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Show i . ' V--l. $ - 'A Tt ... QVTTTPnAV TTTT von 1090 AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN - SATURD AY, JULY r. Pleasant G rove Locals V , Ming Viola West was visitor Sunday. . MIhs Helen Swenson Lake visitor Sunday. a Salt 'Lake was a Bait Miss Arlone Culmer spent . the week-end with relatives in 8alt Lake. Mrs. , Elizabeth Powell has been visiting the past two weeks with relatives rela-tives in Salt Lake. ' Miss Ruth Coleman of 'ilebcr visited several days . this week with Miss June Van Wagoner,, . . Nona Nerdln and Morma Olsen of Bingham Canyon, were guests of relatives rel-atives and friends her the first of the week. Mrs. W. E. Clark and Mrs, Loul B. Ingersoll of . Salt Lake, were Pleasant Grove visitors ? Saturday, . July .15. i-r ,w-i?.rrw.'f.- 15 cherry pickers vranter. H. li. Nelson, Pleasant Grove. Six and one-half one-half blocks east of Bank of Pleasant Grove. 7-20-lt President W. W. Warnlck and fam ly, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meecbam spent Wednesday la Salt Lake with Eme Mary Warnlck. ; . ,'" ' Isaac Csnham is ill at his home In Lin'don. ' J. I Theobald . made a . business trip to Salt Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. , Lawrence ; Walker atid family spent Friday afternoon at Geneva. . '. ... ' Ezra 'F. Walker - spent-afternoon spent-afternoon .with . Mr. and .Mrs. Warnlck. . Sunday -id P. Mrs. Fred Shoell and Thelma, made . a , business Salt Lake Wednesday. daughter, trip to Mr. and Mrs; James H. Walker are enjoying a fishing trip"to"Fish Lake.- .Miss Vola Johnson visited Wednesday Wednes-day witness Grace Walker of Oram. Mr. and Mrs. John . Saxey and daughter, Grace, were Llndon Tlltors 8undny. .'.rL-J-v--- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parduhn returned re-turned Monday from a week's fishing trip tp Fish Lake r Bishop and Mrs. S. IL Cluff ( of Provo, visited Thursday with Melba Clark Cluff at Llndon. - ' - ers Russel Keetch attended the Farm- Encampment at Logan iasi Miss Ellle Warnlck wu the guest of Miss Irene Falfreyman of Spring-vllle, Spring-vllle, Wednesday evening. , A group of young people chaperoned chaper-oned by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pack enjoyed att ouUng at Saratoga Tuesday Tues-day evening. j" ' ' Mr.- and Mrs. r Lyman Anderson spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Anderson's parents', Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson. The Manila ward enjoyed a successful outing at . Mutual James D. Thome made a business trip to Springvllle Monday in interest of the Pleasant Grove Canning Co. " Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hair spent Sunday Sun-day and Monday at Vivian Park attending at-tending the Van Wagenen family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ft Fage and family and Mr- and Mrs, Edwin Lar-sen' Lar-sen' of Sllverton, Colorado, enjoyed Sun'dayaLeCave Camp, American Fork; canyon, , r r,::--.t.v-,-:, w-- at I. --- o.i iaV rufv -wttti -. Innrh. MOUUO DAIV ilAAO v..., " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright and family attended a birthday dinner Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Wright's father, John Stratton, who was eele- very. bratlng hi 65Ul birthday. - DelL r V - ,. . V, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Olpin are rejoicing re-joicing over the arrival of a winsome win-some baby girl born Saturday. Mother Moth-er and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. A. P, Warnlck, Mr. nd Mrs. Lyean Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Arza Adams left Monday by auto for a trip through Yellowstone Park. . . Miss Bernlce Allred, who has been away from her work at the Hedqulst Drug for the past two weeks , with mumps, went back to work Saturday . evening. - " - Mrs. John H. West is' in Salt Lake to be with her daughter, Josephine, who is convalescing at the home of : Salt Lake ; relatives, from - a very 'serious operation. Mrs. Howard N. Thorne returned Saturday from) a two weeks trip to California. She: accompanied her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Galsford, Er., of LehL Mrs! Thorne report a very excellent trip.- Roads through Nevada and Arizona are in very bad condition, but Utah---and California roads are excellent Mr. and Mrs. Asael Boulter of Fifty per cent of the ward members were in attendance. -:. