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Show " VTUTOav t1:;. AMERICAN PORK CITIZEN SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1929 s$5ttss$ss&$iw i ""i r : Greater Egg Returns $10 and Better Net . ,: :: ; ":v fp-- Per Case ; - i- ' - First returns on eggs shipped under the new plan was even better than we expected. Some of our producers received $10.00 and , better net per case. , . Are You Getting This Much Money! !. :. Investigate I -- --- 1 New; York Prices Ship Your Eggs Direct." & VllililfSV.$fi! t - ' - ' i 5 ' T ' Amorican ForIi Lcssls Mrs. E. P. Evans spent Wednesday In the capitol city Tlaitlnf relatives. Mrs. Sarah Dixon visited the week-: week-: end In Salt Lake city with friends. Get Best- Egg Prices .Ship.ThroughPulleys, ads. MIssMelba Adamsonand."l. Miss llarr Abel . were visitors In Delta ' Sumlay. " - " Mrs' Sidney Tomllnson and family of ' Bingham Canyon, visited this . week with Mrs. Tomlinson's mother, Mrs. E. W. Winn. !"' LeRoy Earl, Val Galsford, Malln Wagstaff and George Storrs spent the week-end in. Strawberry valley visiting friends. V Mr. and Mrs. V. C. McBrlde and family of Park City, "were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Jennie Cunningham. . .,, Wa j:dJ(th .Thornton was- a -buslr ness visitor In Salt Lake City Wednesday. Wed-nesday. ". . . ..' , Persons "desiring Excelsls Products Pro-ducts may call American Fork 160-W. Prompt service! , ' adv. Mrs. Lenard Haag visited last Friday Fri-day in Salt Lake City with her daughter, Mrs. Chris Chrlstensen. . , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jensen of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. B, W.. Parker of Bingham Canyon, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ttfcomb Sunday. ' . Miss Genie ve Harming and. Lock-wood Lock-wood Shepherd of Salt Lake City, were guests of Miss Ethel Pratt, Saturday. - , ' John Howes and sons, Ray and Earl, of Standardsrtlle, visited relatives rela-tives in American Fork the forepart of the week, enroute to Alberta, Canada, Can-ada, to visit indefinitely with relatives. rela-tives. "'"'r "' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. Stlce of Tooele, have beea visiting with - Mr. and Mrs. R. J. SUce and family, the - past two weeks, ;'yy ' Mrs. George Watts and family of Salt Lake City, were week-end visitors visi-tors at the home of Mrs. Watts' mother, Mrs. EL N. Wagstaff. Leo Nelson, who .:J, attending school at the U A. C; in Logan, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. , and Mrs. . Niels Nelson. '' ...)', : Mrs, I & Hurd and baby daughter, daught-er, Carrol Lee, of Salt Lake , City. spent the week in American Fork vtoiUng relatives. Mrs. Hurd was formerly Miss Beatrice Galsford. . Mrs. L. B. Adamson entertained . Monday afternoon in honor of the birthday pf, her... daughter, JKUdred. ,. Twenty . lltflt guests enjoyed games, after which a Malnty luncheon was --served."-" -itr:.r"Tri Mr. and Mrs, Steve Zimmerman "and family of Eureka, spent several days this week visiting at the home of Mrs. Margaret Robinson. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman in company with Mr. and Mrs. Reed Robinson " motored to Midway, where a swlmm-I swlmm-I tag party was enjoyed at the Hot - Pots, and Tuesday, the tame group spent Tuesday la" Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs,- - Zimmerman - returned to their home Thursday. - Mrs. Helen Helselt and Mrs. Zlna C. Brockbank attended a bridge luncheon in Salt Lake City last Fri day given at the A. S.' Helner home by the Delta Epstlon Sorority. They were the guests of Mrs. I. R. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. H. ML Speer and daughters, Ruth,' Geneva and Wanda, and son," Wayne, of Pulaski, Iowa, left Friday to tour Seattle, Washing ton and. the northwest, after visiting the" previous two weeks with Mr, S peer's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stlce. Mrs. Jennie Cunningham, American' Ameri-can' Fork City treasurer, will be at the City Hall on the afternoon of July 22nd, 23rd, 2nth ' and 27th from 2:00 until 5:00 o'clock to receive re-ceive the ,Clty water rate dues. Everyone is urged to kindly take notice. ' ' adv. Second Half Schedule Is Adopted; Details Arranged 8UDAT, JU1I 14 Provo at Heber. WEDNESDAY, JTXI 17 Heber at American Fork. "Eureka at Provo. " "" SC3DAY, JUL! n . ... ... . Helper at Eureka. WEDNESDAY, JClT fi ; Provo at American Fork (morning) ., American. .Fork, at Provo aCter4 soon). '-.' : ' . ' Eureka at Helper. . SU5DAT, JU1I 18 ; Provo at Eureka, American Fork at Helper. i WEDNESDAY, JULY tl Eureka at 'American Fork (double .header).' " '."', Helper-at-Provo,"- SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 American Fork at 'Eureka (double header). -. , ' Provo at Helper. