford Sedan . 925.00 Uartin Nielsen Auto Co. ' : ' American Fork, Utah NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ida Chlpman. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers, to Clifford B. Young at hla. office in the Peoples State Bank, American Am-erican Fork City, Utah County, State of Utah, on or before the 16th day of September, A.. D, 1929. . 1 ." - Dated at American Fork City, Utah County, Bute of Utah; this 16th day of July, A. D. 1929. . 1 CLIFFORD E. YOUNG, ELMER P. CinPMAN, 4 REED, ROBINSON, " " Executors of the estate of Ida E. Chlpman, deceased. ROBINSON & ROBINSON, Attorneys for Executors. . First Publication July 20, 1929. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate ceasod: . of Lynne S. Roblaon, de- ' Creditors will present' claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Ms office at Provo, Utah County, State' of Utah on or before September 9th, 1929. Dated at. Provo City, Utah, July 1, 1929. - BROCKBANK, Administrator of the Estate of Lynne S. Roblson, deceased. BOOTH & BROCKBANK. Attorneys for administrator. ; First Publication July 6, 1929. . -. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - -. In the District Court of Utah County, State of Utah. "In the (Mattter of - the Estate "of Melvin Smith, deceased. Notice To Creditors. Creditors will "present claims with vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of Martin M. Larson, Attorney atlaw, Provo. Utah, on or before the' 22nd dar of August, 1929, or be for- ever barred.- - ' RUSSELL SMITH, Administrator. MARTIN M. LARSON, ' Attorney for " Administrator. First publication June 22, 1929. - -Last publication July 20, 1929. ' Service. Terry 4-20-tt NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S - . v ALE OF REAL PROPERTY T In th -TFourth. . Judicial' District " Court of tho SUteofUtah, in -Jand for Utah County. - - J. F. Noyes, Plaintiff, vs. Charles G. Johnson, Edith R.' Johnson and LeRoy B. Jex, Defendants. To bo sold at Sheriff's Sale on Monday the 22nd day of July, 1929, at 11:00. o'clock a. m. of said day at the front door of the County Court House, at the - City and County Building, situate la Provo City, Utah County, SUte of Utah, all the right title and Interest of. the above named defendants, of. In and to the following follow-ing described real property, In Utah County, State of Utah, to-wlt: The South East Quarter of 8ectlon 35, Township J Bouthi Hange "I East :r of SairLakeMerIdIanr-"Ajreal50 Purchase price payable In lawful -money of the United States. Dated at Provo City, Utah, this 26th day of June, 1929. ' J. D. BOYD. Sheriff of Utah County, , State of Utah.' By ELLAS A GEE, Deputy Sheriff. Robinson ft Robinson, attorneys for plaintiff. Farmers and Merchants Bank-BnOding, Provo City, Utah, First Publication Jans 19. Last Publication July 29, 1929. 1 ( |