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meecbam and Miss Effle Mary Warnlck spent Sun day with President and Mrs. W. W. 0. Hardman, who has been Ul for WarnlckrMIss" Warnlck Mr:' and Mts. Joseph D. Fage fmiiTTih&minedatan outing n.n.u in honor ol Airs, rase . birthday July 20th. Those present ecn in honor of Miss Helen Swenson, were- Mr and Mrs. Errol Hallidayja bride. of the near future and Mrs Milton Mr. and Mrs. Reed Pet-1 George E. JHtdd, formerly Miss Jhn- erson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo mallne Lund, who recently returned Bateman-and family of -Alpine, and -from New York, The color scheme, ti- 4 n, fm A delicious yellow and white, was carried, out in Lcnlc luncheon was served. .Bathing the centerpiece of shasta daisies and and chlldrens games were also en- mangoioa, u ux ui yyj I dies held in crystal holders. left Salt several months with ' lnflamatoryt Lake Thursday evening lor the Weet- rheumatism,' is slowly Improving. Mrs.Hardman recently iiad the: tnls-fortune tnls-fortune to injure her back In a fall Mr.-and-Mrs.- KcBallisltedFrl-day KcBallisltedFrl-day and Saturday with Mr. Ball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ball. On Sunday they all went to Salt Lake to visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Ball and family. era States Mission. : Mrs. Effle Eldredge and children, Leah, Wllma, Marvel. Victor and Wayne of Grangerand Mr- and Mrs. Oria K. Balrd of Provo were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Warnlck Sunday. The Pleasant Grove Business men r t n - -r r ! - t. . i i. . lth the regular team Wednesday. Peterson of Brlgham City, Tislted, Wh, .v-i-v . , . m , - . , v w , .f-Wnen sed about the final score tho Tnesday and Wednesday with Mr. and loa,. , . - , . . r tm i r . . r r . . I P'VW" seemed to have forgotten to Mrs. Blaine Warnlck. Mrs. Warnlck , . ... wum mo (una vi uie game, no one knew . who the winners were. accompanied them to Brlgham for a short visit Mrs. Preston' is Mrs. Warnlck's mother, i . : Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Grua and family left early in the week by auto for a trip to Yellowstone Park. . Pleasant Grove looks "for them back any day Word has been received " by Mr. and Mrs., J. JL, HslUday j iJfcaV their tryout tor a part in the opera "Pirates J M dof ?r U noted toT hl "fly,n" aaHW ew . SV V J . sw National Band and Orchestra Camp schoo at Interlochen, Mich., during their summer school course there. The Misses Arlene Culmer, Flora IFowlke and Verona Smith accomp anied Miss Norma. Olson and Noma Nerdln to' their home in Bingham Wednesday night after Miss Olson! and Miss Nerdln had visited here. All! i vs ia Id VUJVJQU Bi SAMIUUI UMII Bingham, accompanied by Mrs. Inez j Wridnesday v evening and returned Olpln and daughters. May and Donna, J home Thursday morning. are enjoying an auio tnp urougn met .i-.-... - Tirvii- ..., v-. .111? Mr. and Mrs. I M. Atwood and daughter, Marvel, Miss Nell Swenson and Miss Effle Warnlck went to Salt Lake Thursday evening to bid farewell fare-well to Miss Effle Mary Warnlck who left Thursday evening for the Western West-ern States Mission. states. Miss Christie Johnson a nurse at. r.wu m., ,ru j,. aa Edwin Larseu of visit with Roy Olpln. who 1s doing , s,lverton colorstdo, spent Saturday missionary wora in ,ne norxawesra d gurida m Jo8eph D. Fage and family. Mrs. Larsen Is ' a sister of Jack Conway, husband of , i tm rizn. rna iran umiiT a. r the Lv D. S. Hospital, to spending pend,Df . month's raoatlon tisltlng three weeks, vacation with her par-frJen(U UUh CoIorado ... enu.. Mr.. andMrv Irving-Johnson--j.yj., the famoul- ijuh icenery. .OnWednesUay Miss "Erma Ingersoll - , - , , and Mis. Helen McKenMe. Msoclate, For Pirst fjrop Hay. nurses of Miss Johnson, Joined , her n , . for a short visit They were return: Reed Waniick, Phone 31-J1. Ing from Strawberry valley where . MV. nd Mrs. John Van Waxoner The Pleasant Grove ball team defeated de-feated a picked team of players of American Fork in a "walk away" . game Thursday evening at American j Fork. The corespondent asked the 1 final score, and one of the players said "0 when we had more doubled themi we quit countytg.' than they had been visiting with Mr. Mrs. Ross Ingersoll. ; and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van (Wagoner and family, and Mr. and j - tMrs. Dean Van Wagoner and family Among those who attended the attended the Van Wagoner family re-funeral re-funeral of Miss Emma West at Heb- vnion at vivlan. Park. Saturday and er Bttndayww;"Mrranjl'Mr . Joseph West and daughter. Opal,' ., , .; . Gladys Christiansen, Adena Meredith, Harold Nelson, Mrs. Maud Richard Stella Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gamett, S. L.! Swenson of