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Show 1 p: ! SATURDAY, JULY 20,1929 AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN Office Alpina Publishing Company Building Phone 85 A PROGRESSIVE. INDEI'EiJDENT PUBLICATION Entered in the Post Offlc i Americas Fork, Utah, as gcand-lasfl ' . matter. . - , Snbacription rates. $2.50 per "year in advance. ' Advertisement rates: Display, 30 ccnta a lumn inch, " Legal notices and readers, legal rate of 10 cents per e ht-point line per insertion. in-sertion. Want ads. Rate 2 cents per word eaej insertion. Payment must accompany advertisement. ' ' ! ' A AfF.RTOAN FORK CITIZEN k. F. OAISFORD, JIL JEDITOR " MEMBER NAHONAlEDnO ASSOCIATION 1929 12 Court Of Honor Meeting Next Thursday. Night A court of honor meeting will be held next Thursday evening, July , 23, In the City Hall, commencing at 8 o'clock. The meeting, which was to have been held this week, was pos- poned to July 25 due to the Illness of James It Clarke, president of the Court- of - Honor, - and the Alpine Stake's boy scoats outing at Camp Tlmpanogos, which was conducted all this week.;-' '..' " : : Scouts to . receive any honors, either merit badges or rank advancements, advance-ments, are urged to be present Li - v. 0 - " ... . Li 1 J f) o ) ' . 5 K- 1 ; --- - -.2 thanked? H one man gate another ft affairs which surround . j-.i .r, i receiver didn't even , business " i S.1 f r Z9mtt0l Tnntftrtarttm " . t Tlx V ' o pa -1 : 1 15 I! it now! Rent a safe deposit box in our strong, burglar-proof r"fire-proof, loss-proof loss-proof vault. It's a safe, secure place for important documents, securities, . ' jewels, perishable heirlooms and keep- sakes. A nominal fee brings you free- dom from worry. Boxes of all sizes are" here. n Bank of American Fork Li the price range The Chevrolet Six Is scoring a sensational nationwide success because it provides everything you want In a fine, sturdy automobile auto-mobile yef it actually sells in the price -raneoj the four. rr .o.b.actrf riint. tilth. you can now buy in the CHE VROLE T SIX Six-Cylinder Smoothness : The inherent balance of six-cylinder, valve-in-head design assures the smooth, velvety flow of power that distinguishes the fine . automobile. Six-Cylinder Acceleration ' - "A non-detonating, high-compression cylinder cyl-inder head and automatic acceleration pump give the new Chevrolet Sii remark- . able qualities of acceleration. Better than 20 Miles to the Gallon . Chevrolet engineers spent years of research and development to perfect a six-cylinder . motor that delivers . better than twenty mites to the gallon. Beautiful Fisher Bodies Rare beauty, smartness and comfort are provided in the ttodies by Fisher. Hardwood and steel construction gives them unusual strength and safety. Amazing Low Prices -Easy Terms t . Koathler . , J . Fhacton . . . Th Coach-.... Tht c:tp , . . . Tht aJan .... TA Sport CabriuUf '. '..525 ...... .'525 '595 .$595 :r.r....695- 77l Cnnvrrt- I Ilia Luilu I iO Th Stn tcne l)iivy.........M. OVJ 400 545 Tht LIChf Delivery (.haal Thel'iTon- i i Tha I ' Ton ChMi. W lib Cab ODU AU prUu f. a. b. factory FLut, Mkhgtaa Martin Nielsen Aiito Co. TELEPHONE 93 A1IEEIOAIIFOEK QUALITY AT SoCOOT 33 Tears Snccessfnl Banking uniur and the recelrer grunt to show appreciation, you'd ( call blm an ungrateful cuss and a poor specimen of humanity; yet, man. a sale at a profit equivalent to much more, is accepted with the air of "Well, it's coming to me." -That Is mtebty poor business, or ewe in excusable ignorance. .. The cheery "Thank you", tan again", or some other, such card on the inside of the door, or over the cash register, shows the right spirit and helps, but isn't enough: The American public are fickle buyers, and for that reason "business goes where It Is Invited, and stays ana comes back to the place where It is well treated and served best."- There Is many a business house, many community, falling to make an ex pression of. appreciation for patron-are patron-are extended, that is thereby driving customers to its competitors, tor it leal always what Is done, bat what la left undone that counts. l.j Thanks You's" never drove busi ness from any store or community, hnr lack of them have cost , many thousands upon thousands of dollars Copyright, 1929, A. D. Stone, Re production prohibited In whole or In' part This Town Doctor Article is puo- llahed by this paper in cooperation with the local lions Club. i o Penney Says Advertising Key To Business Success Noted Chain Store Operator Makes Statement at International Interview. business attainmcnta u-the u-the same attitude whlc v"' at the start : , . 