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Show SATURDAY, JULY 20,1929 Color color television sow ross- IHLEt A. It AY OLHVS A5D 0. II. STILWLLL'S VOKK MAKE , THIS POSSIHLE . ; ' Through th work of A. Ray Olpln cud 0. R. Stilwell at the Boll Telephone Tele-phone Laboratories id New York, ' a new, kind of photo-electric cell has been, developed, which makes color television possible by their use.. Mr. Olpln is a native., of Pleasant Grove jv.an Olpln, daughter of President and C...U tl"V mwwwm Mrs. 8. I Chlpman of this city. . MorjLthaaJLKO years ago the . Bell Telephone Laboratories Remonstrated .a- practical system of television. - or the first time successful represents tions of objects at rest or Is motion v ere transmitted electrically over vires or through the ether for con Mnr&bli distances. The - reprodue tion of lie scene thea;iransmltted was In monochrome the orange-red velopmeuts of the laboratories, however, how-ever, have made It possible to reproduce repro-duce scenes with their true color values. The appearance or reality In the reproduced scene Is thus greatly enhanced. : To render the correct tone of colored color-ed objects, it was necessary to obtain r.Vntn1airla Mill Which WOUld M sensitive throughout the risible spec trura. This requirement has "Jeen Usfactorlly met Through Mr. 01-pln's 01-pln's and Mr. Stilwell's work this has been developed, which uses iodlum In piacef potassium. ..'It 1 the availability availa-bility of these cells which make color television possible. ",r Color television constitutes a.defi-nlte a.defi-nlte further Btep in the solution of the many problems presented in the electrical communication of Images It is, however, obviously more expensive expen-sive as well as more dllflcmlt that the earlier monochromatic form. Involving Involv-ing extra communication channels as well as additional apparatus. In the New York Times edition for Sunday, July 7, a ipage was devoted describing this new system which enables the radio to reproduce objects ob-jects in their natural hues. The article" was written by Dr. Herbert E, Ives, Television Research Engineer at the Bell Laboratories. A number of pictures were also used to illustrate illus-trate the devises used. When Mr. 01 Din was here on a visit juaft recently he epoke at a I union meeting on the work being done at the Laboratories. He stated that at that" time" It was not" possible to "detect the objects In color, but hoped it would not be long before lhl could be accomplished. ! Both ; Pleasant Grove and this tommurilty Join in 'extending congratulations con-gratulations to Mr. 0Tpin, and in wishing further suefcess to him and also to the other young men -from both communities who are there doing do-ing research work, v'; ; : 0 Community Church News The regular evening service of the Community Chureh-wlll be held Sunday, Sun-day, July 21, at 8 o'clock. The Paato: will speak.' ' Sunday School begins alt 10:20 a m. The regular international lesson will be discussed. i There will be a brief meeting at the close of .the evening service to talk over the plans for the annual Sunday School and church picnic. The young people of the church Journeyed to Payon last Wednesday evening for a lawn party given by the, Sprlngvlllo and Faysou Young People's societies. buy Genuine FORD PARTS i Don, jumble when you buy Fowl paw:- Gt k pnsviast- , J k mi ortrA nert frriffl vhih yoor car wt originally uem-bled. uem-bled. Then you are ture of aatif fiction. See ut for the big and little )obi and-for oiling and' creating. We'll keep your car like new. ' AMERICAN FORK MOTOR CO. American Fork, Utah Television Tennis Tournament Com-. Com-. mences Monday, July 22: Much Interest Manifested ' Under the direction of a special tennis committee consisting of Stanford Stan-ford Brlggs, Lee Eddy, Grant Inger soil, David Walker and Earl Holm-stead, Holm-stead, the American Fork City tennis tournament will get under war on 51ojidAjrJuly-22 Onlhia.data.Jthe. Senior mens' . championship - begins first round matches must be finished by Wednesday evening, July 24. Any-onoTTegardleBt Any-onoTTegardleBt of age or experience, who wishes to, enter this tournament must register with Stanford Brlggs by 10 o'clock Monday morning. Tour nament matches have right of way on the