Pleasant Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Junius A. West Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Halliday of American : month and Mrs. Emellne L. Judd, Fork, and Mrs. Elva Bezzant of Mag-' who recently returned from New na. York. " On Tuesday Mrs. S. A. Kirk, Mrs. Ike Hayes, Mrs. Rose B. Hayes and the Misses Helen and Beth Swensod attended a luncheon given by Mrs. Amy B. Lyman at her home in Salt Lake City In honor of -her nieces, Miss Helen Swenson a bride of the .; Mr. and Mrs. Bryan West of Indiana, Indi-ana, are visiting relatives In various Utah cities. Mr. West holds a very good position with the Manville Roofing Roof-ing .company one of the strongest companies in the roofing line, in America. Mr. And Mrs? Benjamin Walker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walker and family were In Salt Lake Thursday to bid good bye to Miss Virginia Walker,' who left that evening even-ing for a mission to the Central States. . ; . - - C. I Warnlck, Merrill Warnlck, Warnlck Swenson, Miss Ruth Eld-ridge Eld-ridge and Miss Angelyn Warnlck spent Wednesday In Logan, attending the Farmers and Housewives Encamp ment. i Aierrui warnlck was repre--f aenting the Utah County Holstein Breeders Association. He participated partici-pated in a milking contest and won second place. C L. Warnlck attended attend-ed in the interests of the Utah Coun- ' ty Fair regarding the premium list. Mr." and Mrs. Robert Wright- nJ family attend. the Stratton family reunion at Geneva Sunday. -Mrrand Mr -B Ellsworth -.and family of Salt Lake City, attended the Hales reunion at Geneva Friday. The Deacon's Quorum of the Wind-war Wind-war hfild a social Thursday evening at the home of Bishop nd Mra. A H.Lowt-" Mrs. Ulllan MarshaU and flaught-v. flaught-v. nf Vernal, are visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Marshall's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hum phrles. ' . . Mrs. Clara Kirk spent the weekend week-end with her son, Theron, and family at Provo. ; ; . e; The Pleasant Grove 8econd ward returned Wednesday afternoon from a very enjoyable trip to Mutual DelL - Mrs, - Leonard Christensen and three children of Richfield, are visiting visit-ing with Mrs. Chrlstensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gray. - Mrs. Niels Poulson will entertain a few former neighbors Saturday even ing in honor olTMiss Helen gwensen, a bride of this month. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glllman and Mr. and Mrs. Thntn. ' Panguitch. and Mrs. it... T'7 of Salt Lake. u C: B. Walker n7; r. Mrs. E. er and fa Joeiah Mr. nd Hi.. jog.h . and Mrs. Mart u t thews and Thomas AdtaJ ed" Wednesday evening irZ YeUowstone Park. m it. Miss Mary anTliarisret' ,M Urtalned members of the vZ social unit at their home tolr1 Tille Thursday, Jmy ls , J Mis, Helen Swensen, who., Z wni take pIacTin a few guests spent the afternoon ZJ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jackson, of Bait wH served on smim-v. UftOi TW1H7U I .-. m 1 a' ri? were small - George Miller at Bear River City. flowers formed the cenUrpl(1':1! the favor wora ..it . .T" y Hr. an Mrs. Avery Houston vWt Mr,; jarT b. Hales and family at- sages. ed Sunday with Mr. ana wr. u. tenaed tne naies reuiuuu HoMton. Avery returned Monday Miast Friday. About 100 gucss from his wife will Tisit indefinitely here aU pts of the state were present at the Houston, home. bridal and Mrs-Richard Lyman entertained small group of friends, Tuesday, July 16, at Mrs. Lyman's home on Third can a iTLI ..'.m " if You Dont UKcaMan'. Mustach) Tbn Oon't U.t It For a Toothbrush. From 1 0 to 20:Percent;Reduction rf- From July 20 m n Save money! These Inspected used cars are priced so low that you can pay many months' opera tin. expenses with the minis. Beautiful, Beauti-ful, staunch late model Bulcks whose fine appearance and excellent condition make them superior "buys' to low priced new cars. Other splendid makes and models priced so low that they offer unequaled value in their class. Grasp this money-savin, opportunity! Come to our store at the 'earliest possible moment. STUDEBAKER 1926 Sedan Was --. - $750.00 Sale Price : $675.00 BUICK 1927 2 Door MASTER SEDAN Was . 1 $950.00 Sale Price SftPff.OO OAKLAND 1924 COUPE Was $335.00 Sale Price ...... , $268.00 w II- nttDo crtinriai lik iNew l' nab via-a jhuju . MANY OTHER GOOD BARGAINS IN ALL WAKES AND CLASSES OP CARS. Buy Oti Our Easy Payment Plan L.r.--rr- TELLURIDE MOTOR COMPANY - TELEPHONE 279 PROVO, UTAH GOOD USED CARS V WtI'l MBS T Hill) C A l N zf- The-i JudP M .11 - T 1 r VmiZXl '. -Jttr(wE JURVARF ML )i rsnJ " The Jury Is Coo-Coo ; BvMB. |