18 It is sot uncommn, drop in to any cne 0, J Chain of J. C. Penney step behind a counter nuJ ingasaclerk. -t . , . ,Urt: He saya that this Vl... touch with the value ables him to v. t eye. of the customer an4 viewpoint general n buslneai Sunday School : Union, Meeting Koi Regular-monhl7lnni(.. union meeungof jyjlna. be. held Monday evening, j,: commencing at 7:30. la th. 1 of the Alpine stake TabeV ,A11 Sunday School officer, , teachers are urged to b j, ance. The lure of the city, with its ap parent . opportuniues, conveniences and entertainment has always proven to be "a serious problem" to the farmer farm-er and stock men, about as far back as time goes. But It looks as though the modern school system has gone a long way towards solving that prob lem. It is getting to be an " easier matter to keep the young. folks on the farm r r", barms th fun been made more attractive, both in a financial way and in more pleasant surroundings. Credit for the changing condition of affairs must be given, In large measure, to our agricultural colleges and the vocational agricultural departments de-partments which v now constitute an important part of every high school in agricultural or semi-agricultural districts. i Competent Instructors, aided by far sighted farmersand stockmen, are now teaching the young folks ways and means of making mak-ing farming and stockralslng Interesting Inter-esting and profitable. The students have the benefit of the very best "booklearnln". and the opportunity of studying- the best flocks and herds' ot pure bred live stock as well. Many of the students are encouraged to raise a few animals ani-mals of their own, being financed either directly by their parents or through their local bankers. The Start Of some very profitable herds traction n living on the farm. both interesting and proltable. Live stock judging contests are held reciilarJy. The element of rivalry between each other and between be-tween different schools Is encouraged and the school live stock judging team which wins honors at the-sec tional, state and national contests shares publicity honors with the boys who make the football team, the base- other school activities, In these contests, as at all other times, the boys tire constantly thrown into contact with highly bred stock in a practical way, so that when they become live stock breeders themselves, them-selves, the best bred stock is raised by them, as a matter of course. The vocational departments of the schools, also give practical training In other activities that come in very handy on the farm. They are taught to repair their' own automobilrj pumps, radios and farm machinery. They know how to weld a broken axle. They learn the elements of carpenter work so that little odd Jobs around the farm can be done by themselves, without the necessity of hirlnr expensive labor. WJth' this practical training ami the higher education in' the regular school course, we are rearing a crop of better farmers for this country. Now that running water, electric power and - the thousand and one other conveniences, there Is real at- The Quoting an interview, with J. C. C. Penney, given while na was on a recent trip around the" world, the Bangkok Daily Mall of Bangkok, Slam, saysThat advertising Ia the biggest aid to business today and that young men starting In business should strive, for a career by beginn ing at the bottom and working op, were the keynote comments made by J. C. Penney, chairman of the board of the J. C. Penney Co., operating over 1200 retail stores In a statement state-ment made to this paper. "Without advertising, no business can hope to succeed in the face of present day competition and up-to-datemelhoas," Mr. Penney declared In the Interview. :zzlzL Clawson & Hsci LAWYERS I - GENERAL PRACTICE SPECIALIZING j WILLS and PR0BATI tRay Elemore at America, m : office every fourth Ay, Fi . .. , saiuius nr-wares orbits