court at all hours of the day tin til the matches are finished. Thursday, July 25, the mens' Junior tournament beglnsTT- First round matches for this event must be finish ed by Saturday night, July 27. Juniors are Jo register with ' David Walker by 10 o'clock'. Wednesday evening, July 24. All boys under 18 years of age are eligible for the Junior class The ladles' matches commence Monday, July 29, arid first round matches are to be completed by the following; Wednesday evening. All girls Md' wiMftudeuHiBlc ' to . enter this first ladles championship tennis tournament are to' register " with Violet Vio-let Preston before Monday, July 29. The following referee have been obsignate to- act as officials flaring the tournament , These officials . are requested to report scores and winners win-ners to the committee Immediately after each match: Grant , Ingersoll,! Stanford Brlggs, Bernard . Walker, LaBelle Ingersoll, Earl Chadwick, Chris Scott, David .Walker and Lee Eddy, arbitrator. After the, singles tournament is completed, a double tournament will be run as follows: Mens' seniors, mens' juniors, ' womens and mixed doubles. - To stimulate interest In tennis an effort is being made to get "Buck" and "Sanky" Dixon of Provo to come to' American Tork and put on an exhibition ex-hibition match. These boys are the 1928 doubles title holders of the In-termountain In-termountain district and should well demonstrate the various strokes and positions of tennis. C0PEL0XD PRODUCTS INC. BE. PORT LARGE INCREASE IN EARNINGS! D. T. B. CO. EXCLUSIVE EXCLU-SIVE AGENCY. ..' Copeland Products, Inc., Detroit manufacturers of refrigerating systems sys-tems - reports net earnings for- the first five months of 1929 of $242,477.41 after taxes, depreciation and the sett ing aside of liberal reserves. This is an Increase of more than S3 per cent over the same period of 1928 and equivalent to $2.37 per share on the Company's "A" stock outstanding. May net amounted to $79,044.91. The Dixon-Taylor-Russell Co. has the " exclusive "agency for this Wcorp-ovation, Wcorp-ovation, and carry both the home and commercial lines. ; ' County Plans Exhibit In Coast Fair Utah County Fair Board Completes Arrangements For Display In Call fornia Diamond Jubilee. "Utah county will be 'represented in the California diamond Jubilee fair to be held at Sacramento, August 27, according to plans outlined at a meet ing of board of directors of the Utah county fair held at Provo chamber of commerce offices recently. Good Exhibit Assured Sufficient money has been appropriated appro-priated to give this county a good exhibit ex-hibit at the great California show it was explained. Samples of ore from TinUc Standard and JJorth Lily mines rroducts of Columbia Steel corpora tion and Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe company together with Hie other In-flltutions In-flltutions of thlaxamilx-jiUI-ba.jenl To'tlieTaIIfoirhIa"exlitbIt7 according to plans Howjinder waT- Salt Lake, Utah and Weber counties are sending exhibits in order that this state may be represented, according to John F. MenUcnliallT president of the Utah county fair board. i o- - 1 Mrs-N. A. Wing entertained at dinner Tuesday evening compliments ary to Mrs. Laura Hill of Kansas City." Covers were laid for the fol lowing guests besides the members of the Immediate family: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Klcholcs, 6Y of this city, Mrftand Mrs. Will Wing and daught. ers of Lehl' and Mr7"and" iMrs.- Norman Nor-man B. Wlrig of Provo. AMERICAN Friends Sse A Gr tec In Her y;i "Sargon brought back my health after four years of sickness and I think it is the most wonderful medicine' medi-cine' In the world. ; - MRS. F. 0. AKDERS05 ''i suffered almost constaatly from indigestion. ' Even the lightest sort of meal disagreed with., me. ' I was so nsrvons I Inst didn't know what it felt tired and listless. . ConsUpaMon annoyed mo almost all the time and my system wm fall of poison. I took medicine after medicine but never found anything that gave me real relterunul Tstarted.Sargo Sargon Soft Mass Pills. 