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7-Helper 7-Helper at American Fork. . Eureka at Provo. ' SUNDAY, AUGUST H . Provo at Eureka. , , American Fork at Helper.' WEDSESDAYr-AUGUST 14 ' American Fpfk-Jit Provo. " T " SUXDAYprUGUTST 18 Helper at Eureka. ' -WEDNESDAY AUGUST Jl: Provo at American Fork. -SUNDAY, AUGUST 85 Eureka at Helper. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 ' Heber at Provo. Flfty.FMy Division .of Gates De Mr, and Mrs. Bernard- Chrlstensen and family spent Wednesday at Camp Tlmpanogoi ln'Provo canyon visiting Paul Chrlstensen and other Boy Scouts from Alpine stake, who were enjoying a " week's camping trip there. .- Miss Kathryn Chrlstensen entertained enter-tained a number of her girl frienVls at - a -swimming -party - Monday, the occasion being her birthday. Luncheon Lunch-eon was served following the plunge tp the following; 'guests; Irene Blnns, Edith Clark, Sarah Kicholes, Edith Walker, Mary Walton and Naomi Halllday. t In the Relief Society department at the regular onion meeting held Sunday, July 14, Mrs. Elsie Chamber lain Carol! of Provo, read her play "Success" and" Mrs. Nellie 8. Thornton Thorn-ton read a-number of poems written by Mrs. Carroll The program was ef the highest Quality and very much appreciated by all present. , .elded Upon for Helper Games. SPANISH FORK Helper will be the fourth club in the Central Utah baseball league for the second half of the 1929 season, it was decided at Friday night's league meeting. Helper was voted in to r replace Heber, with the following stipulations stipula-tions made: payment of S50 cash to the - league treasury, ' with' Helper "to bear one-fourth of the expense of the league : for, the second .- half.' Any money remaining from the $50 ia to be returned to Helper at (he end of the season. It was also decided that each team shall divide the gate receipts with Helper, the only expense to be taken from the gate being the wage and expenses ex-penses of the umpire. Starting Times Starting time of games was de cided upon as follows: Helper games at 2:30 p. m., Eureka at 2:30 American Amer-ican Fork at 3; Proyo at 4. The game played in American Fork between the Cavemen atfd Tintic Wednesday was thrown out of the league standing, so that the opener will take place Sunday, on the occasion oc-casion of Provo's invasion of Helper. Extra Wear-Extra Style in-,: , , ' Hart Schaffner & Um SUUR SUITS i July Clearance Sale 25 Off Other Dependable Makes -r'i.L 1!. tironli if lf'fl j.tyle you seek; if it V superior -ff'jtfyji - woolens aM skilled taUoringnai - fc- t n i price reaucuou weu, men, uwc o f f half yearly policy, we've taken all , ; summer suits in our entire stock and priced them so low. that mediate clearance is certain. "means hundreds of suits joafked " soKelfestingly In your favor that some men will buy a second or "third suit to round out tiieir wardrobes. mm VMY4 i u 1 11 t i . fl ire stock T p that im- t ain. That Chipman Merc. Go. The Store of Quality MAIN STREET American r; Baffif ains IN USED BATTERY RADIOS Ideal for the summer home and homes without electricity. Prices Range from $35.00 to $60.00 All Complete! These radJosjuah -Battery Seta, WitluIIeafy AlI1Src "five and six tube sets. You can't afford to be without one for this price. " Beluiett-Werner Radio Co. '"The Radio Service Station" Phone 108-W . American Fork, Utah Cavemen Beat Helper CENTRAL UTAH LEAGUE Team Standing i Won Lost Pet Provo 2 0 1.000 American Fork 1 0 1.000 TiuUc 0 1 .000 Helper 0 2 .000 Timely hitting behind the steady pitching of Addle (Miller, enabled the American Fork Cavemen, first-half champions ' ' of the Central Utah lea gue,to defeat "lfelpef "Wednesday at the local lot by a score of 8 to 4. lt-was the first invasion of tJtaU county by the newcomers Into the league, and the Carbon county entry made a good impression of the fans In spite of their defeat. The othet three teams will get worthy com- pet!tion'from the coal diggers in future encounters.- Although Addle Miller yielded up nine hits during the Tray, he kept them well scattered allowing no more than a pair in any oue Innings. The old veteran had a way of tighten-Ig tighten-Ig up with men on bases that proved discouraging to the visitor. Brahser, Helper pitcher, dished up flr.ma -very good flinging also, -mil with better support behind luui.!. the. "rfci'uir Wight have lieea far different. The Holding sensation or the game Was - staged by Krisiuan. Helper second Imseman. when 1 speared liarnes' screeching liner with one J land, doubling Bcnuett at second for Ian unassisted double play. The visitors scored two in tho second and one tinhe eighth and : ninth, Krisman started the Berond with a clean single over second and J scored on Mlsor's homer past Dames. It was a tremendous drive that carried into the adjoining alfalfa field. I The Forkers, kept away from the plate In the first two innings tallied four times in the third on two hits, a triple by Homer, two walks and an error. Bennett and Barnes scored on Homer's triple when .Basonl lost the ball in the sun in the left field. Homer came home Pti Miller's sacrifice fly to right Christiansen singled to left and scored on Minor's bobble after he had pilfered second. ' The winners scored again in the fourth. Nelson, Cavemen backstop, doubled and Barnes scored him with a single to left There., was .. bo -further vgcoring activity until the seventh, when the Cavemen added three more for good measure. The visitors tallied in the eighth and again in the ninth. 