t manufacture and handUr-; that business cannet V ceed,"'- v ,n speaking of young tnt lrlng business, Mr. PenDf. j yno many yonn mea, 'aa;er J has been made by many students as ; farm boy of today isn't the "hayseed" a direct result ot iounaauon animals purchased while high schoot students. Practical breeds . of dairy and beef of earlier: generations. He Is well educated-polished and is being talned In work which is profitable. cattle, swine and sheep are purchased "for farming and slock raising from and the youngsters are encouraged In their, work to such an extent that many students have a good raying proposition during theJr'school years. Their practical work Is a part of the school couise. Needless to say, the young fellow who gets the right kind of a start so that he Is making good money while still in school will make the best kind of a farmer, be cause he Is engaged In something stock raising. the very basis of our national prosperity. pros-perity. We're learning to keep the boys and girls on the farm. It is Interesting" Inter-esting" to ncrte that 82 per cent of the boys who have graduated from the agricultural departments of the high schools operating under the Smith-HijRhes Smith-HijRhes Act have stayed on the farm and are now enraged in farmin or "The old -axiom that "truth in advertising ad-vertising pays" is Just as potent today to-day as it ever was, in fact even more so. The day when a business could deviate from the straight truth regarding re-garding Its products or. its organization organiza-tion Is gone. The public knows too much about what is going on to be deceived by anything less than the plain truth. "If a business man or an organiza tion cannot be iair and truthful re- Western Elect , Reproducing, Eqajpo J0V6 PARAMOUNT FBI. & SAT.1 100 TaUdDg Mystery Thriler "STARK MAD" On The Vitaphont With All Star Cit in IP' 4 fhausua Starts SUN., Jnlja 100',', Talking - Dramatic Sensation! : ' "THE TfilALof I MARY DUGAP I with ', ' NORMA SHEARER LEWIS STONE H. B. WARNER WED. THUE., July 24, Si . Special Holiday j Program ' ; SEE and HEAB fcelWfl9d nl s. "til DUKE UX -.-.Eevne-" "NIGHT with Gsimrs Famous Saii fan lng t-ir education." want to r, .p lkM sd HlvitlEBav io nign positions, gttlnff - Jobs' Wftt .bftlta9d boa Witifni figures whlth VPttx Xhjg'MrlSti Orawil- il.i. ... ...... i v utir useiuines or .mat ename inenr-p, man a newer u.. - to start off in life fairly comfortably. "That is desirable, but, not at .the beginning of the game, Apprenjice-shlp Apprenjice-shlp Is the most valuable asset there is in any profession on any walk in life. Begin at the bottom and work up; that is one of the most certain roads to success. Jumping the ladder lad-der has proved to be the "longest short cut" there Is to the attainment of ambitions." Mr. Penney started In . as a clerk at a Balary which today would look like wages fora day. With him ft was wages " for a" month " He opened up his first storeon $500 cash and C note for $1500. Today the business of J. C. Penney Co., is at the rate of $200,000,000 a year. In his contact with the wealth ot ! i FBI SA5?.; July 26, JT .-'100 Talking "Dolores CosteDo in "THE RAG DOLL" with Ralph Gravel; On The VltaphoM THE TOWN DOCTOR --xatM .-ra.-af.The Doctor of Towns)- says OF MUCH Bl'SIXESS There Is a cigar store I know where they will give you back the amount ot your purchase if the cleric falls to Say, "Thank you.1 There was a string pf drug stores In Chicago that appeared to make It a habit of not saying, 'Thank you" they were forced to sell out at a loss. There Is nothing that grates on my nerves quite as much as to pay a check, a bill, or present legal tender In payment of purchase, and have the recipient of my money fail to express any' apprecIaUoiTfor the patronage extended. And there are millions of others just like me. One of the most successful mer cantile business concerns In the country has built Its business on the motto, "H Is only natural to trade where you are served best" - Some cash register-company might do good if they put a "Thank You" on their register,-like cuckoos on clocks. Why shouldn't the customer be .- One Quart Ice Cream for each MUTUAL CREAMERY ICE CREAM . PACKER and CAN. Help Us Collect Our Packers. Mutual Creamery Co. . American Fork |