'It Is marvelous how a new feel ing of strength and energy came over me right from the start Now lhe acid condition has been corrected in eat I fu si j, i ' X- "'.r'-J' J r- ' :.. " V" v" '. $ :' :: ' ' .', .V T lirTtftiftTtL '-''' i - I ; ; v vr .1 C le. becrrr it MymjTomcco Co. FORK CITIZEN t t anvthing I want, imnoi cervous any more and sleep like ; a child. My friends all remani ob u mock better I am looking. ,; ' "The pills rid me of consupauon. They also did the same thing for my onriiP-so I'm more' than ever convinced that Sargon Is a medicine of wonderful merit." .. Mrs. F- 0. Anderson, 2081 Boom University, Denver. Sargon may be obtained u Ameri ca Fork from the Wm. Thornton Drug Co. . . -- o- ' Mutual Dell Outings : Commence For Alpine Stake-August-8 Mutual Doll, the M. I. A. eummer rork canvoh' for TttpraeT TimiaBogoT-d hl stakes, officially opens 0 Aipine Stake August 8, with Alpine ward hading the list The- other two stakes have all participated and following fol-lowing the Highland ward outing, August 26, 7 and 28, the Dell will be then closed for the summer season. Thetotlowingr schedule represents the; exact flates for .the various wards in Alpine Stake:' Alpine August 8, 9 and. KL . , First ward August 12, 13 and 14. Second ward August 15, 16 and 17. Third ward August 19, 20 and 21. Fourth ward August 22, 23 and 24. Highland August 26, 27 and 28". . ; o - Mrs. Berdle Brumbaugh or ampa, Idaho7Ti"TiflItlignnCT horaeof her sister, Mrs. John Tlt- comb. Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, Victor Myers of this city and George' Myer 3 of Provo, attended the funeral services ser-vices of John A. Myers in Salt Lake City Thursday afternoon. Mr. Myers was killed in a train accident Monday evening. ' . . .on parade n rcs .V i a cigarette it's A IX CIGARETTE may be "something to smoke" but unless it is likewise "sQmething to taste," you're missing the full measure of smoking enjoyment! We put taste first, in the manufacture, of - -Chesterfield and in taste you'll find iheirpopu- tobaccos, mild, tender,- richrv ouhly blcndcudand xross-b;eii44H4ttafltrd Chesterfield method. Summed up in three words TASTE above everything" FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobacco,, not enly BLENDED but CROSSrBLENDED new?' ,: i, it I it L O - Jlrsf Ji. Bates, Reporter. . 'J .. ' . :- '-.v... , , ALriNE SE1VS C:'ii:' Mrs. I Bates, Reporter';'' ', Mr. and Mrs, Elry "Wild and baby of Ferron, are visiting with Mrs. Wild's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. A. $. Adams. '"Miss Margaretto Lundgreen of 8att Lake, Is the guest of 'her grandmother, grandmoth-er, Mrs. Christina Robertson. :! "The Bo6k of Mormon class with their teachers, Joseph I Bair and Mrs. P. O.panTeirWy5 to Saratoga Wednesday evening. i Tk nfflMM nnd teachers of the - Trtaary - organlzatiott with their part- ners and other couples as meir guesu motored . to' Saratoga Wednesday evening, where they enjoyed bathing and lunch. - . ; , Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bates, Mr. and ifts. Russell Dates - and, little daugWer;-nd-Mrs; Madelene Wilkin and . chlldren,:.m'otored to WaUsbnrg Wednesday afternoon, where' they vlBlted-,witb James Boyden an old friend, of the family. ' ' ' Miss Flora Deyey of Salt Lake, was the week-end guest of her slater, Mrs. Adln Brown. - Mr. and Mrs. J., Henry Beck and children left the first of the week tor Magna,-wherr-they-7Wlll make their home. Mr. Beck has been employed em-ployed there for the' past ""several months. :r-..,r? . July 24th wlll.be celebrated under the' "direction of the SumUy, SchooL A program will be given In the forenoon fore-noon and races and other sport will be enjoyed In the afternoon.' Let's everyone help make the celebration a success it's . TfaTint ihn;: PIP C M A P ' - " 1 . 6 Ji.:' KPpm .J:r; I ASTE sten SATTODAr.TTTT. Addressy Sydney B. ny Principal in Present at the tZu Re"et Society 1 meeUng he,d Bunia,!? He gave a brief 1 '" J. Wllliani Harrison of t also spoke. H ,lp " J and real act, ""biam eg rounded out program ! and development Musical number," congregatlon-slngiif Ye Saints" and , Tocai Elva,Chipmn01pa J J.-BrowD. Praye, 4 a Beck. .. " K Regular class work tu . In the various departmtt!li ment was also made troa John W. Pulley wu.. preeident and Belle it g counselor in th, era, , President a.E.TeiBlr the meeting and Pretidstt ' Greenwood was la diarn Clean 12.Qu2rsfcr Delivered To Tour Dos: :-" '-"Telephone mi American Tori Mac's Dai Mr |