0' r Regular lions Club . Business Meeting and Luncheon Next Thurs. The regular semi-monthly business meeting and luncheon of the Lions Club win he held next Thursday evening, even-ing, July 25, In the New Gymnasium. A splendid outside speaker has been arranged for as well as the following entertainment: vocal solos, Mrs. Mae Halllday and readings, Mrs. Alvera Devey. Some very important business is to be discussed, and it is very urgent that all members be present ' The committee In charge consists of Walter A. Devey, David Davis and J.' Jl Flrmage. The week following on Wednesday, July 31, the Lions will enjoy an outing at Geneva An invitation has been extended to the Pleasant Grove "Chamber of Commerce and the Lehi Ljons ena partners to attend as guests of the local club. Everyone in American Fork is also Invited to at-tend at-tend the outing and participate in the swimming and dancing activities. o ' Rifle Club Regular Shoot "The American Fork Rifle Club in resuming regular weekly shoots next Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m Secretary Elmer Chipman announce that each Wednesday at 4 p. m. the clubwilL hold shooting praetkes, Third Ward "Glad Romp" Much Enjoyed: Largely; Attended The annual Third ward outing en joyed this year In the form of a Glad Romp",and held at Geneva re sort Wednesday, July 17, was largely attentled, approximately 300 ward members ' being present The complete com-plete day's activities were fun from start to finish. , - A splendid program waa enjoyed. ward talent furnishing the numbers. T. W. Cropper was awarded the prise for being the oldest sup present, and Mrs. E. B. Hawkins for being the oldest woman. The Parker family were winners of a handsome prlso for having the largest family at the outing. Thirty six members were in attendance. In the baby show, the child of Mr, ana Mrs. Frank Shelley was pronounced pro-nounced the tiniest and the babies of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mitchell tied for being be-ing the heaviest : The Gospel Doctrine class of the Sunday school organlxatlon was awarded, first place - for - having -the largest percent of their members present L A ball game, horse shoe pitching, swimming and other sports were en- Joyed during the day. Picnic lunch was a family affair, free drinks, how ever, being furnished to everyone by the Community AcUvlty committee of the ward. . Mrs. Martha Loveridge Dies At Home In Highland A. Greenland of Eiffc Rachel 8. Price el Mcxk: ' Funeral services tins day: afternoon, July 2L it ' the American Fork ' fxc chapel. e County Assessed Totals $56,381,345! Official Report SubmitW 1 Board of Equalliatioi; I Forms Greatest CUa t The toUl assessei a' Utah county u submit to the sUte board si c Saturday-by CottBty.itf TutUe 'to $BMtMl sent a gain of year's assessment total The property sue ty assessor amounts f which Is a decresM si t compared wlth'Urt Thl loss to found prnc shutting down of ttoff In Payson and Mid, .Property assesseo w board of equalltstlon W $22,657A3 sMwtai w gain over last yr1 840,138. " ' The principal ls the sUte board ars ( 031,829, mining VIJ and power compsnl Real estate .W single class of PPJ ; the county assessor $14.952,84v; the otti provemenU $10410' J $1,644,208, and penV live stock 7,086,w Mrs. Martha Ioverldge, 70, wife of William Loveridge, died.;'., at .ithe family home la Highland Wednesday, July 17, following a short Illness. Mrs. Loveridge was born October 17, 18SS, la. StaXUlure, England- She movea to Highland in, May, 1886, where she has since resided. She was a devoted church worker, being a member of the Highland Relief Society Presidency at the Ume of her death. She has also taught in tho Sunday School organlxatlon. Surviving her are her husband and the following children: .Edward Loveridge of McG 111, Nevada? Georg Notice To&J- Alt ex-soldier. deslr"' C. Loveridge, William T, Loveridge M -Y. I . W w. a ... . . H . vi. uvuii wrs. uiaays Meisen oi uei-many jjjm tar Mrs. Alma HTBuhler, Mrs.' Cressie friends Id bo 00 rmli? rlfle will iay Cohder-Hamptf Arnold Condor of tW ,, cd ,B marring the county court d Byron 'Darfrup. fprmed the we7I, ' m PORK I"' |