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Show I EXPLOSION AT I CROCKETT HOME IJ Tho freezing of water pipes in the BB homo of Fred W. Crockett caused n, BB terrlllc explosion yestorday morning H Just ns tho family wcro preparing j to sit down to tho breakfast table. Bjftk Fortunately no ono was hurt. Tho JpP stovo wns blown to spllptcrs, parts Li. tbiown through the doors, petition HJ wall nnd out of tho window. A scut-SB scut-SB tie of coal -was pitched through the window. A wreck of tho kitchen was BJ mado. The cause of the explosion as J was stated, was duo to freezing of BJ water pipes and lighting of a flro Bo In tho stovo. Considerable time had BJ elapsed after the flro was started BJ beforo tho explosion occured. Break-Bf Break-Bf fast bad been cooked and tho family J had retired to tho dining room to H eat. Tho flro department mado a bur-H bur-H rlcd run to tho scene but no fire de- veloped from the explosion. |